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Well its been 1 week now since we were blessed with our Daughter Harriet, i say blessed ,as i think she really was a blessing, it took 8 years and 11 failed IVF attempts to get her, and anyone how knows or has read about the rigmarole of IVF will understand what i mean and the strains it can put on any relationship. But she is here now safe and sound and i must say it really has been worth all the heartache and emotional stress that it caused.

Im sitting here now on the sofa with her asleep beside me in her crib ( she has been awake most of the night!!) listening to her little breathes and sighs and it makes it so worth while.


Soppy *** moment i know, but thought i would share our happiness with you guys :D

Edited by MattSoanes
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Congratulations on the birth, she is worth all the trouble that you have gone through.


You can never have enough pictures of them while they are so small, they will change almost on a daily basis. My oldest is 8 in March scary thoguht as its only seems like yesterday.


Spend as much time with her as you can as these days you can never get back.


when it comes to your own children there are no soppy moments.

Edited by neil3728
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A very understandable feeling.

I hope all your experiences from now on will be as pleasant with your daughter.

As a dad too, my daughter is very special, being my first (without the hassle and torment you have had), just the same feeling now 24 years later.

Happy New Year and lots of them.

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Congratulations Matt thats great news brougt a smile to myu face this morning. As others have said enjoy them when they are young. It never ceased to amaze me how many parents said that to me when my son was born. And from unexpected quarters from the local minister of religion to the manual worker who enjoys a little too much drink, they all said the same "enjoy them when they are young because they grow up so fast". My son is 6 years old and my daughter 4, both in school dfull time, where did the time go!

Good Luck & Enjoy



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It's a wonderful feeling becoming a parent

every now and again last thing at night

I still go into my boys rooms and think Wow i did that !!!

Even now they nearly 16 & 20 I still can't believe how lucky I am

mind you I still can't believe they both haven't put locks on thier doors to keep mother out ;0)


Your little girl

will bring many things into your life

enjoy every moment



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congratulations to you both enjoy every second the years will fly past make the most of every step.

Before long they will be having children of there own im very lucky to have jst been made a grandad 8 weeks ago by ferguson tom on this thread and im as exited as i was to have my own good luck for the future

Rob :yahoo:

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Congratulation :good:

How nice to put the computer on and read something so happy for a change. :yes:


+1 :good: and congrats on the baby...


And in suffolk you can enjoy counting all 10 fingers and 12 toes... :yp: only kidding, congrats again!

Edited by gixer1
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Congratulations, MattSoanes! Children are indeed a blessing, and daughters particularly so.


You can look forward to your wee baby blossoming into a destructive toddler. She'll become toy-obsessed and you'll be reduced to a trembling wreck trying to track down that latest must-have every Christmas and birthday.


Next it'll be clothes to a soundtrack of unbelievable tantrums if you don't cave in. Don't take it too badly - the tantrums generally only go on for the first twenty years or so.


And all that time you'll be praying that she won't like ponies.


Oh, and perhaps I shouldn't mention the unsuitable boyfriends......


And the cripplingly expensive driving lessons.


And then your car won't always be there when you want to use it.


Then she'll crash it - at least once - and some of her less discreet friends will tell you how unbelievably fast she can get round that tight bend just outside town. Then you'll lie awake at night waiting for the police to bring her home, or tell you which cell they've got her in.


She'll probably go to college or university, and you really will be reduced to wondering whether you can afford to have the heating on on anything but the coldest days in winter. As for being able to buy cartridges, well, dream on.


And then one day she'll tell you that she's getting married (possibly to one of the unsuitable boyfriends). She might as well tell you that you're getting bankrupted. It's the same thing. You just have to take it on the chin and try to dismiss from your mind the knowledge that the cost of her "do" would have bought you a Purdey sidelock or a small four-by-four.


The bung towards the deposit for the flat / house won't hurt at all - you'll still be traumatised and numb after paying for the wedding!


Finally, there comes the BIG NEWS. She's pregnant. You're going to be a grandad. You rush into the bathroom to check how far your greying hair has receded (if you've got any left) while the prospective granny immediately checks out the cost of prams on-line. You steel yourself for the inevitable - the handing over of your credit card.


And you shake hands with your son-in-law, congratulate him, and think, oh, boy, if only you knew what you've got coming.


Mine's called Fiona, by the way, and she'll be thirty in April. AND NONE OF THIS IS FICTION!

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Not meant to hijack, however.....


son and heir born at 1910 hrs, 7lb 13ozs. Mom and boy doing fine.


When the midwife said "one last push", bent down and came up with a baby it was the best magic trick i've ever witnessed.


I had a look around under the bed but there were no signs of trapdoors or any such thing, its got me baffled.


In all honesty, to go from shouting and screaming one second, to pure silence and amazement the next when the baby seems to appear from nowhere is something that will stay with me for a long time. I then proceeded to cry like a baby myself.


Wife and child safely tucked up the maternity ward, and I'm off to bed.


Good night



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Congratulations, MattSoanes! Children are indeed a blessing, and daughters particularly so.


You can look forward to your wee baby blossoming into a destructive toddler. She'll become toy-obsessed and you'll be reduced to a trembling wreck trying to track down that latest must-have every Christmas and birthday.


Next it'll be clothes to a soundtrack of unbelievable tantrums if you don't cave in. Don't take it too badly - the tantrums generally only go on for the first twenty years or so.


And all that time you'll be praying that she won't like ponies.


Oh, and perhaps I shouldn't mention the unsuitable boyfriends......


And the cripplingly expensive driving lessons.


And then your car won't always be there when you want to use it.


Then she'll crash it - at least once - and some of her less discreet friends will tell you how unbelievably fast she can get round that tight bend just outside town. Then you'll lie awake at night waiting for the police to bring her home, or tell you which cell they've got her in.


She'll probably go to college or university, and you really will be reduced to wondering whether you can afford to have the heating on on anything but the coldest days in winter. As for being able to buy cartridges, well, dream on.


And then one day she'll tell you that she's getting married (possibly to one of the unsuitable boyfriends). She might as well tell you that you're getting bankrupted. It's the same thing. You just have to take it on the chin and try to dismiss from your mind the knowledge that the cost of her "do" would have bought you a Purdey sidelock or a small four-by-four.


The bung towards the deposit for the flat / house won't hurt at all - you'll still be traumatised and numb after paying for the wedding!


Finally, there comes the BIG NEWS. She's pregnant. You're going to be a grandad. You rush into the bathroom to check how far your greying hair has receded (if you've got any left) while the prospective granny immediately checks out the cost of prams on-line. You steel yourself for the inevitable - the handing over of your credit card.


And you shake hands with your son-in-law, congratulate him, and think, oh, boy, if only you knew what you've got coming.


Mine's called Fiona, by the way, and she'll be thirty in April. AND NONE OF THIS IS FICTION!


This has made me smile, its already cost me a Purdey sidelock to get her so i dont mind missing out on another one :lol:

Let the good times roll!!

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