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range rage

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Was at the range the other day plinking with my hw97k In .22. It pretty much emptied out apart from my mate and two other lads. I was tweaking my zero when this lad pipes up "is that a hw97 mate" , my reply was "yes". He then said to his mate who was shooting a borrowed 22 Springer "you need to get a .177 rather than that .22 carp). ok so now he has indirectly ****** me nd my mate off (both shooting .22). I then swap targets he takes a goggle and pipes up, you would group better with a .177. ijust ignored it was obvious he had no idea. he then proceeded to say to his mate what a good shot he was and gave him a demonstration by hitting knock down targets at the end of the range quickly reloading.With no interaction from my part he proceeded to tell me how good his gun was as it was a pre charge and in 177 and how he could put pellet on pellet.


Now i don't know what this guy was trying to prove but he came across as a helmet. I didn't voice my opinion, I didn't try to explain why he was talking bull.


Yes i know a 177 will group tighter (it's smaller holes for a start you idiot), yes you can reload faster with a precharged (that's what their designed for). Precharged are easier to shoot you idiot, I could teach my granny to put pellet on pellet at that range!!! And no .22 aren't carp, springers aren't carp, just because you can't shoot one doesn't make them pants.


Ok now rant over, do you guys suffer people like this who know everything, have done everything, their always better etc it really grinds on me especially when I could probably run rings around the little human refuse.

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Smile sweetly and walk away. You get most noise from empty vessels.


You get it in all sports. Like unsolicited coaching advice when clay shooting, very annoying and most usually wrong.

I like the ones who go "you were underneath that" etc, on your first shot, when Yeh they may be right but I have got eyes too, I can see where I missed.....

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It's usually the gob ****es who shout loudest who have the least to offer in terms of skill and experience. Not shooting, but I had a dog walker tell me that pike don't feed in the summer, he then went on to spin me the yarn about how many 20 lb pike he had out the local canal! And how I'm wasting my time. I wouldn't get annoyed about it, feel contented knowing this chap was a moron.

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There's a couple at every clay club on every forum and at every range mate, I usually say "ok mate" then just blatantly ignore them while they are spouting brown stuff, don't even engage in the conversation with them, they usually get the message and do one,





Edited by flynny
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There's a couple at every clay club on every forum and at every range mate, I usually say "ok mate" then just blatantly ignore them while they are spouting brown stuff, don't even engage in the conversation with them, they usually get the message and do one,



Yes it hapened to me at the PW charity shoot at the end off the day , before anyone asks it was no one I was with the night before :) GGGrrrrrrrr
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The quotes about fishing and morons above reminded me of a very funny incident that happened to me and my brother when we were young lads, maybe 14 and 12, we were fishing and this bloke came to the waters edge where we were fishing with his young son and startled a Morehen that was in the reeds, at that moment he piped up, Oh look a moron.............brother looks at me , I look at brother and we wail with laughter!!

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I have had similar at an air rifle club when. Was shooting my Mk1 TX200 in .22 flavour...."you won't hit much with that!" Was the claim from a bloke shooting some hideous and very loud FT special PCP thing...I kept my gob shut until he offered to "coach" me around the FT course in the woods. I couldn't be bothered with all the FT lark and in the main shot most target standing, only kneeling when I had to...he meanwhile had his nice beanbag thing and his Gerbil or whatever he called it (I know it's a hamster)...well it was quite close but I did beat him and proved that .22 springers can shoot straight! He didn't speak to me again lol! (I am not claiming to be a fantastic shot, just reasonably good...he was carp lol!)

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I have had similar at an air rifle club when. Was shooting my Mk1 TX200 in .22 flavour...."you won't hit much with that!" Was the claim from a bloke shooting some hideous and very loud FT special PCP thing...I kept my gob shut until he offered to "coach" me around the FT course in the woods. I couldn't be bothered with all the FT lark and in the main shot most target standing, only kneeling when I had to...he meanwhile had his nice beanbag thing and his Gerbil or whatever he called it (I know it's a hamster)...well it was quite close but I did beat him and proved that .22 springers can shoot straight! He didn't speak to me again lol! (I am not claiming to be a fantastic shot, just reasonably good...he was carp lol!)

Amazes me how many people like this are out there.

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Many years ago when I was good at pool; went for lunch time beer to find a group of contractors, mostly young lads getting stuffed (AT POOL) by their foreman.


Puts my 10p up and my turn comes around, 2 off the break and 5 more in quick succession. Lining up for the black (which I don't think I would have got) he chucks his bat onto the table shouting I only play like that for money. Well I've got £50 says I (lying) and he storms out leaving his dummy on the floor.


Best bit was the 3/4 young lads once they had stopped laughing said "he wont half get some gip when we get back"


Nowadays can't see to the end of the table without my specs..............oh well.

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Many years ago when I was good at pool; went for lunch time beer to find a group of contractors, mostly young lads getting stuffed (AT POOL) by their foreman.


Puts my 10p up and my turn comes around, 2 off the break and 5 more in quick succession. Lining up for the black (which I don't think I would have got) he chucks his bat onto the table shouting I only play like that for money. Well I've got £50 says I (lying) and he storms out leaving his dummy on the floor.


Best bit was the 3/4 young lads once they had stopped laughing said "he wont half get some gip when we get back"


Nowadays can't see to the end of the table without my specs..............oh well.

I did the same years ago, I had been on the table for most of the night wen this bloke started about playing for money, I said I didnt play for money as it was only a bit of fun for me.....


try as might he couldnt beat me and eventually left in the huff..... :lol:



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Yeah Shaun now and again you do get those times when you can't miss. Don't mean the people you are competing with are rubbish, just its your day.


Whether its shooting, fishing or something else brilliant when it happens.


And if your opponent is a gobby twit so much the better.




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I remember shooting sporting at the clay range and we came to a bird that one of the guys had set up earlier, it was a horrible low but climbing quartering away and going like hell edge on deceiving ******* of a bird and only one guy hit it twice, anyway my turn came up and the guy pushing the button was standing behind me telling me I was far too far infront every time so on my tenth and last shot I deliberately aimed about a foot behind the bird and according to him I was still too far infront. The best bit was when I was done I took the button from him and asked him to show me how to hit it, a box of shells later and quite red in the face he still hadn't hit it.

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Nowt wrong with a decent .22 springer. I loved my HW80k, wished I never sold it.


Those idiots at clay grounds that have 'clay Tourette's', you were infront of it, you were behind it, you were miles behind it, ohh you were just behind it!!! You feel like turning around and saying "you'll be behind something else in a minute pal"!

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I have had similar at an air rifle club when. Was shooting my Mk1 TX200 in .22 flavour...."you won't hit much with that!" Was the claim from a bloke shooting some hideous and very loud FT special PCP thing...I kept my gob shut until he offered to "coach" me around the FT course in the woods. I couldn't be bothered with all the FT lark and in the main shot most target standing, only kneeling when I had to...he meanwhile had his nice beanbag thing and his Gerbil or whatever he called it (I know it's a hamster)...well it was quite close but I did beat him and proved that .22 springers can shoot straight! He didn't speak to me again lol! (I am not claiming to be a fantastic shot, just reasonably good...he was carp lol!)


Echo this one! Had exactly the same! :-). I have a PCP and a cheapo .22 springer. Took my 'garden gun' to the club and had a 177 hero say same thing. "oh, that's a strange hold, you should hold a gun like this..." and all that. He took 3 shots at a knockdown target and kept missing. When he went to shoot for the 4th time, I shot it and knocked it down for him and said "oops, wrong taget" haha.


Just because he had some poncy annodised blue gun with stainless barrell and a special little roll up matt and all that stuff, didn't mean he can shoot.

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