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Why cant our MP's back this?


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Good question mate. I would be expected to remove a crash helmet or balaclave in a public place or in a Post Office, a Shop or a Filling Station so why should everyone not be asked to keep their face uncovered in similar circumstamces. I don't think this is racist nor is it anything to do with being for or against any particular religion, it's just common sense!

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France is a country of 62m people.


The BBC report states that, according to the French interior ministry, fewer than 2,000 women wear the full face veil.


Has the French parliament really got nothing better to do than to legislate for 0.00003% of her population? :oops:


I disagree with you BFG, our MPs should not back this. They should have much more productive things to do.


The balance as I see it is clear; you (me or anyone, quite irrespective of their beliefs) should only be required to expose any part of our body when asked with lawful good reason. Otherwise you should be quite entitled to keep it hidden.


To be honest, I'd be a lot happier sometimes if more men, women and children kept their bodies under wraps in this country. :oops:


This whole topic is a total waste of time and is useful only if the intention is to galvanise extremist Muslims, and fuel anti-Muslim prejudice.


I certain this will as much antagonises moderate Muslims as it does tolerant people of any and no faith. Myself included.




Lord "Disgusted of East Dulwich" Seagrave

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Good question mate. I would be expected to remove a crash helmet or balaclave in a public place or in a Post Office, a Shop or a Filling Station so why should everyone not be asked to keep their face uncovered in similar circumstamces. I don't think this is racist nor is it anything to do with being for or against any particular religion, it's just common sense!

i totally agree sir :good:

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France is a country of 62m people.



This whole topic is a total waste of time and is useful only if the intention is to galvanise extremist Muslims, and fuel anti-Muslim prejudice.


I certain this will as much antagonises moderate Muslims as it does tolerant people of any and no faith. Myself included.




Lord "Disgusted of East Dulwich" Seagrave



funny then that countries such as egypt, turkey and tunisa (who have a very very large muslim community are also to ban the burka)



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In a Western democracy there are great freedoms, for everyone. Including the freedom to leave if the culture doesn't suit.


The problem I have with that is when a western female goes over there she is expected to wear a veil of some sort...they call it respect.


So why don't they have some respect when in the western hemisphere, do they want to cause aggro :good:??


They then wonder why everyone is against them when these issues are raised, I just dont get it!

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France is a country of 62m people.


The BBC report states that, according to the French interior ministry, fewer than 2,000 women wear the full face veil.


Has the French parliament really got nothing better to do than to legislate for 0.00003% of her population? :oops:


I disagree with you BFG, our MPs should not back this. They should have much more productive things to do.


The balance as I see it is clear; you (me or anyone, quite irrespective of their beliefs) should only be required to expose any part of our body when asked with lawful good reason. Otherwise you should be quite entitled to keep it hidden.


To be honest, I'd be a lot happier sometimes if more men, women and children kept their bodies under wraps in this country. :oops:


This whole topic is a total waste of time and is useful only if the intention is to galvanise extremist Muslims, and fuel anti-Muslim prejudice.


I certain this will as much antagonises moderate Muslims as it does tolerant people of any and no faith. Myself included.





Lord "Disgusted of East Dulwich" Seagrave




Sorry Lord S but the terms wedge and thin end spring to mind.




Edited by Yellow Bear
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It seems to be the one thing the Labour government WON'T ban! :good:




not really in their interests is it you dont ban your core voters, even if it may not be the real Mcoy voting for you?



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It seems to be the one thing the Labour government WON'T ban! :good:




Spineless and scared :oops:


Why would you antagonize the muslim population now, when only last Friday, the terror watch was raised to severe?


Meaning that an attack is "highly likely"..not to clever?


Why dont we just throw petrol on an already hot topic?


But what really gets me angry is how muslims do what they want, being a Christian myself, it is hard to watch this countrys moral values land slide, after it was once a God fearing nation :no:


People are always making Jesus jokes and he is usualy depicted in some comical way on television :no:


But ONE artist makes a poor depiction of muhammad and they all riot :huh: ..threaten to blow up some buildings and launch a holy war?..and they say they are attacked :oops: ...and on top of that, try to say Islam is peaceful!!!



Edited by stevethevanman
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Good question mate. I would be expected to remove a crash helmet or balaclave in a public place or in a Post Office, a Shop or a Filling Station so why should everyone not be asked to keep their face uncovered in similar circumstamces. I don't think this is racist nor is it anything to do with being for or against any particular religion, it's just common sense!


Along those lines, do you know it is ILLEGAL to drive a car while wearing a crash helmet because it restricts your vision and impairs your hearing, yet the aperture in a crash helmet is MUCh larger than in a burka type veil

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funny then that countries such as egypt, turkey and tunisa (who have a very very large muslim community are also to ban the burka)




Then I level the same criticism at those countries. If men or women wear traditional or religious dress, they ought to be permitted. The one proviso is that it falls within the law, and that the law offer proportionate protection to all.


I do know that Sikhs, for instance, are permitted to carry a small dagger (Criminal Justice Act 1988 - section 139, and Offensive Weapons Act 1996 - section 3 and 4) for religious reasons. This seems far more outrageous to me, than anyone wishing to cover their face.


But I would hope that if a police officer or someone with lawful authority tells a Sikh to remove their dagger, they should have to do so.


You might cover your face when ####, or deer-stalking, or, as Frenchieboy wrote earlier, when riding your motorbike.


You might cover your face to hide disfigurement or scarring.


Should you be permitted to wear that same face covering when having your passport photo taken or having your identity verified at a border? I would argue that you should not, and the law should be there to compel you to remove it.


Under none of these circumstances does the request need to be intrinsically offensive, however uncomfortable it might make you feel at the time. Your discomfort should always be for as short a time as possible, and should always be proportionate to the need.


And that, to my mind, is where the balance lies.



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why do people want it banned so much? how does it affect you personally?

Personally if someone wants to wear it then I've no objections much on a live and let live basis. However there must be leeway so they don't have any exemptions at passport control etc Much of what is good about this country is our tollerance of other faiths and traditions now if we got it sorted that our way of life wasn't deemed to be under threat then much of the resistance to so called foreigners would go out the window

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This topic was removed to be cleaned up. Please keep the debate on topic and civil :yes:




I don't undrstand why discussions on this type of subject is banned what is the purpose?


Personally i see more reasons to ban than not, it is an insiduous invasion of our country.


The higher alert over terrorism is in part because they know that radicalised women are likely now to be bombers.

In addition one of the male bombers recently escaped justice by wearing a burkha.


A thread that I started recently was removed when I asked opinion about UKIPs reuest for a referendum on this matter, why?

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the latest threat were about western looking women so I'd not be too sure they're trying to hide bombs under Burkas


Good point.


On the subject of Sikhs carrying daggers, they don't carry real daggers, sometimes they may be in the form of a tie pin or something similar.

It is just symbolic.


The point of a referendum is so that the majority can hold sway over a minority which is the purest form of democracy. :yes:

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Then I level the same criticism at those countries. If men or women wear traditional or religious dress, they ought to be permitted. The one proviso is that it falls within the law, and that the law offer proportionate protection to all.






Flawed comment, Islam is not a culture or birthright it is nothing more than a belief so that rules out traditional dress? as for wearing it for religious purposes again flawed comment as the quran does not require the burka to be worn, the burka is required by MEN as a symbol of oppression to women simple as, an oppression you obviously condone, we in the western world whether the left amongst us like it or not, live in a liberalised unopressed 21st century, not a throwback to the 14th century and the burning of witches,


The burka has NO place in our society like they say when in Rome.



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