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More importantly than that, who is the flowery liberal?


And the 4 who couldn't be bothered. Shame on you all.

Hi, Well, I'm one of them! This is supposed to be a democracy, but in reality I didn't have a choice. Obviously, Labour is out of the question. The Tory is a right smarmy **** who fiddled his expenses big time. Ukip would have been my choice of party but the candidate is straight out of the armed forces with (admitted) no previous political interest, ie, looking for a job. Green, well I'm colour blind. So in the end I voted hoping for a hung parliament so there's another election soon and the monster raving loonies put up a candidate in my constituancy (going to nominate Jasper 3!).


PS Of course, it's all a joke really, the country is not going to the dogs, it's already there.

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If Liebour get in again I will be straight on the phone to BASC in the morning to cancel my membership. That will be the last glass of Pimm's they have on me if they can't fix this election properly.



couldnt agree more if BASC can not sort this election out I will not join them again four times as I did last year, come on DAVID its time you got the country sorted and said what you were going to do. :good:

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I wondered how long it would take someone to work it out: 4 mins, well done alexr. :lol:

Tight Lines



ps Stole my thunder a bit there alexr i had some amusing clues lined up. LOL :hmm::good:

Edited by Aled
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I have a bad feeling that the tory party is going to get in, and this poll is a very strong indicator of that, but I hope people on here are voting for a party that they think will help the country and not on the promise that they (tory p\rty) will do something for hunting and shooters.


Everyone has their own opinions formed partly by previous experiences, and mine would suggest that the tory party will be a disaster for the uk as a whole and moreso for N.Ireland. I feel that Labour would be in a better position to get teh country going again. Our politicians over here are still trying to play the same old games, but we as a people need good leadership and sadly are dependant on westminister for that and if tories get in well it will be time to leave the country if you are young enough.


Over here we vote early and often, so don't worry ozzy your vote has been cast... :good: well done mayfly



It was bloomin labour that got us into this position in the first place!!!


When teflon tony took power labour took over a prosperous country that had become fed up with the tories, if only they knew then what they know now...


Each time labour have come in they have destroyed this country and will continue to do so if re-elected



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The labour supporters asked me on the way out if I had supported them.

My reply was "Not on your nelly, The sooner the unelected one eyed jock leaves no.10 the better off the country will be" The two ladies with Blue rosettes standing next to them were weeing themselves with laughter.


Really? All i saw at my polling station was the two old farts taking my card while they warmed up next to a 4 bar heater. :lol:


ME, al4x and Markio its nice to finally have you on board, but do you realise by not voting before its all your fault that we have labour in!...yes all three of you, its all your fault :good:




Well apparently you don't have the right to moan if you didn't vote, well i love a good moan me! :hmm:

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Did the Tory thing, to get rid of the unelected Jock.


Not that I'm a fan of Cameron :good:


"Nothing I like more than a pint and a game of darts" :lol::hmm::D:no: :no: :lol:


******* **** :lol: He wouldn't know what to do with a dart if it hit him between the eyes. Not sure he'd know what to do with a pint either.


Still, better than the repellant envious green-eyed socialist sheeeytehawks :lol:

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I'll be passing by the booth shortly. I am voting for change :good: But if the responses to the BASC email I sent were the only thing I cared about then perversely it would be the Green Party. My Conservative MP responded but chose not to answer the question directly - see! a proper MP :hmm:


Better dead than red (and all that), and as for the rest :D


Just wish they'd put William Hague in as their leader, now that would be summit :lol:

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Although I did not want to vote the top three, I decided to vote Conservatives. But if they cant do the job they say they will it will be UKIP next round. I am expecting them to go wrong at some point but I will give them a chance.

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