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London protest


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Well good for the protestors,


Maybe they will be having a whip round to raise the money that the labour party squandered so these cut backs won't be needed?


If the half baked idiots who ever voted labour had an ounce of savvy they would realise that thses cuts are the only way to stop this country going bankrupt. It is about time the labour party realised you cannot spend your way out of debt.


However much you don't like these cuts don't blame the current government, blame the last one.




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Strange, then, that as our police and schools are getting hammered the Condems award big business massive tax cuts. Barclays will pay just 3% tax this year, and many others will pay a pittance after the cuts in corporation tax were sneaked quietly through.


Make no mistake, the Condems know where their loyalties lie, and it's not with Joe Bloggs.


I'd also like to see these figures as I've never heard of a company paying 3% on it's profits?

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OK just googled it. Barclays paid 3% on it's global annual profit, it suffered large losses last year which it was able to offset against it's profits (same as any other company).


Barclays earns 60% of it's income from outside the UK which is taxed in other countries and so doesn't pay UK tax on it.


According to it's financials it paid an effective rate of 25% on it's 2010 profits (this is combined rate on it's global profits).


So actually Barclays would have paid 28% tax on it's UK profits (after b/fwd losses) same as any other large business.


Don't just read the headlines.

Edited by Dr W
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OK just googled it. Barclays paid 3% on it's global annual profit, it suffered large losses last year which it was able to offset against it's profits (same as any other country).


Barclays earns 60% of it's income from outside the UK which is taxed in other countries and so doesn't pay UK tax on it.


According to it's financials it paid an effective rate of 25% on it's 2010 profits (this is combined rate on it's global profits).


So actually Barclays would have paid 28% tax on it's UK income same as any other large business.


Don't just read the headlines.


not in 2009 they did'nt they played the overseas card guess who was in charge then :hmm: liebour that will be




Edited by kdubya
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Me and my family went on that march, I think it was in 2002 and we didnt see any trouble whatsoever, in fact some of the police were wearing Alliance badges.

They were really helpful with everyone especialy the elderly who attended but we certainly didnt see anyone injured!

Do you mean the day outside parliament when the police attacked the crowd, which we all saw on telly which was awful!

On that occasion I think it was the first time that public demonstrating had actually breached parliament and even got into the debating chamber, thats when the police got nasty :rolleyes:


Didnt do any good though did it/ they still banned Hunting with Dogs :angry:



I stand corrected, I was also at the 2002 one and it was a very calm affair. It was the one outside Parliament I was referring too. Didn't realise they got into parliament! Goes some way as to explaining the hardline taken by the Law but hells teeth, they really went for it!


I've told my Terrier about the ban but he won't listen. What can you do?

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So lots of public sector workers with public sector pensions are trying to protest.


Forgive me for being a cynic but wasn't the massive spending on public sector jobs in the provinces by the last government just a callous exercise in buying Labour votes?


If you want to really change the country vote for AV on May 5th.

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Strange, then, that as our police and schools are getting hammered the Condems award big business massive tax cuts. Barclays will pay just 3% tax this year, and many others will pay a pittance after the cuts in corporation tax were sneaked quietly through.


Make no mistake, the Condems know where their loyalties lie, and it's not with Joe Bloggs.


The cuts in corporation tax were bought in by your mates in the Liabour party and it was too late for the coalition to change it!

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Cut the ties with Brussells and the EU


Introduce a two-tier benefits system; one for those who have had a degree meaningful work and genuinely can't get a job, and a lower rate for those that don't ever want to participate in employment or are too depressed / unfit / psychologically challenged / permenantly pregnant (delete as appropriate) to work.


Stop career criminals from claiming their right to free and independent legal advice every time they are locked up. Three time in three years is more than enough for anyone. And while we are about it, stop foreigners getting free interpretations paid for by the tax payer. That's what their embassies are for.


Reverse Liebour's policies on private-public partnerships that are costing us a fortune.


Tax the banks and tax them again ad infinitum.


And finaly for now, don't under any circumstances place the National Health Service in the hands of doctors! That is like putting the fox in charge of security at a poultry farm. 100% health privatisation here we come.

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Cut the ties with Brussells and the EU


Introduce a two-tier benefits system; one for those who have had a degree meaningful work and genuinely can't get a job, and a lower rate for those that don't ever want to participate in employment or are too depressed / unfit / psychologically challenged / permenantly pregnant (delete as appropriate) to work.


Stop career criminals from claiming their right to free and independent legal advice every time they are locked up. Three time in three years is more than enough for anyone. And while we are about it, stop foreigners getting free interpretations paid for by the tax payer. That's what their embassies are for.


Reverse Liebour's policies on private-public partnerships that are costing us a fortune.


Tax the banks and tax them again ad infinitum.


And finaly for now, don't under any circumstances place the National Health Service in the hands of doctors! That is like putting the fox in charge of security at a poultry farm. 100% health privatisation here we come.


I would vote for you.

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Cut the ties with Brussells and the EU


Introduce a two-tier benefits system; one for those who have had a degree meaningful work and genuinely can't get a job, and a lower rate for those that don't ever want to participate in employment or are too depressed / unfit / psychologically challenged / permenantly pregnant (delete as appropriate) to work.


Stop career criminals from claiming their right to free and independent legal advice every time they are locked up. Three time in three years is more than enough for anyone. And while we are about it, stop foreigners getting free interpretations paid for by the tax payer. That's what their embassies are for.


Reverse Liebour's policies on private-public partnerships that are costing us a fortune.


Tax the banks and tax them again ad infinitum.


And finaly for now, don't under any circumstances place the National Health Service in the hands of doctors! That is like putting the fox in charge of security at a poultry farm. 100% health privatisation here we come.


Another vote here. :good:

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Cut the ties with Brussells and the EU


Introduce a two-tier benefits system; one for those who have had a degree meaningful work and genuinely can't get a job, and a lower rate for those that don't ever want to participate in employment or are too depressed / unfit / psychologically challenged / permenantly pregnant (delete as appropriate) to work.


Stop career criminals from claiming their right to free and independent legal advice every time they are locked up. Three time in three years is more than enough for anyone. And while we are about it, stop foreigners getting free interpretations paid for by the tax payer. That's what their embassies are for.


Reverse Liebour's policies on private-public partnerships that are costing us a fortune.


Tax the banks and tax them again ad infinitum.


And finaly for now, don't under any circumstances place the National Health Service in the hands of doctors! That is like putting the fox in charge of security at a poultry farm. 100% health privatisation here we come.





How refreshing :good:

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The cuts in corporation tax were bought in by your mates in the Liabour party and it was too late for the coalition to change it!


Really ? How about this from the Conservative website;


We will cut Corporation Tax from 28 per cent to 24 per cent over four years which is the lowest rate in the G7


What they don't mention is the tax changes they're making to help big business avoid tax, making us only the second country worldwide to allow monies routed through tax havens to remain untaxed when shifted here. Read about it;




And by the way "mates in the labour party" ? I voted Conservative because my local Tory was the best candidate by a mile, but that doesn't stop me from seeing that they're going to rob the country blind like their previous incarnations.

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Well, I've got three votes with my radical manifesto. :D


How can I get enough to form a government? What if I allowed people to space their number plates how they liked and cut road tax on Land Rovers on the basis they spend more time being repaired than on the road? :lol:

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Cut the ties with Brussells and the EU


Introduce a two-tier benefits system; one for those who have had a degree meaningful work and genuinely can't get a job, and a lower rate for those that don't ever want to participate in employment or are too depressed / unfit / psychologically challenged / permenantly pregnant (delete as appropriate) to work.


Stop career criminals from claiming their right to free and independent legal advice every time they are locked up. Three time in three years is more than enough for anyone. And while we are about it, stop foreigners getting free interpretations paid for by the tax payer. That's what their embassies are for.


Reverse Liebour's policies on private-public partnerships that are costing us a fortune.


Tax the banks and tax them again ad infinitum.


And finaly for now, don't under any circumstances place the National Health Service in the hands of doctors! That is like putting the fox in charge of security at a poultry farm. 100% health privatisation here we come.




And cut child benefit to two children, that should stopwork shy baby breeders :oops:

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And cut child benefit to two children, that should stopwork shy baby breeders :oops:


Better still


1 child = benefit

2 children = benefit

3 children = benefit for 1 only

4 children = no benefit

5 children = fine equivalent to 1 benefit


And so on - mind you to be fair if the second or third are multiple births they should be counted as 1, nature can be a pig at times :lol::rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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Better still


1 child = benefit

2 children = benefit

3 children = benefit for 1 only

4 children = no benefit

5 children = fine equivalent to 1 benefit


And so on - mind you to be fair if the second or third are multiple births they should be counted as 1, nature can be a pig at times :lol::rolleyes: :rolleyes:


Sorry mate, but the binners I come across would be burying their 3rd and subsequent child.

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Better still


1 child = benefit

2 children = benefit

3 children = benefit for 1 only

4 children = no benefit

5 children = fine equivalent to 1 benefit


And so on - mind you to be fair if the second or third are multiple births they should be counted as 1, nature can be a pig at times :lol::rolleyes: :rolleyes:



People should be able to have as many kids as they want as long as they can afford to pay for them

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Better still


1 child = benefit

2 children = benefit

3 children = benefit for 1 only

4 children = no benefit

5 children = fine equivalent to 1 benefit


And so on - mind you to be fair if the second or third are multiple births they should be counted as 1, nature can be a pig at times :lol::rolleyes: :rolleyes:


Yeah, great idea, let's starve the children because the parents can't keep it in their pants :hmm:


Wouldn't it be better to abolish the "free flat if you've got a kid" culture and give benefit in vouchers that can only, and I mean ONLY, be spent on stuff for the kids ?

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