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Join me in sending - Get well soon buddy


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PH5172 is in hospital and needing some support. He has had his appendix out but recovering badly (or just whinging a lot! lol)


He went in last Friday and is not due out until later this week, so he is a bit bored etc.


I am sure he would appreciate any comments you might like to post up here. :lol:

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Want to go home? Bet you do. The trick is to fool them (morning doctor rounds) that you are fine fit and well, big cheerie smile. Good morning good morning good morning-now can I go?

Better to be sore at home than in the pen. Try it tomorrow morning, they will boot you out next day. :lol:

Get well soon.

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Want to go home? Bet you do. The trick is to fool them (morning doctor rounds) that you are fine fit and well, big cheerie smile. Good morning good morning good morning-now can I go?

Better to be sore at home than in the pen. Try it tomorrow morning, they will boot you out next day. :shifty:

Get well soon.


Touch wood not been in hospital much but (apart from flesh eating bugs) isn't it better to be in hospital until they properly discharge you and not to fool them into letting you go early in case you're not well enough to be going home? Just wondering?

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Get well soon :shifty:

Been there seen that got the scar and no more appendix. The operation is a cracker without it this condition can be really serious.

So a bit of advice, take the pain and get well soon, because in the long run you'll be very gratefull. :ermm:

A bit brutal perhaps, but boy am i glad i listened to what i was told so get some good reading material (shooting mags preferably!) and plenty of rest.

Tight Lines


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Oi PH5172!!! stop ure bloody whinging and get out of bed, appendix? pha!! I had both legs removed and a double heart transplant, plusIi went blind overnight, still manage to get up the next days work as a lollipop man, get some nuts!!!!!!!!!!!!!! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrahhhhhhhhhhhhh. :ermm:


BB. :shifty:

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PH5172 is out of the MRSA Hot Zone!!!


17 Hours after surgery, 1 Choking on Vomit incident, 3 projectile vomit bed changes, a drama with a Morphine Auto Injector.....and managed to walk to the car.... see no one is as quick as me (ask the Mrs!!??)


I am now one appendix lighter, which looks like it was in tip top condition, never seen better, but it went anyway.



so i now have a groovy 6'' scar complete with internal stithes and en extra belly button, that appears to be leaking **** all the time and a nice thing about the size of a large peanut to proudly display (until the mrs cans it in the bin) and an appointment with another specialist next week.


So next time i say to Mrs PH that it feels like i have someone trying to push their way out of my abdomen i may only have to sit through a concert till half time and only have just a starter at dinner afterwards!!! (only kidding Mrs PH i know it was my idea!!)

Edited by ph5172
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