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London protest


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anyone attending it i hear the organisers are looking for 1.million people to attend and march into London Saturday the 26th this will be interesting as they are organising a secret end of day rush only to be disclosed on the day where and who they decend on .bet there is a few masked rowdys there to knick it off for sure make interesting TV anyway .


edited date was wrong wouldnt want anyone to miss it

Edited by bignoel
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Well good for the protestors,


Maybe they will be having a whip round to raise the money that the labour party squandered so these cut backs won't be needed?


If the half baked idiots who ever voted labour had an ounce of savvy they would realise that thses cuts are the only way to stop this country going bankrupt. It is about time the labour party realised you cannot spend your way out of debt.


However much you don't like these cuts don't blame the current government, blame the last one.

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I'd go on a ful protest but i can't afford the fuel.....

This post sums up the 'moan n groan but do nothing' attitude of us Brits: I will fight for revolution and demand changes....oh wait, it might rain or be a tad chilly, lets put it off till next week! :blink: :lol:

We need a protest that EVERYONE knows about, and for everyone to attend a mass rally, not just a few hundred driving slowly up a bit of motorway....as the song says, This is the time, the time for ACTION! (Or, I predict a riot, depends on your point of view!) :good:

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It made me laugh that the cops had to adopt a softly softly approach with the 'anarchist' student riots which saw large scale vandalism, attempted murder, defacement of war memorials and generally bad behaviour, yet the last time the CA marched in london about the hunting ban it was a very peaceful demonstration. There wasnt so much as a starbucks cup left on the floor afterwards yet there were folk walking round with the faces stoved in by riot police!


I'd have liked to have seen the law steam in to the Anarchist and give them a good old fashioned bashing. They could justify it by saying they were embracing anarchy.

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If the half baked idiots who ever voted labour had an ounce of savvy they would realise that thses cuts are the only way to stop this country going bankrupt. It is about time the labour party realised you cannot spend your way out of debt.


However much you don't like these cuts don't blame the current government, blame the last one.



+1 :good:

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They are expecting how many ??? 1,000000 thats going to be a laugh, and how many people actualy knew it was taking place ???



well i suppose there will be big signs in the job centers and in the local prayer meeting places so that should get a few :lol:

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I'd go on a ful protest but i can't afford the fuel.....

This post sums up the 'moan n groan but do nothing' attitude of us Brits: I will fight for revolution and demand changes....oh wait, it might rain or be a tad chilly, lets put it off till next week! :blink: :lol:

So you actually think destroying hundreds of thousands of pounds of property and chucking the odd fire extinguster off a roof for example really changes the minds of those who matter :hmm:

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They are expecting how many ??? 1,000000 thats going to be a laugh, and how many people actualy knew it was taking place ???



well i suppose there will be big signs in the job centers and in the local prayer meeting places so that should get a few :lol:



i think a lot of unions are involved getting people to go..

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Really ****** me off all this protesting about cut backs what the **** do they expect to happen, we haven't got any money to suddenly re-introduce labour style spending and in fact the cost of dealing with this protest is money we haven't got spare.




Imagine the financial horror if Labour had got in power again and tried to spend their way out of this mess??? And now when the coalition steps in to sort it out the morons are all about protesting. Suck it up we have to deal with this mess.

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It made me laugh that the cops had to adopt a softly softly approach with the 'anarchist' student riots which saw large scale vandalism, attempted murder, defacement of war memorials and generally bad behaviour, yet the last time the CA marched in london about the hunting ban it was a very peaceful demonstration. There wasnt so much as a starbucks cup left on the floor afterwards yet there were folk walking round with the faces stoved in by riot police!


I'd have liked to have seen the law steam in to the Anarchist and give them a good old fashioned bashing. They could justify it by saying they were embracing anarchy.


Me and my family went on that march, I think it was in 2002 and we didnt see any trouble whatsoever, in fact some of the police were wearing Alliance badges.

They were really helpful with everyone especialy the elderly who attended but we certainly didnt see anyone injured!

Do you mean the day outside parliament when the police attacked the crowd, which we all saw on telly which was awful!

On that occasion I think it was the first time that public demonstrating had actually breached parliament and even got into the debating chamber, thats when the police got nasty :rolleyes:


Didnt do any good though did it/ they still banned Hunting with Dogs :angry:

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these cuts are the only way to stop this country going bankrupt.


Strange, then, that as our police and schools are getting hammered the Condems award big business massive tax cuts. Barclays will pay just 3% tax this year, and many others will pay a pittance after the cuts in corporation tax were sneaked quietly through.


Make no mistake, the Condems know where their loyalties lie, and it's not with Joe Bloggs.

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