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pup pooing on sofa

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Every time a pup poo's inside the house get a rolled up newspaper and HIT YOURSELF over the head and repeat I am not paying enough attention to the pup.


Pups of this age can not hold it if he wants to go and is on the settee he will go.

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One thing i noticed with my pup. He used to go after he ate food, so normally that involved opening the back door and standing in the garden until he did something, once hes done something. Had a treat in hand. Abit of fuss, good boy etc.


Another sign was the bum used to pop out abit like he was ready to go or he'd start sniffing on the floor etc with more interest, which normally meant a wee!


The only thing you can do is pay attention! Accidents will happen or should i say S?!# happens lol

Edited by Malik
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Normal house training will help mate, its not because its the sofa.


Some people will tell you it takes a day or two to get a pup house trained, both mine took about 10-14 days and to be completely accident free a good month maybe a bit more. Just persist with it they will soon get the idea.

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Maybe you should lead by example, next time you need to drop the kids off at the pool, go in the back garden and drop trowel, do the business and give yourself a treat. Just make sure he's watching.


Or maybe he just wants a new sofa. You better hurry up though. You don't want to miss the dfs sale.

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