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Alcohol consumption


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Stopped drinking 3 years ago. Before that used to have a few pints beer or cider or bottle of wine Friday night, down the pub Saturday, feeling sh*te til Wednesday then getting tempted again by Thursday.

Spent too much of my late Twenties/early thirties generally painting the town red and misbehaving. One day I just stopped enjoying it. I stopped enjoying pubs. They used to be dark smokey and convivial now they're all fried food, cheap perfume and vending machines, there's never anyone serving and the bar's covered in dirty plates.

I can honestly say that being completely dry I feel the best I have ever felt in all my adult life. Nothing could tempt me back.

Only thing I miss is the taste and smell of a really peaty malt, but not the effects of the alcohol.

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just get Pancreatitis like I did, you will then know what pain is, and its a sure fire way to keep you off the booze: if I drink again I will probably die, thats all I need to know!

I drank a lot, just beers, no denying that, but its not big or clever, and it WILL get you sooner or later!

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How old are you Deershooter? Sound much like I was until my thirties, when I lost interest a lot, but still drank every day, then I got ill overnight, and then things really did change!

I've had a few recurrences of it which have put me in hospital, even after 8 years teetotal :blink:

I've also had Diverticulitis, which is where your gut gets holes in it, which then get infected...along with the Pancreatitis, I was close to major surgery before it started to clear and spent 15 days in hospital very poorly.

The damage has been done, your body is pretty tough but alcohol and rubbish diet really do cause long term damage!

Sorry for being Mr Doom, but a warning now may do some good in 15 years time :yes::good:

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As with most used to "drink" when I was young and single, started driving and that got me on to 2 pints of shandy or maybe one and a glass of wine. Having kids and a couple of emergency dashes to the hospital with them meant I never went back to drinking anything more. Even now on the very rare occassion I get a "night off" from looking after my Autistic son and spend it with my friends at their caravan in the middle of nowhere I have at most 2 glasses of wine, with 3 kids including a 17yr old daughter who always manages to miss buses or get stuck somewhere etc. I have to be able to drive at any time.


Do I miss it?, to be honest no, not at all, I see far too many people who either drink too much or just can't handle it but think they can.

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I didn't say, but I don't miss the drink one bit (even though I've no choice!) As long as the illness isn't giving me grief, I enjoy life thousand times more than I did, waking up every day at 6am fresh as a daisy, having a few quid and being able to go lamping whenever I feel like it is much better :lol:

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i very rarely drink, 3 nights in hospital after a very big session 5 years ago made me wake up. puking blood is no fun, and bein told by the doc that my next big session could be my last stopped me in my tracks. il have 5 pints tops, i find drinking in a pub a rip off anyway. I would much rather be out shooting, hunting or ferreting.

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When I was in my 20's I could neck 10 pints on a Friday night get blindingly drunk, wake up with the mother of all hangovers and be brand new by 1 pm and back on it by 7pm.


Now in my 40's a hangover lasts 2 days and I generally feel ****. Still enjoy a glass of beer on a Friday but I know my limit now and what with being a one man band haulage company I don't give it large anymore.


And there is nothing worse than walking into your local on a Saturday afternoon after the night before and being told by the bar keep "You have some front showing your face in here today" and no memory of why she is saying that.

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use to drink alot due to rugby and working on the door but hardly touch it now as cant afford it often

nip into the local maybe 2 times a week and have a couple of pints and Thats it.

We had a few last nite as at a wedding do but took our own vodka and had a few at home aswell

Edited by leeds chimp
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I drink less now than I did, but it's still quite a lot.


I usually do half a bottle of wine a night, sometimes a full bottle and I always have a scotch at bedtime.


Thursday night is our night out (pub quiz) where I'll have 3 or 4 pints.


I drink everyday, but I shouldn't really drink at all with the painkillers I take. It does help me sleep more soundly though. I enjoy a drink, but never, ever get completely wasted. Yes, I might lose 5 years off my life, but I'll accept those consequences of enjoying myself.

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Oh dear, i must be the PW wino. I drink everyday, either a couple of beers(cans or homebrew)or half a bottle of wine shared with my girlfriend. Sometimes our consumption may be higher. We can't afford to regularly go to bars/pubs so drink at home by ourselves or with friends. I would also say that i probably consume significantly less now than a few years ago. Most people in my social circle or work collegues drink as much as i do so it's always been viewed as 'normal'.

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Oh dear, i must be the PW wino. I drink everyday, either a couple of beers(cans or homebrew)or half a bottle of wine shared with my girlfriend. Sometimes our consumption may be higher. We can't afford to regularly go to bars/pubs so drink at home by ourselves or with friends. I would also say that i probably consume significantly less now than a few years ago. Most people in my social circle or work collegues drink as much as i do so it's always been viewed as 'normal'.


I've got to agree, my whole social circle normally involves beer at the pub, darts or drinking after shooting, I must say I'm quite surprised at how little the people who have commented on here drink, I don't think I know many people at all who drink nothing at all, or who won't partake in several beers or a bottle of wine a night.


I have one aqquantance, very well off chap, who had his BUPA check-up and when asked about his drinking told the Dr 30 units....Dr said it was too much and nearly fell off his chair when he said that was per day old bean :lol::lol:


Now that is an extreme, but I do find the pressure a little over bearing, I know there are a lot of alcohol related illnesses in the country, but statistically I can't see its significant with the amount of people who do drink, and probably drink too much.

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Seems to be thread for the recovering PW alcoholics :rolleyes:

We have gone from bragging about how much we drink, to bragging about how little drink.

I drink wine with dinner at home a couple of times a week and beer or whatever out socially (even Pimms at Shooting Shows it now seems :lol: )

We have beer at home but I will only drink those if friends are over.

IMO the secret is to drink because you want to, not because you have to.

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Rarely drink now,


but never been a big drinker since i was about 25


I do worry about my younger nieces and nephew and the amount they knock back, the youngest cant drink socially she has to keep drinking till she is drunk,


doesnt know the meaning of the word "sip".....


maybe we were all like that at their age



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Like a lot of others used to put a lot more away than i do now! I always make sure that i have at least 3 dry days per week.

Still however i do enjoy my Friday evening G & T's at 9pm, but do drink one or two too many on occasions, however i have noticed that i overdo it, get a bad hangover, which turns me into a moderate drinker for a while.!

But if Given the choice of getting drunk , or going fishing, shooting, having a day out with the family etc i would much prefer the later!

Tight Lines


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I'm 36 and used to drink quite a few nights a week, not much but popping down the local with a mate a couple of times a week would be 3 pints a night and then weekend a bottle of wine shared between me and the Mrs but probably in the ratio 1:2 and going out for meals added quite a few units.


I reckon I was regularly over the weekly limit.


Moved to the coutryside and so less trips to the pub and best plan was to change drinking bottles of wine to getting a box which meant there was no pressure to finish the bottle because it was open, now I could just have a glass and if Mrs didn't want one meant I didn't finish the bottle but I don't really drink during the week mostly just at weekends.


I also get some Becks Blue in the fridge along with some small bottles of 1664 which means if I fancy a beer I don't actually have to have an alcoholic one.


Still have the odd blow out when out with friends but it's usually less than 10 times a year so I feel that it's not too bad.

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