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Car insurance - Unbelievable!


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I just got my car insurance renewal through today. I have been insured with the same company for a good few years now and have never made a claim of any sort so my no claims bonus is in tact and first calss. Even so every year the renweal premium for my car has risen, not a lot admittedly, but it has gone up above the rate of inflation. Whenever I question the insurance company (Saga) about this they say it is because of other drivers in my area - It seems to me that I am paying for their poor driving!

However today has presented me with a first! My renweal premium has gone DOWN! Not by a lot admittedly but it has gone down. I pay mine on a monthly basis and the monthly payments have gone down by over a pound a months, this might not sound like a lot but this is definitely a first - Or does this mean that the other drivers in my area are getting better and having less accidents?

Has anyone else experienced their car insurance renewal going down in price or is this just a "one off"?

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saw an Ad on telly last night from confussed.com (annoying ads) but there were on about a device you can put in your car that monitors how 'well' you drive and adjust you insurance accordingly. Intresting concept and for my money I'm sure this will become the only way the insurers will operate soon to ***** risk etc. May actually be worth a look if you are a low risk driver!

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Saga are mugging you off for not shopping around. :yes:


Put your details in a site such as GoCompare or comparethemarket.com and your premium will be less. You might even get a cuddly toy thrown in for free! :good:

I tried that and one year it came up with a cheaper insurance quote and you weill not believe who it was with = SAGA! What had happened was that the price comparison line had recognised me as a new customer. I accepted the quote there and then on line and afterwaqrds phoned SAGA up. They said that it should not had happened but as it had been offered and accepted they would stand by it!

In general whenever I go to one of these comparison sites for an equivilent insurance cover it (More often than not) tends to throw SAGA up as one of the cheapest so I see it as "Better the devil you know than the one you don't"!


p.s. Why would I need a cuddly toy :hmm: :hmm: :hmm: I've got the wife, she can be quite "cuddly". :whistling::lol: :lol:

As for this "device" from Go Compare - If you think I am driving around with that fat plonker singing in my ear all day you had better think again!

Edited by Frenchieboy
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you would have thought that they might get the idea that giving an even slightly cheaper quote on renewal that people wouldn't bother swapping about as much. I can't remember ever having a renewal that was less than £50 more than the year before.

Totally agree with you there al4x! Surely if they gave a slightly cheaper renewal quote to loyal customers they would get many more customers staying with them rather than going on "comparison sites" and could maybe even save on advertising at the same time!

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Have to agree with previous posters Frenchieboy. Like most things nowadays it pays to shop around every time your renewal comes up.

I did the same as you and stayed with one company for about four years and all they did was increase my premium every time; Because they were very reasonable when I first joined them I just thought it wasn't worth checking others on renewals.

I think all companies use the same tactic because they know a proportion of customers won't be bothered to shop around and it's easier to do nothing and let your cover ride onto a new year.

I would spend half hour on the net using a couple of different comparison sites to see what others charge for the same cover. If there is a significant saving call your insurance company and ask them to match it or you're cancelling.



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When I got my renewal through for my Disco, it was over £100 more than last year. Managed to get it elsewhere for about the same as last year, then when I called my own insurance company to tell them I would not be renewing, they had the cheek to ask if I had a few minutes for them to see if they could do a better price! :mad:

I politely told them that the time to do that was BEFORE they sent me a renewal, not after.

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I used to stick with Swinton because they would always match any comparison based quote and give me a loyalty bonus but last year I had a small prang and they upped the best price from £300 to £1200 and wouldn't budge . So I went with compare the market and got it for £350 . This year the best on that site was £600 so went went on gocompare and got it for £350 again . Shop around and don't get complacent and just renew

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Its rare that there is much between them, I've been with Direct Line for a couple of years now and I do like a few things about them. Not being on comparison sites and they do seem pretty straight up which is unusual in Insurance.

Direct line are the only insurance company I wouldn't go with . To save costs they automatically admit fault and pay out regardless of blame . This saves on solicitors fees but labels your driving history with an at fault accident

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Dont talk about insurance to me!!!!!!!,,,,my daughter has just recently passed her test. So we decided to buy her a car. For obvious reasons we bought her the lowest cc car we could find......a little fiat sceicento 950cc. She was over the moon with it. She is 18 and studying to be a special effects make-up artist...so needs a car to travel to Uni and to a theatre at weekends where she has a small job to gain experience. The car cost me 1100 quid....................as for insurance its a joke.......1200 quid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. And we spent 2 weeks searching for the cheapest quote. Ok, I know there is a risk with younger inexperieced drivers.....but 1200 is a complete joke and rip off. How the hell do they expect kids to get on in life with charges like that. We were told after the first year if she is claim free this will virtually half in price....................I should think so!!!!!!.

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Mines taken a big fall, changed cars mid year to a new smaller engined car, company wanted a £50 addition to cover it. Renewal time was some thing like £400 to renew, got it for less than £300 even the insurance brooker double checked as such a big differance.


As soon as I put my details in some of the sites, and compare what they are like, some are off this planet, as I have a declariable illness. It makes a hell of a differance with some companies not quoting, with out the illness I could get it a fair bit less than I am paying now.

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there is no loyalty bonus with insurers whatsoever now - my last insurance company actually told me to shop around! and I can't remember paying more for insurance other than a year I had an accidental damage claim.


There is also no point going with a so called "reputable" company - I used to pay a little more and on the last occassion I went with Priveledge - this was a joke as I had a boy racer run into the back of me and priveledge we useless - from then on I go for the cheapest cover that gets me legal for the road and has legal cover.


another example of the joke that is insurance companies - the other day I called Falcon insurance to cancel my Quad/ATV policy - 2 months and 5 days ago i paid £150 for the annulal premium - on cancelling i got....wait for it.....£11.60 back!!! I questioned this and they explained of the £150, £50 is a brokers fee, and the insurer pays out a maximum of 50% back on cancellations (£50 in this case) falcon then take a £38.40 cancellation fee...what a bloody joke! its an excuse to rip a customer off!


Get the cheapest policy that makes you legal....





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Dont talk about insurance to me!!!!!!!,,,,my daughter has just recently passed her test. So we decided to buy her a car. For obvious reasons we bought her the lowest cc car we could find......a little fiat sceicento 950cc. She was over the moon with it. She is 18 and studying to be a special effects make-up artist...so needs a car to travel to Uni and to a theatre at weekends where she has a small job to gain experience. The car cost me 1100 quid....................as for insurance its a joke.......1200 quid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. And we spent 2 weeks searching for the cheapest quote. Ok, I know there is a risk with younger inexperieced drivers.....but 1200 is a complete joke and rip off. How the hell do they expect kids to get on in life with charges like that. We were told after the first year if she is claim free this will virtually half in price....................I should think so!!!!!!.


My 19 year old nephew has recently passed his driving test. He had a moped for two years so has that insurance NC bonus but the insurance companies still want £3.5k for 3rd party on a 12 year old 1.1l Fiesta! :rolleyes: :( :no:

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I compare every year as I don't like to be ripped off any more than I have to be, gone with Aviva multicar this year which to be fair was cheaper than 2 seperate policies on a Golf GTi and Polo. They also keep your no claims seperate which is a bonus. Cost me a shade under £400 for both cars with myself and Mrs Livefast insured on both.


I always use www.topcashback.co.uk to see if I can get more money off the cheapest price, I generally get £30 to £60 back.

Edited by Livefast123
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My 19 year old nephew has recently passed his driving test. He had a moped for two years so has that insurance NC bonus but the insurance companies still want £3.5k for 3rd party on a 12 year old 1.1l Fiesta! :rolleyes: :( :no:


Thats another rip off with insurance companies - No claims bonus cannot be used between bike and car policies - but if you have a claim or accident on a bike it can be used against you for a car policy and visa-versa - what a bloody joke! the goverment should step in and regulate that point as it is a blatant excuse to rip people off, either seperate them completely or make them count both ways.


At least then a 16 year old could build up some road sense on a moped/scooter and gain NCB to use on his car at 17, they have purposely set this up so it cannot be done! boils my blood!





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I havent used the same insurance company two years running for the last 10 years . I now use a broker who is close to me and sit down with them and let them come up with the quotes ,better than the internet as you can actually talk to people . The brokers told me that more people are using brokers now because they can talk to people . Just insured my pick up truck ,£280 a year including legal and my wife and son on the policy ,and I might add not the company they insured me with last year .

Harnser .

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I compare every year as I don't like to be ripped off any more than I have to be, gone with Aviva multicar this year which to be fair was cheaper than 2 seperate policies on a Golf GTi and Polo. They also keep your no claims seperate which is a bonus. Cost me a shade under £400 for both cars with myself and Mrs Livefast insured on both.


I always use www.topcashback.co.uk to see if I can get more money off the cheapest price, I generally get £30 to £60 back.



Insurance companies these days are nothing other than a load of ****ehawks. We have three VW's in the family, a Fox, Golf and Polo and my shooting van ( a Kia ). My two daughters are 18 and 19 and have only just passed their driving tests. I use a broker to advise on our work insurances and he is top dollar, so he got the job with my personal stuff. To cut a long story short my motor premiums are now £642 cheaper a year and they are insured with the AVIVA multi-car policy. I used to dread all the ******* about with motor insurances as all the renewal dates used to be different and dealing on the internet and 'phone was diabolical. Job done, use a real person to take the grief out of it all and still get better premium rates.

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I am dreading insurance renewal this year - SWMBO had our first accident in 30 yrs - self enflicted - hit throttle instead of brake and rammed house wall - It happened right on renewal time and after they had sent it out to us so I renewed - this year I think it will be much higher even though it's protected NCB. - I usually find Tesco or Aviva are cheaper than most.



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