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I have decided to leave the P.W. forum .


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After much thought and soul searching I have decided to leave the forum . I have enjoyed my stay on hear and have met some loverly people and made some new friends . This is the only INTERNET forum that I have belonged to and have enjoyed giving advice and being involved in the banter . I have learnt a lot off here and hope that some of my advice has been helpful .


It seems to me that the forum is getting more and more argumentative and not truly representing sporting shooting as I have been brought up understand what pursuing game is all about . OK ,so I am an old **** who is a traditionalists but I do consider myself a sportsman and a good countryman with respect for all the game and vermin that I pursue . I just dont think that I want to associated with some of the unsporting methods of shooting game and vermin that have been aired on this forum over the last few months . Good luck to all of you ,keep on troshing .


Harnser .

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What a shame you are leaving the forum Harnser, but I can understand how you feel. Speaking to a number of people from the forum of late, I too have said how the forum has changed these last few months. Not only has it changed but the change seems to be gathering pace.


I appreciate one person leaving is not the downfall of a forum, but maybe an early sign the moderators should take note of.


Hopefully one day you come back as will some other major contributors who seem to rarely come on nowadays. Take care!



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That's real shame Harnser, I've always enjoyed reading your posts.


Will be sorry to see you leave :/ . There are some posts/posters that make me cringe, but I've shot with some top blokes I've met through here and it's still well worth the cost of joining :hmm:

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You will be missed.

Why don't you stay and help to change and reshape PW.

Remember it is only the few that are bad, the silent majority are good, and maybe with your guidance can become the real and true voice of Pigeon Watch the forum for sporting shooters

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Actually, Harnser, you have a point.


It comes to something when on a day when one of the biggest miscarraiges of justice in recent years in our armed forces is finally put to right, that 30 times more members are more interested in a pile of **** in the middle of a field!


Perhaps I'm getting too old as well.


Cheers and stay well.

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Again, i reiteriate whats been said.


Please decide to stay, because the knowelageable contngent on here keeps getting smaller (no offense to many other knowlageable people on here but there are some real *******).


Perhaps someone could let you know when the next Norfolk meet up and you could attend for old time sake?


If not could you Pm me a e-mail adderess for future info?




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harnser , thats terrible news, if you dont mind please pm a email address for future contact . the brick is a landmark near us both i beleive .


good luck and good shooting




harnser,i do not know you or met you but i read your posts with pleasure.they are always good to read and informative and constructive.please reconsider your decision as your knowledge and witt will be greatly missed..... :good: .....john

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Once the summer holiday is over they will be back in their classrooms.



Still a week and a half to go until schools out, I'm counting down, don't you worry.


A saying I was told many years ago was "shoot what gives you pleasure" and I believe it is a good saying, not everyone can or will be a good shot, so what is unsporting to some may be a challenge to others.



A game keeper is walking his birds in a pen and a fox is sat 10 yards away, would he let it get 30 yards before giving both barrels of his 12g or knock it straight over. Is that sporting? I know what I would do.


You will never get 1000's of people to agree on every subject or forums would be unvisited.

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I think your daft..let me explain, people like you add to a site, there will always be in house fights..thats the way forums go :/ we get it on our kayak fishing site


but cut through the **** and you see what is good and what is ****..I have gained loads from the good and have learnt to laugh at the ****...


your bunker story was fantastic and added laughter to a forum, we are all getting old :D don'tlet a few ego hunters spoil what you enjoy :yes:

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I will certainly mis your posts, and would urge you to reconsider your position.






You will be missed.

Why don't you stay and help to change and reshape PW.

Remember it is only the few that are bad, the silent majority are good, and maybe with your guidance can become the real and true voice of Pigeon Watch the forum for sporting shooters




Its the internet, i dont see the point in letting a few ruin it for you? rise above them.




harnser,i do not know you or met you but i read your posts with pleasure.they are always good to read and informative and constructive.please reconsider your decision as your knowledge and witt will be greatly missed..... :good: .....john




Your too much of a Gentleman you old **** :blush::blush:


Members come and Members go, that's the nature of any and all forums sometimes for the good and sometimes for the bad, some even get banned but that's another story.


Experience with knowledge in todays society counts for very little, it appears that learn by your own mistakes is far more prevalent than asking a simple question to a true countryman.


You should remain a Member even too keep the Old grey matter working and the fingers active by typing, it can be theraputic :o :o


Which ever decision you take ..... I wish you all the best.

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It seems to me that the forum is getting more and more argumentative and not truly representing sporting shooting as I have been brought up understand what pursuing game is respect for all the game and vermin that I pursue


Harnser .

yep in my short term on here 18 months or so noticed the back biting back stabbing and general bullying that goes from people who should know better has escalated over the last few months,it ****** me and a lot of other members off, they don,t contribute any knowledge or post any pics of days out, just rather pick fault and put derogatory posts on.

like you say i have met and shot with quite a few members off here who i wouldn,t of crossed paths with but for pw,so i say theres a lot more going for it than against, but your decision.

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