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i want to be single now

chris o

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Break her fingers. Job done.

i like the sound of that but would be breaking her jaw or sumit be a bit more so dont need to listen to her lol.



So she is trying to look better for you being from up north you have the approach she is taking or spend the money on 8 pints or so to achieve the same effect

i would much rather spend the money on pints then **** that aint needed. especialy when that was my spends for the week all bleeding 4 quid. and i had 10 pound to my name as only did one days work and she still got 6 quid of that and me naff all. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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Every time she takes your money, give her one up the Gary Glitter :yes:


One of two things will happen;


1. She will enjoy it = quids in ;)


2. She wont ever touch your money again = Again, quids in ;)


Win win situation pal :good:



She may keep taking it if she enjoys it.

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Recommend that she sign up as an Avon rep (or better still as a ******** distributor), then she can earn her own cash to spend without nicking yours.



Some very very sound advice on this thread :yes:


I'm delighted to see that you are eventually coming around to my point of view :D

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Well I'm going to try to make a sensible suggestion here rather than joke.


When it comes to petty cash for consumables me and my other half just take what we need. If I'm not about she will grab some cash from my wallet if she needs it and I don't have an issue with it. Do you really care that your mrs spent your tobacco money on lipstick? Lets be honest neither is more important than the other? I think your other half should mean more to you than a smoke. So what if money is tight? She's happy and so should you be. She may have just saved you from getting lung cancer!


This is all assuming that she puts into the pot too mind. If she just sits around and takes your money I'd dump the useless *****! Got no time for scroungers - both me and the mrs work hard and we share all we make between us even if it's not a lot.

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right... as we have had no pic so far i will give you my 2p worth assumeing she is stunning.


its only mony she needed it ime shure if you where in she would ask just take it on the chin (remember she is stunning) if its realy realy getting to you as for it back!

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Some very very sound advice on this thread :yes:


Chrispti, I see that the "Relate" training course you took is paying divends, nice work :lol::good:


I am afraid that I am still waiting for the photos.




Has anyone, in the entire history of pigeonwatch actually come up with the photo's in one of these My (wife/girlfriend/cat/sheep) (wont let me shoot/doent want guns in the house /wants all my money/is a total bitch) ( but I love her/she likes anal/lets me sleep with her mum) threads?


In the same vein:- Is the standard assumption that no photo = Munter?

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i`m a bit old fashioned when it comes to couples,i`m the bread winner in my household the wife dosn`t work through choice (she could if she wanted to)she stays at home and looks after it, me and the kids.if she wanted money for anything she could just take it but she dosen`t she asks first and i cant remember when i last said no.


couples give up on thier relationships to easy these day and dont work things out it`s not that hard.


been with the wife 22 years now and married for 18 so must be doing somthing right.

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Has anyone, in the entire history of pigeonwatch actually come up with the photo's in one of these My (wife/girlfriend/cat/sheep) (wont let me shoot/doent want guns in the house /wants all my money/is a total bitch) ( but I love her/she likes anal/lets me sleep with her mum) threads?


In the same vein:- Is the standard assumption that no photo = Munter?



Yep, a few have over the years. :yes:

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I've been to enough 'domestics' to know that there are two sides to every story and somewhere on Myface or Twitterbook there may be Mrs. Orrell venting her frustrations about her other half. Why broadcast your problems on here? It's not like you are going to get a magic wand fix. Haven't you any fanily or friends you can confide in? I think it says a lot about yourself that you are posting details about your private life to total strangers and expecting them to understand.


Get a grip and if you only have a bit of money left save it for emergencies rather than cigs and make up!

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