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Just been on the blower with a mate of mine who lives on the other side of the county.

He told me that FLO's have been making surprised visits at gun owner's homes without warning or a phone call.


He reckoned that they were clamping down on gun safety and stated that some folk have had their guns revoked for not keeping their guns in their cabinets when not using them.

I know that they should be locked up at all times, and I wouldn't dream of leaving mine lying about, or in the boot of the car (unless on the way to shoot of course)


Are these visits common all over the country? Or just in Gwynedd N Wales?


Apparently they are clamping down big style in our area.

I have personally have no problem with this to be honest, and think it's a good thing that they keep gun owners on their toes.

Edited by hedd-wyn
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Just been on the blower with a mate of mine who lives on the other side of the county.

He told me that FLO's have been making surprised visits at gun owner's homes without warning or a phone call.


He reckoned that they were clamping down on gun safety and stated that some folk have had their guns revoked for not keeping their guns in their cabinets when not using them.

I know that they should be locked up at all times, and I wouldn't dream of leaving mine lying about, or in the boot of the car (unless on the way to shoot of course)


Are these visits common all over the country? Or just in Gwynedd N Wales?


Apparently they are clamping down big style in our are.

I have personally have no problem with this to be honest, and think it's a good thing that they keep gun owners on their toes.



Not aware of it in Cleveland but not a bad thing.. Back in the day I used to get a couple of visits a year from plod to check pistols etc.. to be honest, I think it was a good excuse for a chat & a cuppa... good set of lads in Lancs they were! :yes:


I certainly wouldn't object to our FEO dropping in unanounced apart from the embarrasment of the untidy house! :rolleyes:

Edited by Vipa
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I'm not aware of anything, it does happen though. My dad (west Yorkshire) had it some time ago, no 'reason' for it, just a check. It may depend on the force perhaps, some probably have a bit of time on their hands while others can't keep up with their paperwork, that must affect it.

I'm perfectly happy for them to do it, there are a few who don't take gun security seriously enough and I welcome any checks (apart from the place being a tip!)

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If you are at home what does it matter where your guns are. (within reason)

If you are out then how would they know if your guns were in a cabinet or not?

What I am getting at is where is the offence if you are in your house with your gun not in its cabinet?

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I work all day - they can call whenever they want - I won't be in!


There is something in the guidance where we have to 'co-operate' with the licensing authorities. If my FEO turned up at my door he's welcome. He can have a cup of tea and a chat. I'd quite like that. I have nothing to hide.

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as 39 tds said, if they turn up and you are there, the only one in the house, with the doors locked, and your cleaning your gun, or it is leant on the wall next to your gun safe while you watch telly waiting for a mate to come for a lamping trip or something, how can that be irresponsible?

But, if its in a different room than you, and your other half/cihldren are about, or the doors arent locked, I can see them having a fair point.

I'd be at work though, and half the time, mine are stored at a different address to that on my cert. I contacted the flo and asked if I could, they said yes so I have a second cabinet at my fiances.

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Was later informed that the individuals that were inspected were farmers, the FLOs know they they're never far away from the property.

The might've had a tip off I don't know, just find it strange that several individuals were all penalised.


However, I'm glad that most members on this thread wouldn't mind an 'unannounced' visit from the FLO. I would welcome him anytime because he's a nice guy and have a 100.000 questions I would like to ask him :good:

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Was later informed that the individuals that were inspected were farmers, the FLOs know they they're never far away from the property.

The might've had a tip off I don't know, just find it strange that several individuals were all penalised.


However, I'm glad that most members on this thread wouldn't mind an 'unannounced' visit from the FLO. I would welcome him anytime because he's a nice guy and have a 100.000 questions I would like to ask him :good:



Stop exaggerating. :)

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Just been on the blower with a mate of mine who lives on the other side of the county.

He told me that FLO's have been making surprised visits at gun owner's homes without warning or a phone call.


I`m with Steve B, **Ding-dong** "Hello I`m your local FEO can I come in?" ......"No!" **Clunk**

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I`m with Steve B, **Ding-dong** "Hello I`m your local FEO can I come in?" ......"No!" **Clunk**



I'm pretty sure it's a condition of FAC holdership that you agree to allow plod access to inspect at any time they wish!

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Personally, I think I would make the point that for a shotgun, no actual cabinet was required - merely keeping the gun securely. In a locked house should be enough on its own. I would allow them to look, but make it clear, it was my decision to permit this. With nothing to hide, I don't see it as a problem.


Nonetheless, if they turned up at 6.00am or 11.00pm, I would feel less obliging.


I'm pretty sure it's a condition of FAC holdership that you agree to allow plod access to inspect at any time they wish!


I think you may be right, but can't quote the legislation - before some troll pops along. :rolleyes: From memory - that applies to firearms, not shotguns. Await troll attack. :lol: :lol:

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I'm pretty sure it's a condition of FAC holdership that you agree to allow plod access to inspect at any time they wish!


I think you agree to be cooperative, to me that means you both being reasonable. I.e. they make an appointment, you accommodate them. Turning up unannounced and demanding entry is not reasonable, so I can't see that you'd be in breach of FAC conditions if it was inconvenient and you asked them to go away? The reaction they'd get from me would depend on what I was doing at the time. If I wasn't busy I'd let them in, but if I was I'd ask them to come back.

Edited by Blunderbuss
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I think you agree to be cooperative, to me that means you both being reasonable. I.e. they make an appointment, you accommodate them. Turning up unannounced and demanding entry is not reasonable, so I can't see that you'd be in breach of FAC conditions if it was inconvenient and you asked them to go away? The reaction they'd get from me would depend on what I was doing at the time. If I wasn't busy I'd let them in, but if I was I'd ask them to come back.


Totally agree. Depends on what you are doing at the time. Generally I would be happy to let them come in for a look if I was free.


I do have one question I would like answered though. Some times if I have been out and got a real drenching, when I get home I will break the gun, dry, clean and oil the barrels and lock them away. I will then give the wet wood work etc a wipe down and leave them upstairs in a warm room to air off. I'm always in and if I went out would lock them away. Is this illegal????????

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Some times if I have been out and got a real drenching, when I get home I will break the gun, dry, clean and oil the barrels and lock them away. I will then give the wet wood work etc a wipe down and leave them upstairs in a warm room to air off. I'm always in and if I went out would lock them away. Is this illegal????????


That sounds fair and reasonable to me. The gun is temporarily de-activatd and, the barrels are locked away safely. Unless it was used as a club, the stock's not goona hurt anyone.

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