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Strangest reason for getting banned from a pub / club


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Hi leeds chimp I am born and bred in Leeds, and whilst not a student have done the Otley Road run a few times, the three shoes, new inn and the original oak were some of my favourites.


I live up by the airport and haven't done it for many years. You must have had the patience of a saint handling those poncey students. Sometimes down your way as we have friends that live between Thetford and Norwich.

Edited by keg
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I got barred from a bar in bornmouth last yeah for fighting..... All good until you realize i was on crutches with a broken hip?!?!? Think it way have been some lads tattle telling as i was getting more than my fair share of attention from the girls ;)






Then my made decided i made my injury up and snapped my crutches ha

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my head has been used a few times to open doors, not just by doormen but the police aswell , my theory if your being naughty and get dragged out of a club your going throught the door first, ive even been chucked down stairs by door staff, most of the time ive been chucked out is grabing a mate before hes throttled some one door staff and police dont see it like that, but thats what they are paid for to protect others


Serves you right for drinking in Maddies/Libertys/Liquid (dependent on how old you are) now Zanibars was the place to be thrown out of... ;)

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Two of my Mates got baned after,

1st mate went in toilet opened tin of Cambells Veg soup got a mouth full , came back to the Bar and pretended to throw up on the Bar. Then second Mate sucked it up :sick:

Bar maid then threw up for real after seeing what happened :lol: :lol: :lol:



PELTY :good:

Edited by the pelt man
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a few years ago we managed to cause a up rising in a nasty pub,on a Sunday night by putting on the free jukebox mysterious girl by Peter Andre 25 times ,the local spit and saw dust crew never appreciated it and after stamping their web feet we were asked to leave ,mind you we got thrown out of or I would like to say asked to leave 3 drinking holes that night :good:

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Hi leeds chimp I am born and bred in Leeds, and whilst not a student have done the Otley Road run a few times, the three shoes, new inn and the original oak were some of my favourites.


I live up by the airport and haven't done it for many years. You must have had the patience of a saint handling those poncey students. Sometimes down your way as we have friends that live between Thetford and Norwich.


ahhh use to work the oak and headingley tap.....whereabouts you live now then near the airport.?? might know you depending on your age... :lol:

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My wife and I got banned from the Michelin Starred restaurant Casamia (the one Gordon '*******' Ramsay did a programme about) in Bristol by the 'mother' there (who GR said was bad for business as I recall) because we had the temerity to complain that the table we had booked for eight was still not ready at 9.30pm and we had been sitting in the foyer eating bread for an hour and a half. Disgusting service.


So we went over the road for a chinese takeaway instead. She moaned that they 'could have given the table to someone else.' I said 'what table?'

She then said, 'well, all I ask is that you don't come back!'

I said, 'there's not much chance of that!'

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My wife and I got banned from the Michelin Starred restaurant Casamia (the one Gordon '*******' Ramsay did a programme about) in Bristol by the 'mother' there (who GR said was bad for business as I recall) because we had the temerity to complain that the table we had booked for eight was still not ready at 9.30pm and we had been sitting in the foyer eating bread for an hour and a half. Disgusting service.


So we went over the road for a chinese takeaway instead. She moaned that they 'could have given the table to someone else.' I said 'what table?'

She then said, 'well, all I ask is that you don't come back!'

I said, 'there's not much chance of that!'


you got more patience than me ...... :lol: :lol:

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Got banned from a local with a gang of mates for moving all the furniture around during a lock in. Put the Pool table in the bogs, that was hard work especially after having a few, we put all the tables and chairs upside down, phoned loads of taxis to come and collect a load of made up people,got some pizzas delivered,that kind of thing. Seems daft now but when your 18 things like that made sense! Didnt do too much damage though. Thrown out of loads of pubs when part of a gang when the mate with small man syndrome thinks he's Batman. We all have one of those mates.Played in bands for years too,so we were quite often not allowed to return for one reason or another but that dont really count! Good stories guys, been good reading them, T.

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A group of us got banned from a bar in Germany, my mate was drunk as usual but annoyingly there were more drunk Germans than him.


We went back to the bar the following day only to be told he was not allowed back in so a friend of mine returned to his room and retrieved some CS pellets dropped them in the ash tray and said drink up lads we're off.


He left his lit cigarette on top of the tablets and as we walked out the door a cloud of CS was released, funny old thing none of the Brits were allowed back in the bar ever again. :lol:

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at the nevada in bolton 1976 roller blading ,jumped on stage after one too many beers,grabbed the mike off the lead singer ( new years eve party ) and started singing,bouncers were chasing me all over the stage and the rink,all of us wearing roller skates,it was like something out of the key stone cops :yes:



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Banned from the Mitre on Earlham Road because some **** head thought it would be funny to pour his pint over my head and follow it with the glass, so I hit him with a bar stool.


Banned from Dukes in Chelmsford for being "bigger than the bouncer" and arguing about it, didn't even get in let alone start anything.


Not sure why I was banned on either ocassion.

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I've just remembered a good one. Well partly, my memory's a little hazy. ;)


A group of us decided to go to Rhyl for the weekend. We were in a nightclub when Chubby Brown got on stage and started singing. My mate jumped on stage and grabbed Chubby's flying hat. There was a wrestling match with the bouncers for the hat and we were all thrown out. Don't know what happened to the hat but it was funny. :lol:

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Barred by association. The story goes it was my mums birthday last November she was in her local village pub (only 3 pubs in the village) enjoying a drink and a dance, apparently Ronnie Corbetts son was playing in a group and me mum was dancing a bit enthusiastically and tumbled into a speaker thus causing a bit of a hic-cup in the band and mother was asked to leave and the whole family was barred, my name was mentioned in particular did'nt even know anyone in the pub knew me i was'nt even there, only been there a few times myself!!! so we always have a laugh about it and spend our money in the 2 remaining better pubs we had the last laugh. :beer::beer::beer:

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me and a mate got barred from our local for fighting a couple of weeks ago with another two lads who were visiting and as it got more heated a few things were broken, my mate was fighting in the toilets and smashed through a cubicle wall and i was fighting by the bar and broke some wooden panneling on the walls :/ we all got kicked out and escorted seperate ways so we didnt fight outside then me and my mate woke up by my phone ringing, only to find it was pauline the landlady asking us if we could call round before they open up and repair what we broke and not to worry about it she was just having a bad night :lol:


fudd :good:

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