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fly fishing


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Get in touch with a local angling club, they usually have the retired type who would be prepared to start you off for tens of pounds. If you lived nearer i could help you out.

A word of warning though: Fly Fishing can become an obsession!

Ask a man who knows.....

Tight Lines


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Get in touch with a local angling club, they usually have the retired type who would be prepared to start you off for tens of pounds. If you lived nearer i could help you out.

A word of warning though: Fly Fishing can become an obsession!

Ask a man who knows.....

Tight Lines



Just for gods sake don't start making your own flys, then u really are DOOMED! :no::/:oops::sad1:

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The wanted £150 for 2 hours

That's steep!

I would also say that an hour is plenty to start with.

Ring round and find another, cheap isn't always better though.


I had one hour lesson and went from there, not claiming to be ace but I do catch fish.

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that does seem very expensive! i had lessons locally with a qualified coach, who writes for one of the trout fishing mags - he was charging £40 an hour!.


i fished recently at 'Thorpe Vale', near ludford, market rasen, Lincs and saw an advert for a local qualified instructor for £20 an hour.


once you have had some lessons - you should try 'Roxholme' trout fishery, nr worksop :good: not for a fly fishing purist i know, but some great sport, very well stocked indeed (rainbows to 21lb, lots of doubles).

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I bought a DVD for learning the casting technique. I practised on the field and did rather well. I then went fishing on a local river on the free spots and really enjoyed myself. The time flies "no pun intended"


It's really good fun and a tad expensive. I was lucky enough to have a few people locally giving up and managed to snag a few bargains.

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