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Graham Stephens RIP

Gordon R

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There are a number of people on the Forum who knew Graham personally and a fair number bought items from him. He was an RFD, who also ran Astraparts, Ruby Sights UK, Gundeals and a couple of others.


Last year, he got cancer of the oesophagus, but recovered after a successful operation. Sadly, the cancer spread to his liver and he got the news last week. The cancer was inoperable and Graham declined chemotherapy, having seen the effect on his wife, who passed away in the same month, five years ago. He opted to return home where he was attended by the excellent McMillan Trust Nursing staff. I visited him for the last time last Saturday afternoon and he died later that evening.


For those who knew him, it will be a tremendous loss. He was a larger than life character - quite literally - who peaked at 25 stone, when he stopped smoking. He went on a healthy regime and tipped the scales at a commendable 16 stone, which was excellent for a large lad, with a big frame. He ran several miles per day and looked a picture of health.


He was a junior genius with computers, played a mean guitar, was a talented clay and game shot, great businessman, but most of all he was a brilliant human being. Generous, intelligent, patient and easy going. I envied him the latter two qualities, as I possess neither.


His funeral is taking place at Agecroft Crematorium next week. If anyone wants details - please PM me.

Edited by Gordon R
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This was Graham - on the right, pictured with Eddie Threlfall - who owns Rishton Clay Club and David Berenguer Seva - a very good Spanish friend of Graham's. The other shows him shooting in Spain. The last shows him in his younger days - second from left - complete with fashionable(at the time) haircut.

Edited by Gordon R
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With the invention of compulsive apathy this century i can but be humbled by your devoted high opinion of this man.I will consider this man in the same high regard as you have done and am only too glad to offer my condolences-i,m guessing your comments would have made him very happy-God bless him.

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