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Whats the strangest meat or fish


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I've had alligator a couple of times, horse once, something that I swear was dog in Viet Nam, and ostrich several times. But, given that there is an ostrich farm down the road from us, that's not so unusual.


I think the strangest food has to be out of MoD ration packs though. Zapp, Lefty et al... Do you guys remember the tinned cheese you got in the 10 man ration packs? very odd stuff.


You mean in (in)famous "Cheese Posessed". Foul stuff, though a mate of mine couldnt get enough of it. You also used to get the frankfurters in the 10 man pack that came out of the tin encased in a sabot of fat.


Even worse than cheese posessed though was when they did away with the tins of meat paste that went with your biscuits brown and replaced it with a little pot of Primula that always had a layer of green grease floating on top.


Ahh rat packs. Melted rolos and yorkie bars covered in a wierd white powder anyone?



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Buzzard :yp:












Seriously would love to try horse though, sounds good


Just remembered, I had some goat meat from a 7 year old Billy - Never, ever again!

:bye2::angry: :angry: :yes::hmm::sick: :sick:

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I think the strangest food has to be out of MoD ration packs though. Zapp, Lefty et al... Do you guys remember the tinned cheese you got in the 10 man ration packs? very odd stuff.


Processed Cheese, or Cheese Possessed. Hated it. Full of little crunchy, gritty pieces. Gopping stuff. We're currently being spoiled with a massive range of curries, pasta's, vegetarian and Halal options these days. I still pine for the old tinned Menu A with chicken curry.

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Daddy Long Legs as a bet to get cash for more beer. It was caught in the gents bogs. Got £8 but Stella was 54p a pint.

Regularly ate camel mince in my chillis when working in Saudi. Tasty and cheap. Smelt funny till you added the spices.

Bombay Duck,hard to get now but chaps of a certain age will have had this with their curry. Loved it. Made your pee smell next day.

Tried sheeps eyes in Egypt. A few of those would see you through the week.

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ate dog once in gabon from a roadside bbq n monkey... the dog was sooo good!! i was mortified as i ate it but omg it was so juicy n red n succulent...now i eye up poor fargo.


worst thing was a conch belly raw after being goaded by the boat captain ,it took 4-5 attempt to swallow... everytime it went down it launched a bid for freedom back into my mouth. i can only say it was like a used condom filled with green tramp bile! after when i asked the captain if these are a local delicacy he said "oh god no! didnt you taste that thing?? we just get tourists to eat them,,oh n by the way its best you dont get too far from a toilet for the next day or two!" then they all fell about laughing :bye2:


he was right!!!!

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Worked on a Wild Boar farm years ago in the early nineties and they sold exotic meats so tried them all.

Kangaroo, tastes like beef really.

Bison, is beef.

Alligator, tastes like monk fish slightly.

Locust, deep fried like chips ,tastes a little like prawns but very crispy =£5 for just two, in the early 90s.

Ostrich, Smoked, the best tasting meat I have ever had, very expensive but fantastic. :oops:

Peacock, nice.

Guinea fowl, not keen on, weird.

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Used to eat in Carnivores when i used to live in Kenya... Christ knows what we used to eat after drinking Tusker all day!!



I have eaton there many times, used to enjoy it when they came around with the big skewers with zebra, croc. giraffe etc and just carve a lump onto your plate.. good disco there though. lots of good times at that joint

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