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Wasps nest in the lawn

Paddy Galore!

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As has been said, all you need is ant powder put down the hole in the evening. It could even


be two nests if the entrances are four feet apart as the nests aren't that big yet. Powder is the


safe option just not as fun as petrol.

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Guest topshot_2k
leave a running rotary mower over the top of holes and see if it sucks em up would be funny to watch if anything :lol:


just make sure it has enough petrol for the job :P

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Guest topshot_2k
Did think about using the vacuum, just dont fancy emptying it after.

I can buy gunpowder on an fac can't i ?


:lol: awaits thread 'Need to repair big hole in lawn'

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I got rid of one in the lawn once by pouring (a lot) of petrol down it and torching it. Watch out when you light it though, It goes up like a volcano :P


I was amazed how long it burned for. There were hundreds of wasps that were "out and about" when I lit it, and they gradually came back and flew straight into the flames :D


It got rid of them :lol:

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When my kids crashed a bike into the hedge last summer they hit a lovely underground wasps nest & got thoroughly stung. I had some foaming wasp nest killer stuff which I sprayed into the entrance after dark, a couple of nights on the trot & they all succumbed peacefully. I'm sure plain old ant powder would do just as well though.


That is not to say fire would not have been more satisfying... but I would have set fire to the public hedge, which would not have been good for my FAC/SGC !

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The Doff foaming wasp killer is supposed to be very good, also if you're reduced to a coward with any insect that's black and yellow (like me :blink: ), it's great due to the fact that you can fire it from up to ten feet away reducing the risk of their attention :good:


This is the stuff...

Doff foaming wasp nest killer



We had one in the ground under the hedge, i waited for night time and emptied a kettle full of boiling water down it, the next day there was a few but no where near as many and in winter, i hammered the hole into just a depression in the ground with a slege hammer :lol:

Never saw a single one the next year :D



John :)

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Stop being such a woman about it.


1. Roll up some newspaper and put petrol on it.

2. Pour petrol down the hole.

3. Get crazy Spaniard to light the rolled up newspaper inside his jacket like a fag as it was windy.

4. Get crazy Spaniard to hand you the burning beacon while he retreats.

5. Thrust the burning beacon at the hole meaningfully and with clear intent.

6. Enjoy the ground rumbling slightly as there is a small explosion underground.

7. Run.



FM :blink:

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I had some fun with one of these a few weeks back. I used wasp nest killer, sort of foam spray, worked a trick.


I think from memory when I read up on them its the common wasp that nests in the ground. Somewhat smaller than the European or 'German' wasp that like to nest up trees. Nasty little critters either way.


Hope you get it sorted

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speaking from recent experience (ie last night :blink:) if possible burn them out. theyd built a hive in my lawn near a brick wall, destroyed the hive with lots of warm water on monday but they were trying to rebuild last night, so one newspaper and one bottle of white spirits later = problem sorted :good:

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Guest gloker
I had some fun with one of these a few weeks back. I used wasp nest killer, sort of foam spray, worked a trick.


I think from memory when I read up on them its the common wasp that nests in the ground. Somewhat smaller than the European or 'German' wasp that like to nest up trees. Nasty little critters either way.


Hope you get it sorted


ZE Germans? might have known they would have something to do with it!

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Well for a change I'm going to be the grown up here. The best plan if your ant killer doesn't work is to mix up a watering can full of water with lots of washing up liquid in it. Shove a funnel in the hole (evening is best because they're quiet then) and pour all the soapy water in. The soap coats the wasp and stops it from breathing, the queen will die and the nest will be finished.


Of course if that's a bit boring for you we could go the powder route. Should I make one for you? How far do you want to go? Small hole? Maybe big hole? No garden left? Empty plot of ground where a house used to be? Any of these options will move the wasps on! :blink:

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We had a underground wasps nest in the middle of one of our drives last season...


Quite a big looking thing with lots of activity around the hole.


Problem was, one of beaters stuck his flag down it which stired them up a bit - although I did laugh when one of our pw mods got stung by one on his head, whilst trying to make the safety of the beaters waggon :blink:

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