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Myleene Klass has been warned by police that waving a knife at youths who had broken into her garden is illegal.


The 31-year-old presenter had been home alone with two-year-old daughter Ava when she saw the teenagers attempting to break into her garden shed through her kitchen window.


Myleene, who had been 'utterly terrified' according to her spokesperson, immediately called the police but quickly grabbed a kitchen knife to wave at the intruders in an attempt to scare them away.




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How dare she use a dangerous weapon. If she went outside and talked to them, maybe she could have reasoned with them. :/:yes: :yes:


Good old lefty, PC England.


It's time the Chief Constable was elected, they might serve the people they are paid to protect :good:



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My Brother in Law heard a noise in his garden so poked his head out of the window to find 2 blokes trying to break into his garage. They told him to get back in his house or else. This reflects the general balance of things these days when people can come on your property to help themselves and home owners cower indoors. Good on Myleene. She has spirit as well as good looks.

In a normal situation people would run off as soon as they were discovered for fear of the Law. Not in the UK in 2010.

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Dobes are fine with kids. Obviously like all dogs you need to keep and eye on them but they're not child eaters! A friend of mine has a few of them and her sisters little kids ride them like ponies. They love it.


As for UK law, what can we do? It's a joke but then what if the poor little thief was to get scared (or maybe even hurt) by Myleen? That would be unthinkable.


As for the thieves breaking into Voles BILs garage, well what can I say? If it was my garage they'd have got a clear warning that if they didn't **** off I'd be showing them a trick or two. Cower in the house my backside, I'd sooner get locked up!

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I had two yobs trying to breakin next door at 2am


Stuck my head out the front door ! DOH !!! slammed it shut rather promptly Rang local police (Not 999)


HOW MANY BLUE FLASHERS !! and an ARV ! in under 90 seconds


Got the little Beggers too


Bravo Kettering plod





Don't tell me... "Someones trying to break into my neighbours house and I think they have a gun!"? :oops:

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Many years ago a friend (who's a mechanic) and i were pulled over by the Police and they searched the boot of his car.They found a claw hammer then announced that it was an offensive weapon and he wasnt permitted to have it in the boot! My friend asked them whether his telescopic wheel brace constituted as an offensive weapon too,but they said no because it was a tool!


It took a lot for me to bite my tongue cause i could see two more stood infront of us... :oops:

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Thers more to this than meets the eye-under legal and health and safety regs she needed to avoid-1/spraining her wrist by using a potentially heavy knife 2/ RSI by over use of her shaking muscles 3/ burns from any cleaning chemicals used to clean said knife 4/the knife waved must have a blade less than 3" long to be legal 5/she must have been using the knife in relation to work 6/the knife should be clearly marked as being unsuitable for those under 17.I think she was very lucky to avoid a lenghty custodial sentance-people like her and people who do 34mph in a 30 limit are the criminal scum of the earth.

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Thers more to this than meets the eye-under legal and health and safety regs she needed to avoid-1/spraining her wrist by using a potentially heavy knife 2/ RSI by over use of her shaking muscles 3/ burns from any cleaning chemicals used to clean said knife 4/the knife waved must have a blade less than 3" long to be legal 5/she must have been using the knife in relation to work 6/the knife should be clearly marked as being unsuitable for those under 17.I think she was very lucky to avoid a lenghty custodial sentance-people like her and people who do 34mph in a 30 limit are the criminal scum of the earth.



This country seems to have had a catastrophic failure of common sense over the last 20 years or so.

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So, if her knife is an offensive weapon, she can expect to be prosecuted and serve 5 years in prison, can't she? :oops:


I was under the impression that picking up an item to hand to defend yourself is not illegal. Keeping a kniife to hand for that purpose is, as it shows intent.

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Offensive Weapons in a public place are illegal, but not on your own property. The law will also have to prove off weap (made/intended or adapted) so techically it is a sharply bladed/pointed artical but again it is on her own property, not a public place.


At the point she picked up the knife her life was not under threat so therefore she has forearmed herself.


Still seems strange all of this as yet again it is private property.



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i would like to offer my services to mylee.i would sleep on her bed as any faithful mutt would and guard her.i would even bark like a dog for her.

manchester police have asked the public not to call them unless it,s a life or death situation in the present weather conditions.and they requested this on regeonal telly.advert to all tea leaves, help youself.

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At the point she picked up the knife her life was not under threat so therefore she has forearmed herself.


Isn't the important part that she felt threatened and armed herself for protection when she became aware of the intruders? That's self defence. If she kept a knife specifically for that purpose, it would constitute an offensive weapon due to the intent.

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I think they should get what ever they get, but, if you bring a knife into a fight, depending on the person, if you dont know how to use it and are very scared on not very physically big..then the chances are it wont go in your favour, and could just make them batter you :unsure: ... :blush:


The best thing to do, would of been to do nothing and retreat, not worth dying over, because if you are trapped in there with them, you think they are going to let you going to use that knife?..you could do more harm than good drawing it..I would only act if I felt I had a reasonable chance in taking them, remember the only differance between bravery and stupidity is one of them lives :blush: , plenty of people that have a go are shot and stabbed as well :lol:



Edited by stevethevanman
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