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This years returns

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Well we have just finished for this season and we ended up with 521 head of game out of the 900 pheasants and 100 partridges we released in late August. We shot over 6 days with bags of 54,105,95,93,95 and 79. There are 3 of us who look after the shoot on a part time basis, having to fit it around are full time jobs. We are not fortunate to have neighbours who release around us so all in all i dont think we have done too badly.

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You've done very well.

We released 1000 pheasants and 250 partridge - returns of 30 % it seems

Very few red legs shot and very little on the shoot after boxing day.

We also have no shoots round us but foxes and poachers seemingly under control thanks to a .223 and the police support respectively.

You must have some extensive cover crops or woodlands to hold that many in such a warm winter.

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Very good returns.I believe the national average is 40%;we put down 350 on our little syndicate,and shot 199,which is a return of 57% I think.We do all the keepering ourselves.

A local shoot which puts down 3,500 had returns of 412,358,272,388,351 and 296.Beaters day last saturday resulted in 252.This shoot backs onto(literally only 300 yards away over the valley)a huge commercial shoot which I have no figures for.

Anything around the 40% mark is good according to a local keeper.

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You've done very well.

We released 1000 pheasants and 250 partridge - returns of 30 % it seems

Very few red legs shot and very little on the shoot after boxing day.

We also have no shoots round us but foxes and poachers seemingly under control thanks to a .223 and the police support respectively.

You must have some extensive cover crops or woodlands to hold that many in such a warm winter.


Unfortunatley we only have 1 proper wood.Most of are drives consist of either maize or mustard with a thick hedge alongside, or a small spinney or copse with some maize cover around it. I think hand feeding as well as feeders has really helped this year.

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Slightly under 30%, but probably over 50% if you include our birds the neighbours shot - but I don't think you can do that :lol: .


Unfortunately we had only one way traffic as our neighbour does not release anything but fills his woods with feeders. Really galling to see 'our' birds take up residence on his farm. We knew they were ours as we released a very distinctive strain.

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Bang on 40% on the pheasants. I must say i was a little worried until late dec/jan.


A few of the lads are having a walk around tomorrow, might get another couple %


We were all a little worried until we sent mark away for the weekend,


Bags picked up after that :lol: :lol:


Joking aside, another very good year


Cheers Mark :good:



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With luck we'll hit our mark tomoz :good:


I'd be interested to hear from those who have a high buzzard population how many 'extra' birds are released to cover predation by buzzards. And if they are excluded from the years tally?


For the few weeks after release we had 5 buzzards hanging around one of our pens, 2 or 3 at the other with poults being taken on a daily basis :oops::oops:

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I've keepered, then shoot captained, the same amateur shoot for 19 years.

We have had the best year ever - 66%. All pheasants.

On our walked up cocks day I shot bird 400 as dusk started - and immediately blew the whistle!

Picked up another on my post shootday walk-round.

Reason for the success? More gamestrips and feeders following the driest spring and summer we have ever had. Hardly any losses in the release pens.


On the other hand I have had my worst wildfowling season since the mid sixties.

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sorry not good on the computer . these returns look fantastic compared to ours . do you add in losses fom disease and known buzzard kills. also will the hens caught up later be taken into account. we hae 35% in the bag and put down 4200 into mainly forrestry . we are unable to plant any cover and have to contend with cyclist and walkers all year. what is the average return generally

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