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Please read the below email which I received today:


"I'm sure most of you have done your bit by voting for hunting as the ultimate icon of Britishness, but if not please click on the link below and help us win!


Hunting didn't even get a mention in this pole originally, but now look where we have got to in the line up - no 3!! Let's make a real effort to win this and give hunting just the sort of well-aimed exposure it deserves on the television!




Thank you for your support.

Yours aye,




P.S. A little bird told me that the LACS had to foot a bill for £10,000 in postage after receiving thousands of our old H&Hs, telephone directories etc! - Good work by the Felix Army!"







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I quite liked this comment by George Earle:


Whilst agreeing with all comments so far (with one obvious exception!), I would add that foxhunting's status as an icon of England is further confirmed by this Government's determination to ban it. National symbols and institutions are unwanted in the UK they are preparing for integration into the EU Superstate! When the ban is repealed Britain will be on its way to independence again.

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