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£32000 for sitting on your fat ***


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Child licenses.


No benefits - just food and clothing, life on benefits should be survival, not comfortable.


Minimum cost of alcohol per unit - your choice, if you want it cheaply you can have it but it has added chemical sterilisation properties to prevent you breeding...the more expensive stuff doesn't. White lightning and special brew must be the perfect delivery system for sterilisation of these kid producing sows before their herd gets too big.




When I get into power these parasites will not know what has hit them lol....

Workhouses? I think thats a little harsh for the Kids! I agree if a parent can't afford to have the kids then YES make the Parents work, if you have brought a tiny life into the world you should be able to provide for it. I would LOVE to have what tyese people get in Benefits. I get WAY less than £10.000 a year.


I heard a Neighbour moan the other day about getting a ****** £70 a week on benefits!


And the rest I said! He came out with his entitlement letter and shoved it in my face! See! £70 he said.


Now bring out your rent card and council tax bill said I.


He said "whats THAT got to do with it"?


I said "Add up your Rent your Council tax!" there is £83 rent and £25 CT plus your shatty £70 a week I make that £178 a week BEFORE your free dentist and School meals for the kids.


I get LESS than Him and I work bloomin hard for it too :angry:


This new scheme they were waffling on about using them to clean the street for their benefit! Pffft.


For what THEY get in Benefit I would gladly give up my current job and clean the streets permanently for that money. No rent, No council tax, free school meals for my Son, Free dentist visits, Winter fuel payments, Discounted use of Council facilities such as Gyms and Swimming, the list is endless.


I think people need to take a long hard look at Benefits. Surely it SHOULD pay better in Work, by a good margin too! Thats the ONLY way to get people OFF them.

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As I said before had a real bad accident and couldn't work for a fair while, now take into account that I had never claimed a penny up to this. Went to look help with benefits Mortgage and such like, was told I was not eligible as work were still paying me. My employer was paying me a very very small amount because I had paid into an insurance to cover for long term sick, but even when I said this still no help.

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I think I deserve to be i don't claim a single penny in benefits and these people get more money for free than i can earn! If you are entitled to benefits then claim them i say as there for people who NEED them NOT for whores who breed for more handouts im proud to say what I have is my own and ive got it through hard work. They are having children who think its ok to scrounge and don't have work ethic i work full time and still pay my way through college to get a better job i wouldn't think of having a child yet until i can provide it and be financially secure.


I am sure there are some out there that completely take the ****.. but, it is very easy to judge everyone by the actions of a few or even one and the media are very good at manipulating and editing things in a way designed to achieve exactly what they have here... it gets peoples backs up, gets them angry and more important... it sells copy!!!!


I would much prefer to walk a mile in someone's shoes before spitting venom and hate at them. You don't know the full story, you don't know the context and you don't really know what she said. All you know is what the media want you to know and along with ignorance and assumption (and we all know what assumption does!)


I am also a great believer in the saying 'and there but for the grace of god go I!' which is really quite something coming from the mouth of an atheist!

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£32 grand for sitting on your butt or in her case laying on her back with legs in the air , i retire in 18 months so i went on the government website and after 50 years of working i will get the grand sum of £114 a week state pension .seems pretty fair (MY ****) just as well i paid into some good company pensions (rant over)

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just been watching a fat wench with 7 kids to different dads complaining they are going to cut her benefits she get £32000 a year and said its not fair that some one who works and earn the same for a family of 4 she should get more :mad:

bet she ain't working 16 hrs tonight, who's daft me or her :(
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I am sure there are some out there that completely take the ****.. but, it is very easy to judge everyone by the actions of a few or even one and the media are very good at manipulating and editing things in a way designed to achieve exactly what they have here... it gets peoples backs up, gets them angry and more important... it sells copy!!!!


I would much prefer to walk a mile in someone's shoes before spitting venom and hate at them. You don't know the full story, you don't know the context and you don't really know what she said. All you know is what the media want you to know and along with ignorance and assumption (and we all know what assumption does!)


I am also a great believer in the saying 'and there but for the grace of god go I!' which is really quite something coming from the mouth of an atheist!

At what point did i judge all people claiming benefits she has the absolute cheek to moan say she can't survive on 2 grand a month you must be joking i said benefits for those who are entitled to them are a great help and do make a huge difference to the people who need them ! Not worked in 20 years her own words ive worked since i was 14 do not tell me there arnt jobs out there i worked in agencies for 2 years and was never out of work for more than 3 days most contracts were for 4+ months if you show your willing to work they find you work and if she didnt keep letting her knickers down she wouldn't be in that situation my grandad had 7 daughters and 1 son THE DIFFERANCE IS HE WORKED AND PROVIDED HE COULD AFFORD TO DO THAT for all of them and worked 7 days a Week of you want so many children then you pay they couldnt afford them so why have them how can she not survive on500 a week i only just earn that in 2 weeks i have rent rates and council tax insurance and food shop i get by its a joke end of dont reply to this i can't be ***** carrying on you obviously think what she is doing is acceptable thats your opinion this is mine.
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My son is a teacher in a deprived area and when he confronts the kids to work harder they say they will go on the dole like me dad and grandad and do a bit of cash in hand.


We should give the names on the dole to Tesco or similar and for them to work cleaning etc and supply them with basic food items, if they do not attend no food. And check for theft.

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And she is one of many many thousands, even millions, and the government wonder why economic growth is hard to obtain. You would probably need growth of china levels to support this nonsense.


Cut these people adrift, without fail and without a penny, and make it law. Then watch the country grow.

Bang on,





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At what point did i judge all people claiming benefits she has the absolute cheek to moan say she can't survive on 2 grand a month you must be joking i said benefits for those who are entitled to them are a great help and do make a huge difference to the people who need them ! Not worked in 20 years her own words ive worked since i was 14 do not tell me there arnt jobs out there i worked in agencies for 2 years and was never out of work for more than 3 days most contracts were for 4+ months if you show your willing to work they find you work and if she didnt keep letting her knickers down she wouldn't be in that situation my grandad had 7 daughters and 1 son THE DIFFERANCE IS HE WORKED AND PROVIDED HE COULD AFFORD TO DO THAT for all of them and worked 7 days a Week of you want so many children then you pay they couldnt afford them so why have them how can she not survive on500 a week i only just earn that in 2 weeks i have rent rates and council tax insurance and food shop i get by its a joke end of dont reply to this i can't be ***** carrying on you obviously think what she is doing is acceptable thats your opinion this is mine.


Vive La Revolution! :rolleyes:

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...and watch crime soar.

its already soaring, with people getting benefits. Of course it would increase, so you bring the army in if you have to. Let the church put its money where its mouth is and step in and use its huge reserves to look after people who cant cope, let soup kitchens, charities and philanthropists help them. Anything but crippling the country for the next generation. Lets see peoples families like who the thread is about, take in the young and lets start sending out a message, a big one, that its all over, it has been a disaster and now we start from day one. With the incredible sums of money saved, we put it into science, business, manufacturing, we become great again. p.s. I would happily do my bit, and work in a shelter or soup kitchen or similar.

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its already soaring, with people getting benefits. Of course it would increase, so you bring the army in if you have to. Let the church put its money where its mouth is and step in and use its huge reserves to look after people who cant cope, let soup kitchens, charities and philanthropists help them. Anything but crippling the country for the next generation. Lets see peoples families like who the thread is about, take in the young and lets start sending out a message, a big one, that its all over, it has been a disaster and now we start from day one. With the incredible sums of money saved, we put it into science, business, manufacturing, we become great again. p.s. I would happily do my bit, and work in a shelter or soup kitchen or similar.


are you sure you wouldn't prefer to man the gas chambers for those who couldn't work who had to turn to begging?

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its already soaring, with people getting benefits. Of course it would increase, so you bring the army in if you have to. Let the church put its money where its mouth is and step in and use its huge reserves to look after people who cant cope, let soup kitchens, charities and philanthropists help them. Anything but crippling the country for the next generation. Lets see peoples families like who the thread is about, take in the young and lets start sending out a message, a big one, that its all over, it has been a disaster and now we start from day one. With the incredible sums of money saved, we put it into science, business, manufacturing, we become great again. p.s. I would happily do my bit, and work in a shelter or soup kitchen or similar.


You really are living in a fantasy if you think the church has 'huge reserves' of cash... the wealth of the church (both catholic and Anglican) is tied up in assets which are simply impossible to liquidate... St Pauls Cathederal, St Peter's, and all that fall beneath them... The organised church is on its knees just like everyone else, they have no cash!


The army is not a resource to deploy on home soil... EVER... unless in a disaster relief, defensive or standby (i.e. fire service strike etc) role... the armed forces deployed on the streets of ones home country has a name... martial law... ermmmm no thanks!


And lastly... everyone is jumping on the bandwagon and blaming those on benefits for the financial mess pretty much the entire world finds itself in... the welfare state is but a (granted, quite large) drop in the ocean. Ceasing it, even completely, would not get us out of the current economic mess or stimulate growth. What we need is private sector growth and the best way to do that is to encourage as much industry to move here and set up business here, in turn that will create jobs and wealth and increase the public purse... To do that we need to slash corporation tax and give huge incentives to foreign companies.


Anyone who thinks benefits are the issue is blinkered and needs to go out and do some research before spouting utter rubbish!

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Child licenses.


No benefits - just food and clothing, life on benefits should be survival, not comfortable.


Minimum cost of alcohol per unit - your choice, if you want it cheaply you can have it but it has added chemical sterilisation properties to prevent you breeding...the more expensive stuff doesn't. White lightning and special brew must be the perfect delivery system for sterilisation of these kid producing sows before their herd gets too big.




When I get into power these parasites will not know what has hit them lol....

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are you sure you wouldn't prefer to man the gas chambers for those who couldn't work who had to turn to begging?

And heres old al4x, the man with zero solutions, only wants more of the same, and anyone who dares to suggest a different way is branded a nazi. I wouldnt have said that myself, but there you go, i wont cry about it and report it to the mods, Rough with the smooth and all that.

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You really are living in a fantasy if you think the church has 'huge reserves' of cash... the wealth of the church (both catholic and Anglican) is tied up in assets which are simply impossible to liquidate... St Pauls Cathederal, St Peter's, and all that fall beneath them... The organised church is on its knees just like everyone else, they have no cash!


The army is not a resource to deploy on home soil... EVER... unless in a disaster relief, defensive or standby (i.e. fire service strike etc) role... the armed forces deployed on the streets of ones home country has a name... martial law... ermmmm no thanks!


And lastly... everyone is jumping on the bandwagon and blaming those on benefits for the financial mess pretty much the entire world finds itself in... the welfare state is but a (granted, quite large) drop in the ocean. Ceasing it, even completely, would not get us out of the current economic mess or stimulate growth. What we need is private sector growth and the best way to do that is to encourage as much industry to move here and set up business here, in turn that will create jobs and wealth and increase the public purse... To do that we need to slash corporation tax and give huge incentives to foreign companies.


Anyone who thinks benefits are the issue is blinkered and needs to go out and do some research before spouting utter rubbish!

you go back to your walter mitty world, i put forward a point of view, you just belittle and ridicule. For your info, the church is a massive landowner, lets liquidate some of these fields they own and get that money to the needy, after all its why it was put in the collection tin. You seriously think the protestant and catholic churchs are skint? Ha Ha.

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And heres old al4x, the man with zero solutions, only wants more of the same, and anyone who dares to suggest a different way is branded a nazi. I wouldnt have said that myself, but there you go, i wont cry about it and report it to the mods, Rough with the smooth and all that.


there are solutions but you can't just pull all benefits and try and pick up the pieces that is as ridiculous as carrying on paying them all.

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you go back to your walter mitty world, i put forward a point of view, you just belittle and ridicule. For your info, the church is a massive landowner, lets liquidate some of these fields they own and get that money to the needy, after all its why it was put in the collection tin. You seriously think the protestant and catholic churchs are skint? Ha Ha.


I'm not belittling anything mate... your point of view (in my humble opinion) is full of ill-conceived, uneducated and blinkered thinking. You have jumped on the same media driven, emotive bandwagon as a lot of others without stepping back and looking at the bigger picture.


The queen is a massive landowner, would you suggest we start auctioning off some of the crown land to feed the millions of homeless adults and children you have just thrown out on the street?

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