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Coaching Success best day ever


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As on most Saturdays, yesterday saw me out at the ground coaching.

My last lesson of the day was a13 year old boy. I met the lad and had a cup of tea with him and his dad. The boy was I thought going to be a challenge, he very oviously had difficulties.


We were only going to undertake 25 targets and duly set off to the fiirst stand, he chipped a few (3x8) but was doing as I had asked, but the problem of his difficulties was showing, stand 2 the same again(3x8) and I was wondering what I was to do to give the boy a good day out, on to stand 3 a long slow incomer, slighlty quatering left to right he hit 7 of the 9, smoking and smashing 5 of the them.

On the first target on this stand he smoked it and the smile was big clear and evident.


Back to the club house, after lesson chat and a cuppa. The Dad sent the lad to the car and asked if he could have a word with me in private. We found a quiet spot and the dad, broke down and cried. Christ i thought what have I done.


The Dad explained his son was Autistic, suffered from Ashbergers Syndrom, had mucle co ordination problem. The reason the Dad cried, when the lad smiled on smashing his first clay, it was the first time the Dad had ever seen his son smile.

This was for me the most rewarding and most humbling day ever, and certainly one I will never forget.

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Good for you.One of my nephews is border-line autistic with learning difficuilties and I used to take him along to young shots days whenever I took a group of kids along,and those coaches soon had him smashing clays.He loved it,and if the smile was any bigger the top of his head would have come off.

Well done you,a rewarding experience.

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Nice one! Must tell my colleague with an autistic son.


Ive always thought of shooting as a great way to teach kids responsibility, coordination, and concentration skills. My son tried it, but did not seem too keen (a sore shoulder did not help). Perhaps it was bit early, but I'm glad he had the opportunity to give it a go.

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