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Any jewellers on here?


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I am guessing that a pair of solitaire diamond ear rings are much of a muchness (save for the metal used and the cut / clarity of the diamond).


So then, what's the ball park valuation spread for a set of 1 carat solitaire diamond ear rings:-


a. new from a High street jeweller or

b. second hand from a high street jeweller.


Cheers all.

Edited by Mungler
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That sounds like an expensive apology!!



Or a client who can't pay his acount. :hmm:



The value would depend on the cut and clarity of the stones. Best have them looked at by someone who knows what he's doing.

The wife won't be happy with industrial grade diamonds hanging off her ears :lol:

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Price depends on the Clarity Colour and Cut.

For a 1 crt you are looking from 2k (bottom of the scale) up to about 5k (top end)


Depends on what setting you are having and in what metal as to what colour you can get away with




I looked at getting a pair for Mrs H for Christmas last year and baulked at the price tag. Any other day of the year I'd buy them for her but not just because of a christian festival and pressure from retailers saying I have to get her something expensive. I ended up getting her a couple of CD's from the dog, a calender with puppies on it, a bottle of perfume, some jelly babies for her sweetie pot and Nigella's latest book (only so I can ogle her anytime I wish now).


To be honest Mung, you could have a look at Carat ( http://shopping.carat.cc/web/en/home?gclid=COPVqInn8KYCFQ8f4Qod-0JEHA ). They have a shop in Bluewater. Diamonds, essentially, but without the price tag. Aparently the only differences are these aren't dug out of the ground and haven't taken millions of years to form.

Edited by Doc Holliday
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Mungler I took the wife to Antwerp , there is a large Jewish community selling diamonds , bought her a one carat diamond ring , cost me $3.500 dollars from "The diamond house" I think I got a really good deal , I don't think buying from the high street is value for money , if your Mrs knows her diamonds then a poor cut an poor quality wont cut the mustard , but if she wants the best and I mean the very best then a trip across into belgium could be on the cards , my Mrs has had the ring for five years now and she still loves the way it sparkles , she is very happy we went for quality , :)

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Mungler I took the wife to Antwerp , there is a large Jewish community selling diamonds , bought her a one carat diamond ring , cost me $3.500 dollars from "The diamond house" I think I got a really good deal , I don't think buying from the high street is value for money , if your Mrs knows her diamonds then a poor cut an poor quality wont cut the mustard , but if she wants the best and I mean the very best then a trip across into belgium could be on the cards , my Mrs has had the ring for five years now and she still loves the way it sparkles , she is very happy we went for quality , :)



Or Amsterdam, that has a big diamond business plus there are various other distractions for a gentleman of taste.

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I would definitely try Israeli Diamonds (PM me for link), I've used them a couple of times and can't fault the service or the quality, I was a bit worried about buying diamonds on internet and sending large amount of cash but honestly no problems whatsoever.


You'll probably save about 40% of Uk high street prices.

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