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card fraud 1st for me


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Seen and heard plenty of tales of card fraud, but thought it would never happen to me till sat!! carefull as with pins and line of sight with the card etc, gets a phone call (was sat on a tram in Blackpool, do not go there under any circumstance but that is a different matter :lol: ) caller says Barclay's here, we think your card is being used fraudulently please ring this number.


so as I am a couple of mins from the hotel I waited and then rang the number on the back of the card (just to be sure) gave some details etc, and was asked about some recent purchases "I had made" including an attempt to buy flight tickets from BA, to cut along story short I am now awaiting some form to be sent, and both my credit (master card) and debit visa card with Barclay's were stopped on the spot.


so now the question who and how (got an idea but can't prove it) BUT why did they simply not allow the tickets to go through and then arrest whoever tried to use them, could not be that hard even for plod.


fortunately I had enough cash on me to get me through a weekend in hell at Blackpool, and have enough in my back pocket to see me through till new cards arrive.



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and was asked about some recent purchases "I had made" including an attempt to buy flight tickets from BA



And everyone knows that the REAL B.A. doesn't like flying - "I aint getting on no plane fool" :lol:




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Do Barclays have a call centre in India? A friend in the police was telling me that call centre workers in India are stealing customer records for criminals in the UK.


yes :hmm:




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I had a call out of the blue years ago from the Co-op bank.....asked a few questions about 'irregular transactions' ie: 1, have you bought hi-fi gear from the states approx' value £2k and 2, have you recently paid a fuel bill approx' value £3k in the UK? answered 'no' to both and that was that. Told to cut my card up and they'll send another. The guy I was talking to reckoned my card was 'compromised' at a garage or more likely on the net but i'd only used it a couple of times?! He wasn't at all worried/interested as he said the vendors should of requested additional security info' which they failed to do so wouldn't be paid, it was all very 'matter of fact' :huh:

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YOU went to Blackpool !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Obviously from darn souf - no one goes to Blackpooool !!!!!! - it's called Blackpool for a reason - Dingy and wet. :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh:




kids wanted to do the the pleasure beach, long time since I did the rounds with my mates at Blackpool :lol:


what a stinkhole it is now, sad to see, lack of investment and seemingly now run by Asians with an anything is good enough to make money attitude :hmm: weather was superb by the way :good:



Edited by kdubya
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Had a similar call on Saturday evening. Someone had been using my card in the USA, there were several cancelled transactions for between £2 and £15. Apparently, the fraudsters put through a few small transactions to check that the card works before using it properly. Luckily, the unusual spending pattern was picked up by the card provider and the cards have been cancelled :good:

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Yep, they stick a couple of transactions through and if they get processed they'll then smack it.


Also what they do is compromise a card, and then pretend to be you about a week later because they then get to phone up and say "my name is XYZ my card got compromised last week" and try and blag security that way by being unable to name recent transactions.


It's a pain in the harris and the old bill don't give a monkeys. The banks way of dealing with it is to make banking more expensive and to play the stats - it's still cheaper to pay out than to investigate, prosecute and deal with the cause.


Do we all remember how chip and pin was going to make credit card fraud a thing of the past? What a load of horse **** that was.

Edited by Mungler
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And everyone knows that the REAL B.A. doesn't like flying - "I aint getting on no plane fool" :lol:




How bizarre! i am watching the A team right this minute.

sorry to hear about the grief you're having, had my wallet nicked a few years back, the swine used my details to buy his shopping, and a couple of weeks later a new telly on credit, they had cctv footage but the old bill didn't do a damn thing.

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It's a pain in the harris and the old bill don't give a monkeys. The banks way of dealing with it is to make banking more expensive and to play the stats - it's still cheaper to pay out than to investigate, prosecute and deal with the cause.


Do we all remember how chip and pin was going to make credit card fraud a thing of the past? What a load of horse **** that was.


Yep, dead right, they couldn't care less, I reckon mine was cloned at an Indian Take Away and nearly £3 grand was taken from Cash machines, I offered to assist the Credit Card Co and / or The Old Bill to help prosecute the offenders, but they didn't want to know.


No wonder so many newcomers to this Country see this place as the Land of Milk & Honey..!!



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Have to say lloyds were excellent, they picked up straight away that i'd used the card in 3 or 4 places during the day including paying a restaurant bill in Rhodes, whilst simultaneously using it to pay for some scuba equipment in California.......... and wondered if there was a fraud going on. Bless 'em :rolleyes:

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Yep, dead right, they couldn't care less, I reckon mine was cloned at an Indian Take Away and nearly £3 grand was taken from Cash machines, I offered to assist the Credit Card Co and / or The Old Bill to help prosecute the offenders, but they didn't want to know.


No wonder so many newcomers to this Country see this place as the Land of Milk & Honey..!!



A few years ago but a friend of the family had his card done in spain they used it to pay for a private hospital for a birth! 5* hotel etc soemwhere near £15k worth they only used the card once in one restaurant and the Old Bill and bank were very interested they gave a description of the waiter etc i think they even got a reward (this was before chip and pin tho)

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Do we all remember how chip and pin was going to make credit card fraud a thing of the past? What a load of horse **** that was.


I'm convinced they have inside info, especially Barclays, what I'm in.


I got slapped not so long ago, one of my cards got flagged cause it was used in Tunisia. Barclays phoned me that day on my landline & asked if I was in the UK :blink: :rolleyes:


No probs with getting the money back, it took nearly 3 weeks though.

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I have started paying cash when I go out for a meal now and have paid for Petrol with cash for as long as I can remember now.


A few friends had their card details jacked and they said (petrol station)


The oldest tricks in the book are


Our machine does not work I will take it through the back we have another machine through there! :sly:


The other is a reader built into the card machine and a Camera looking over your shoulder in some food establishments :yes:

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The oldest tricks in the book are


Our machine does not work I will take it through the back we have another machine through there! :sly:



Yes, that's exactly how they got me, came back with his "Brother" and the machine miraculously strated working OK.


What got me was I was a regular there, they must have scammed loads of others.



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I'm convinced they have inside info, especially Barclays, what I'm in.


I got slapped not so long ago, one of my cards got flagged cause it was used in Tunisia. Barclays phoned me that day on my landline & asked if I was in the UK :blink: :rolleyes:


No probs with getting the money back, it took nearly 3 weeks though.



Not too sure on barclays info being given out would seem pretty pointless as they are so hot on fraud. I'm yet to have a card cloned but if I use my card in any unusual way they are normally on the phone in minutes.

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I use an AmEx routinely because they do cash back once a year :) , and a few times I`ve called and told them about odd looking Ebay transactions I know I hadn`t made and they just remove it with no real interest in investigating.


Once had a bill of exactly £100 from some pub in Canterbury, what a cretin to have such low intelligence :rolleyes::sly: , they just removed that too and when I tried to keep up with the investigations they wouldn`t let me. I also use a BASC Mastercard for places that won`t take AmEx but so far been lucky. I always cover my hand as I`m putting in the pin.

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nat west seem to be on the ball then two weeks a go my car broke so had to get a friend to pick me up so put petrol in her car, then borrowed my friends pick up and put diesel in it on the same day. the next day i get a phone call from natwest saying there were irregular payments on my card were they mine, answer was yes

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I got stung.


I even told the bank I had £1.50 taken from I-tunes and that I have never used the card. I suggested it was a ''tester'' by scammers, to see if the card worked. The bank told me to just ''keep an eye on it'' :rolleyes:



Low and behold, and demand letter for £2100, a new kitchen perchased in Brighton, and a new phone perchased in Reading :angry:


I phoned the bank, got the money back the same day and a new card in the post. The bank could have easily avoided that one :rolleyes:


Doesnt matter how well you cover your pin number, My card has never left the house or even been used :look:

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