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FAC shotgun?

Mr Majyk

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ok, so i got my shotgun licence a few months ago and ive been having ALOT of fun and i was reading about semi-autos and personally i dont see the point of just one extra shot, (no offense intended to those who do use them.) so i was wandering whats the law say to FAC shotguns?

if i were to apply for an FAC shotgun just for a say, 8 shot 12 gauge semi-automatic. but no rifle etc?


what do you think theyd say? would it be easy to get the licence for just that shotgun as a coterminus?

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You'd need to convince the FLO that you have good reason to own one... Like LOTS of pigeon or rabbits.


I have a Beretta 391 2+1 on SGC, and it's easy enough to load the magazine whilst the gun is shouldered. Never had a need for more than the 3 at any one time tbh.

Thats wrong :good: as you need to say ''i need one for shooting rooks'' as my mate's FLO said shooting pigeons you don't need more than 3 shots. :yes:

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ok, so i got my shotgun licence a few months ago and ive been having ALOT of fun and i was reading about semi-autos and personally i dont see the point of just one extra shot, (no offense intended to those who do use them.) so i was wandering whats the law say to FAC shotguns?

if i were to apply for an FAC shotgun just for a say, 8 shot 12 gauge semi-automatic. but no rifle etc?


what do you think theyd say? would it be easy to get the licence for just that shotgun as a coterminus?



What do you want eight shots for? You shooting rabbits or going to war?

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You'd need to convince the FLO that you have good reason to own one... Like LOTS of pigeon or rabbits.


I have a Beretta 391 2+1 on SGC, and it's easy enough to load the magazine whilst the gun is shouldered. Never had a need for more than the 3 at any one time tbh.



Thats wrong :good: as you need to say ''i need one for shooting rooks'' as my mate's FLO said shooting pigeons you don't need more than 3 shots. :yes:



It isn't wrong, it just doesn't sit well with your mates FEO. :hmm:


If you can justify a FAC shotgun then you can have one.


You will find them expensive to buy and poor to trade, and I have never found the need, but others have.



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Cos it's fun innit. I've always thought that's what semis were designed for in the first place, as it's only recently they have been restricted to 3 shots on SGC.


Yes kinda cos its fun! 8 shot was only a random number i came up with. but what would be a good reason for fac shotgun gimme some examples? one of my permissions is INFESTED with rabbits im having a **** loada fun trying to keep the numbers down! would that be a good reason?

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Thats wrong :good: as you need to say ''i need one for shooting rooks'' as my mate's FLO said shooting pigeons you don't need more than 3 shots. :yes:


That does sit better, just say 'corvid control'


What do you want eight shots for? You shooting rabbits or going to war?


Don't mention rabbits off the back of trucks either as that does'nt sit well


I was told by my FLO that they are virtually impossible to get in Kent, as its very difficult to prove a need for one.


I suspect it varies from County to County.


I am surprised at that, but as you say each force varies.


To be honest the best dusting an FAC auto can get is on vermin days at the end of the season for wrecking a few dreys. As for an honest opinion, heavy when loaded and not ideal for balance, never buy an upmarket semi on FAC as you lose loads of dough on resale as few want them and finally but not least they have very limited use due to restrictions for what they can be used for.

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Well if i were to get the fac for shotgun then id spend the time looking for the one which i think is just right before buying as im the sorta person who buys something with no real intention of re-sailing it. so im not really worried about re-sale value.

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Its silly really because if you were going to go off the rails you could do virtually as much damage with a 3 shot as you would with a 5 shot. You would have to reload a bit more often thats all. Yet the thinking seems to be that the world is a much safer place and we can all sleep more soundly knowing that you only have three shots in your gun instead of five.


Its like the ammunition limits on FACs, if you were a terrorist or some kind of lurking psycopath you would simply ignore it and who is to know? But the rest of us have to put up with only buying small quantities at a time which is a real PIA at times when you have to drive miles and can only buy it face to face.

Edited by Vince Green
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It isn't wrong, it just doesn't sit well with your mates FEO. :hmm:


If you can justify a FAC shotgun then you can have one.


You will find them expensive to buy and poor to trade, and I have never found the need, but others have.




Only going of WEST MERCIA POLICE :yes:

what exactly is practical shotgun?


Why would you need more shots for rooks? Because they fly about in large numbers?


I've seen flocks of pigeon up here numbering several hundred...

Only going of WEST MERCIA POLICE :good:

Edited by jollysp2
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When I applied for an FAC shotgun, I was told by my FEO to state, 'crop protection' as the reason to aqquire one. I use an 8 shot, but have never fired the 8 off in one go, apart from trying it out. I wanted it for when the crows/jackdaws flock into my decoys/flapper/floaters. Years ago, using a Lanber O/U, I shot 128 crows/jackdaws in under 3 hours. I couldn't load the shotgun quick emough, and if I had the 8 shot with me, I know I could have possibly doubled th number that I shot.

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A target discipline designed almost specifically for Section 1 Shotguns. Just remember to get vermin as a condition too!


wooooop! just found a video for this and that looks like so much fun! and the video was made here on my little isle of wight! gotta look more into this! thankyou!!! :yp: :look: :D

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"I was told by my FLO that they are virtually impossible to get in Kent, as its very difficult to prove a need for one.


I suspect it varies from County to County. "


If you're trying to get a FAC shotgun for hunting then it is very difficult, since you have to state on your ticket something like: Massive vermin problem, however, why don't you just start doing practical shotgun like I do. I live in kent and I have an FAC shotgun.

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