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Legallity of shooting big cat

Dustem Dave

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Yes I would shoot one as they'd be more of a danger to people and livestock if left to roam around!I think you'd be thanked,saying that some muppet out there would have go at you for shooting an animal that your not supposed to shoot! Put it this way if I feel if I'm in any danger he's having it!!

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Dont quote me but I thought I read in one of the shooting mags they were offering £1000 for the story & pics to someone who shoots a big cat,think it was sporting rifle




Im sure u could add at least a 0 to that figure!!!

I know people who claim to have shot more than 1 and are quite open about it. Lost of pics of damaged carcasses and footprints etc but none of a cat :hmm:

Interesting tho!


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If people will pay huge sums to hunt big cats, (like in SA with bred and released Lions), then you may be onto something :hmm:

Been there couple times since foxing and ain,t seen them though apparently one was seen a week ago crossing a road but that was a fair way from where i saw them but they recon they roam a large territory, there's a lot less foxes there now compared to what there used to be, don't know if they kill foxes

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To the Orignal OP So not one but TWO BIG CATS??????? 80yrds 120yrds througha scope with a Lamp. What Colour was these Visions??????? Species??????? If you have a Open F.A.C the wording you SHOULD have it you WOULD be covered. Have to say With ALL this BIG CAT talk if it was safe an a 100% ID i would have been a Hero.Some years back i know of TWO LYNX shot but they had just escaped from a Wildlife Centre 12-24hr previous. Still find it hard to believe what you saw though????????

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To the Orignal OP So not one but TWO BIG CATS??????? 80yrds 120yrds througha scope with a Lamp. What Colour was these Visions??????? Species??????? If you have a Open F.A.C the wording you SHOULD have it you WOULD be covered. Have to say With ALL this BIG CAT talk if it was safe an a 100% ID i would have been a Hero.Some years back i know of TWO LYNX shot but they had just escaped from a Wildlife Centre 12-24hr previous. Still find it hard to believe what you saw though????????




I dont know many who wouldn't of taken the chance :yes:

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My biggesr fear with the whole issue is somebody just 'having a go' when they've got 30g of 6 up the barrel, or even worse, one of the '28g of 7.5 will kill anything if you put it in the right place' brigade.


The only thing worse than a non-indiginous big cat in the British countryside (which would normally avoid human contact) is a hungry, wounded one with a few pellets in its side and up its backside making it resort to easier prey than normal. For example a small child, dogs or livestock. Nor would I want the task of tracking one in thick bracken or brambles that's just taken a hit and done the offski.


By all means empty the contents of your gun into it and save a shot or two back for just before it jumps and mauls you if you get charged. However that simply won't happen anyway unless it's cornered or injured.



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Pockets of 'big' cats have been found all over the UK. I find it entirely understandable that Lynx etc could survive in the wild in the UK.

Tons of evidence too. :yes:



I remain very skeptical about tales as outlined by the OP.


All sorts of reports of farm animals being mysteriously killed but where are all the bodies of dead Big Cats. :hmm:


My skeptical nature no doubt, dodgy, blurred, perspective pictures of cats and unexplained wounds on farm animals don't do it for me, and golden opportunities of a Big Cat in the sights going begging simply leave me even more bemused.


Hey Ho, I would be very pleased to be proved wrong, someone please shoot one next time and post the pictures. You will get nothing but praise from the authorities for removing a wild, dangerous non indigenous species! :good:



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To the Orignal OP So not one but TWO BIG CATS??????? 80yrds 120yrds througha scope with a Lamp. What Colour was these Visions??????? Species??????? If you have a Open F.A.C the wording you SHOULD have it you WOULD be covered. Have to say With ALL this BIG CAT talk if it was safe an a 100% ID i would have been a Hero.Some years back i know of TWO LYNX shot but they had just escaped from a Wildlife Centre 12-24hr previous. Still find it hard to believe what you saw though????????

Both black ! first one couldn't really believe what it was at first, my mate who's shot as long as me and was kneeling next to me with the lamp and said what the hells that i said dont know looks like a big cat it was facing me then turned sideways where i could see it's long tail and body went over a fallen tree and was gone into a wood,the second wasn't a safe shot on a browe of hill in a gateway, If the first one had been a fox it would have been dead, i can get a shot off pretty quick, it was just the shock and uncertainty at first.

like i said i've never believed myself,as i can never work out how we never see them when we're driving woods with gun packs (unless they go up tree's) though we've never done the woods where i saw them,even the farmers say they don't tell anyone as people don't believe them i've got no reason to lie was just asking if it was legal

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ive got a ' shoot animals for the protection of humans and other animals' condition on all my rifles and vermin on them all too.


i dont know what the police would say though



I think you'll find that condition relates to the expanding ammo part of your ticket and not the rifles them selves.

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If i were to see one of those whilst out lamping,that would be the last time i ever get out of the truck,they have been seen about 8 miles away though :blink:

If i were you i would speak to my feo,bag it and get the best deal with the papers you can,if you know where its been get some pics of prints/kills and fur,ring that kingdom bloke he know who to get a deal with :lol: for maximum publicity :yes:

On same subject,i remember a post about 3 lads on a golf course and one had been followed by a big cat,that was a hilairious read,cannot remember if it was on here though :hmm:

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If i were to see one of those whilst out lamping,that would be the last time i ever get out of the truck,they have been seen about 8 miles away though :blink:

If i were you i would speak to my feo,bag it and get the best deal with the papers you can,if you know where its been get some pics of prints/kills and fur,ring that kingdom bloke he know who to get a deal with :lol: for maximum publicity :yes:

On same subject,i remember a post about 3 lads on a golf course and one had been followed by a big cat,that was a hilairious read,cannot remember if it was on here though :hmm:



thats right, it was on here, they were going back and going to post about it,, anybody know if it did ever happen?

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Suppose if the police openly said shoot big cats everybody would be unloading whatever lead they had up there at the time at anything which looked black and cat like whether it be a neighbours black lab or some idiot in a black burglar outfit. 'I thought it was a big cat' excuse would be all too common :hmm:

If i had a calliber worth having a go with (probably .243 or simmular) yeah sure i would! :yes: Would take some pics then get somebody to witness body so people dont say its fake. Then bury it so if it came to something seriouse i could deny it :yes: but still have the photos to sell to the highest bidder :good:

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Just to add to my earlier,a friend swears he saw a puma on exmoor,and I once came face to face with a lynx,or bobcat whichever is the best discription,I was helping out on a farm at wrington in north somerset,on wrington hill,it appeared 3-5 meters from me,we made eye contact,it turned and moved off as silently as it appeared. It was not huge like a lab,but nowhere near as small as a domestic cat,it had tufts on the points of its ears,it was a nice moment,no time to take a photo. So cats are about,and no I've never seen it since.

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....... said never really bothered him till he had a baby and left it on the lawn in cot both farmers said shoot them.


That's the bit I like. My two are all grown up now - but I remember when we used to leave the cot out on the lawn. But there were no large monster cats then and the kids were safe all night long. :P



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