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paying for a meal before you had it

leeds chimp

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SWMBO is off away for a few days so decided to take her out last night for a meal. She wanted to go to an all you want to eat place in Norwich.

(Been there before and did not rate it and was unimpressed but Thats not the point as her call)

Walked in and asked for a table for two and took us to the bar for drinks.

Served the drinks then asked for payment for the drinks AND the meal?

Asked why pay now and said its policy so joking I asked dont you trust me. Bloke turned round and said bluntly NO. I wanted at that time to give him a mouthful and walk out but knew it would ruin our night and put me in the bad books with SWMBO.

Never had to do that before and I wont be going back as the service, food and attitude of the staff was disgraceful and I wanted to complain but kept quiet so could enjoy the night but told SWMBO what I thought when she asked if I enjoyed it.

Anyone else had to pay upfront as does limit your options when you feel you have to complain

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funny i had discussion with a waitress at the handmade burger co. and its the same you pay before, i asked why and no reason was given, i basically said that they were losing money in tips etc. that said i found a voucher for money off after id paid for the meal and they refunded me on the way out.

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He deffo looks dodgy :)


I think there could be a few reasons why you pay upfront. Plus maybe a little of the old adage, "you get what you pay for";


1. They may ask you to pay upfront as they've had people ditch and run. Big busy restaurant, not enough staff to keep an eye on every single person - very easy to slip out the door and do a bunk. So, make it company policy to pay at the start.


2. It could be to speed up the entire paying/vacating process. No waiting around trying to catch the waiters eye when you've finished your meal and are ready to go. Once you're done, simply leave... simples


3. They take your money upfront knowing the likelihood of you making a complaint is high. But they don't care - they now have your money!


Out of interest, do you pay for your McDonalds, KFC, fish and chips etc. etc. etc. up front....?!? Yep.

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I'd only take offence if it was only YOU who had to pay up front. If it's company policy, fair enough.


In my experience you pay up front at all fast food/self service establishments, so I don't see anything wrong with that.

Also, why would you leave a tip if you have served yourself ?

I don't tip if I eat in McDonalds, or KFC, does anyone ?


I hear you don't tip anywhere! :lol:

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As a rule I try to avoid pay up front eateries. I took the family to Taybarns once and was shocked by the behaviour in there. It would have been hilarious if I hadn't paid for the privilege.


Obviously McD's, KFC etc is different but I rarely even get out of the car then.

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I'd have asked just as bluntly why they want paying up front,

Are they expecting the food/service to be **** to the point where I wouldn't want to pay up ?

I wouldn't have been waiting around long enough for an answer :no:


I suppose, If its the sort of fixed price, all you can eat kinda place and your happy that you know what you're getting then why not pay as you go in

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We have a few places near us like this - Aroma in Basildon springs to mind - and I have seen youngsters do a runner - Albeit all very slyly.


It's an eat all you like jobbie, so the tables are regularly empty where everyone is either getting their food or going to the loo......or legging it out the door one by one. You pay at the end at this place, but i can see that changing once word gets around that it's free food if you're handy on your feet.


I was tempted to do a runner, but i need far too much of a head start these days!

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If you turn up at a trough, expect to be treated like a pig.

It's all about the class of people they attract (no slur on you, I've been to such places) that they think they can take the michael and run out. Skanky places attract skanky people who do skanky things. To make money, they need to protect themselves as much as they can.


If you want good service and proper dining experience, go to a proper restaurant. If you want shed loads of cheap food, expect not to be treated as you might be expected.

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Leeds Chimp!


I assume.your talking about the riverside chinese buffet? Absolutley appauling food. Little choice and even the tepanyaki grill was naff they couldnt even cook the meat properly my chicken was still raw in the middle. I was shocked when asked to stump up the reddies first before eating. I would advocate everyone going to norwich to give it a wide berth.


Take the Mrs to Gt Yarmouth and there is a place called the Yankee Traveller next door to fatso's


I have NEVER seen so much food on a plate. I went in thinking "yeah! yank food brit portions" mrs ordered a burger and fries with a perroni to drink. I decided I wanted more than a small burger, and a handfull of fries, so ordered the combo! :oops:


I saw the Mrs order get put on the table, and my jaw dropped! The burger was about 8oz with over a kilo of fries! :o


I sat with my head in my hands thinking! "what have I done?"


I got half a rack of bbq ribs, a big chuck of chicken, wrapped in bacon, corn on the cob, salad, coleslaw and 1.5 kilos of fries. There was something else, but I forgot now. I was told by the company we were in, I would NEVER eat all that. So I did just that! :lol: :lol: :lol:


Paid when we were happy with the food, and ready to leave! :yes:

Edited by Lord Geordie
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Once recieved such bad service at a tgi fridays, we ordered our food, and when it eventually arrived, we left it and walked out. The waitress asked us to pay, but we just said no. Had we paid upfront, we would have had a battle getting a refund.

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Leeds Chimp!


I assume.your talking about the riverside chinese buffet? Absolutley appauling food. Little choice and even the tepanyaki grill was naff they couldnt even cook the meat properly my chicken was still raw in the middle. I was shocked when asked to stump up the reddies first before eating. I would advocate everyone going to norwich to give it a wide berth.


Take the Mrs to Gt Yarmouth and there is a place called the Yankee Traveller next door to fatso's


I have NEVER seen so much food on a plate. I went in thinking "yeah! yank food brit portions" mrs ordered a burger and fries with a perroni to drink. I decided I wanted more than a small burger, and a handfull of fries, so ordered the combo! :oops:


I saw the Mrs order get put on the table, and my jaw dropped! The burger was about 8oz with over a kilo of fries! :o


I sat with my head in my hands thinking! "what have I done?"


I got half a rack of bbq ribs, a big chuck of chicken, wrapped in bacon, corn on the cob, salad, coleslaw and 1.5 kilos of fries. There was something else, but I forgot now. I was told by the company we were in, I would NEVER eat all that. So I did just that! :lol: :lol: :lol:


Paid when we were happy with the food, and ready to leave! :yes:


That sounds EPIC! Might just have to go there with the lads and see what all this is about!

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no it was merge on grapes hill where the regal use to be.

First time went in there in a group of 6 and i had a frozen crab claw and complained then and took them 20 mins to get a manager and she tried to give 100 excuses got the cheapest bottle of wine as a sorry but SWMBO said her friends had been recently and it had improved. Wont be going back at all as not impressed with the service or attitude of the staff.

Will have to look at that Yankee traveller then

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no it was merge on grapes hill where the regal use to be.

First time went in there in a group of 6 and i had a frozen crab claw and complained then and took them 20 mins to get a manager and she tried to give 100 excuses got the cheapest bottle of wine as a sorry but SWMBO said her friends had been recently and it had improved. Wont be going back at all as not impressed with the service or attitude of the staff.

Will have to look at that Yankee traveller then


here you go bud!



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I never pay up front for any fast food, that inc indian, chinese or pizza. Maybe I'm lucky where i live. I certainly wouldn't in a restaurant.


Just makes the restaurant look a bit doddy, like they know the foods **** and and expecting you to walk out.


If you go to a takeaway, you order, you pay, you take it away and eat it, thats classed as paying up front,


unless you order, take food home, eat it, then go back to pay?



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