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shooting pheasant on the ground ??


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Ha Ha, I shoot and beat on 100% the most prestigeous shoot in the UK, no money will ever get you a place, you need an invite, I said some, as always some birds are tricky. And I hold with my original statement...."some of the easiest targets possible in Sport!" :good:





First load of the day!


Thats a very bold statement , I would guess that the Sandringham estate is perhaps the most prestigious shoot in the country are you saying you shoot with the royals !

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Thats a very bold statement , I would guess that the Sandringham estate is perhaps the most prestigious shoot in the country are you saying you shoot with the royals !


They have a little estate of some 38,000 acres in Berkshire, the lady runs the household and has a husband with outspoken views usually a pace or two behind her, a very large house virtually on the banks of the Thames in Windsor, but raised up very high so no chance of flooding, they have 4 children, (one of which now lives in the "garden" in a house the ladies mother used to live in, he previously had his own house built in another part of the garden which everyone said looked like a supermarket, but things didn't work out with the other half), and several other Estates around the country. I shoot and beat on 100% the most prestigeous shoot in the UK. :yes: :yes:

Edited by Dekers
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Just because it is the most prestigeous, it doesnt mean they are the best pheasants. Berkshire (along with norfolk/sandringham that was mentioned) isnt exactly known for its high pheasant shoots like the west country and yorkshire.


Any idiot with half an eye and a shotgun can down plenty of Pheasant, some are harder! :good:


But this isn't what this thread is about, back to the question. :good:

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Any idiot with half an eye can shoot 100/100 at clays, if they are leant against a wall 10 yards away, does that mean clay pigeon shooting is easy too.


But yeah, taking it off topic, so i'll let you get back to dreaming about being top beater on this top shoot you talk of. ;)


I'm sure as hell not top beater or shooter, frankly I find the whole thing rather boring, I only do if for the company. I have next to no interest in Pheasant shoots at all because they are so artificial and easy, not enough challenge for me!


Clays tend to be much harder, commonly 10 stands with VERY different birds, the majority of Pheasants are flushed and fly straight at guns!


Try shooting a Pheasant in the head at 100 yards on the ground with a .243, thats much more challenging! :good:


If you want another debate start another thread, let this get back to the topic!!

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To be honest, im only replying to wind you up.


I will agree pheasant shooting is very artificial, but if you think they are not enough challenge then you obviously need to try shooting some real high birds on some of the real top shoots.


As for shooting one with the .243, i'd rather waste my ammo on something worth shooting.


I am fortunate to have been invited to numerous shoots, and a very good friend of mine has his own shoot in Marlborough, I enjoy helping through the closed season and then Guest/Beaters day, its social, not sport for me, good company! :good:

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Nothing like opening a can of worms :D

Sorry posted in wrong section by mistake.

I only asked out of interest im not goin pheasant stalking I shoot shotgun mostly rough shooting but if one was on the ground and it didnt fly off I would shoot it and eat it.


Well that says alot :wacko: :rolleyes::P

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Dekers, I was impressed with your opinions when I first came on here - maybe 1500 posts ago.

Time for you to retire my friend - you simply live by trolling and it doesnt suit you. Who cares 'which shoots' ? Your posts are unworthy lately, despite your obvious experience - also, lately too arrogantly stated. I am sorry to post this.

Edited by Kes
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sometimes I wonder whether people ever actually have much experience before posting, decent pheasants take a lot of beating and they can be far from the easiest targets possible.


They are pretty easy,(even driven) compared to being stuck in mud,( in the half light) attempting to shoot teal which are past you before you can blink! Although some of the stratospheric birds,(70 yard pheasants) I have never tried!

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Dekers, I was impressed with your opinions when I first came on here - maybe 1500 posts ago.

Time for you to retire my friend - you simply live by trolling and it doesnt suit you. Who cares 'which shoots' ? Your posts are unworthy lately, despite your obvious experience - also, lately too arrogantly stated. I am sorry to post this.


I quite agree. Some of Dekers posts show a conceit which is distasteful.

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They are pretty easy,(even driven) compared to being stuck in mud,( in the half light) attempting to shoot teal which are past you before you can blink! Although some of the stratospheric birds,(70 yard pheasants) I have never tried!


it all depends when you look at a good team of guns on a half decent shoot you will very rarely get an average better than 2.5 shots per bird and that is a very good team. Some of the highlights I've had on pheasants have been nice windy days on woodland rides with good height trees where you only see the birds very briefly every bit as testing as teal. Then you throw some partridges into the mix and it becomes great sport. Even standing out the front if they were that easy you would kill every one and it simply doesn't happen because guns don't pick the low birds they leave them and go for the higher more testing ones.

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it all depends when you look at a good team of guns on a half decent shoot you will very rarely get an average better than 2.5 shots per bird and that is a very good team. Some of the highlights I've had on pheasants have been nice windy days on woodland rides with good height trees where you only see the birds very briefly every bit as testing as teal. Then you throw some partridges into the mix and it becomes great sport. Even standing out the front if they were that easy you would kill every one and it simply doesn't happen because guns don't pick the low birds they leave them and go for the higher more testing ones.


That's all very valid points actually. Wind on a driven day makes a big difference. Didn't really think about 'snap shots' in woodland ect.


Have to say I wouldn't call I high curling pheasant easy. But if you get a bog standard bird coming over the top of you I always feel like I shouldn't be missing it!

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Dekers is practically royalty. you have better watch out or he will give you a damn good thrashing, wot.


are you sure its not treason if you disagree with the Queens favorite beater :whistling:


It has been suggested he is a master beater or maybe I miss heard that a little :hmm:

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