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This is just wrong...


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makes me sick......bloody immigrants turning up and demanding benefits and getting them....cos we cant be seen to be being racist or upsetting anyone,,,,,,,,was sat in the park a few months ago..the lady next to me took a phone call from her boss........she worked as a receptionist at the hospital.......you will have to completely cover yourself from the waist up,no flesh showing at all because we have had complaints from some muslim women waiting in the reception area that you are inappropriatly dressed for your position,,,,she said.....stick your job up your ****............................................reading that link above has made me really angry.......what is going on with this country...great britain....its a joke....everyone is afraid to say anything in case the race card is thrown in.....if you dont like it here ****** off and go back to where you came from...no doubt this post will get locked for the same reason........freedom of speech......i am not a racicst,spent 22 years in africa....sick to death of walking on eggshells in case someone gets offended......someone needs to sort this family out if anyone on pw has contacts start making some phone calls



rant over

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Seems to me that passing the age of 20 means he will get managed by a different agency. It's understandable that they need to be made aware of his circumstances but mummy hasn't done it - quite possibly because she herself needs help. The proof has to be put forwards these days because of the amount of scum pretending they have issues they don't really have.


I'm sure once the right people talk to the right people this sensationalist bit of journalism reporting will be sorted out.

Edited by Dave-G
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makes me sick......bloody immigrants turning up and demanding benefits and getting them....cos we cant be seen to be being racist or upsetting anyone,,,,,,,,was sat in the park a few months ago..the lady next to me took a phone call from her boss........she worked as a receptionist at the hospital.......you will have to completely cover yourself from the waist up,no flesh showing at all because we have had complaints from some muslim women waiting in the reception area that you are inappropriatly dressed for your position,,,,she said.....stick your job up your ****............................................reading that link above has made me really angry.......what is going on with this country...great britain....its a joke....everyone is afraid to say anything in case the race card is thrown in.....if you dont like it here ****** off and go back to where you came from...no doubt this post will get locked for the same reason........freedom of speech......i am not a racicst,spent 22 years in africa....sick to death of walking on eggshells in case someone gets offended......someone needs to sort this family out if anyone on pw has contacts start making some phone calls



rant over


I'm a immigrant myself, but i couldn't agree more... :good:

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makes me sick......bloody immigrants turning up and demanding benefits and getting them....cos we cant be seen to be being racist or upsetting anyone,,,,,,,,was sat in the park a few months ago..the lady next to me took a phone call from her boss........she worked as a receptionist at the hospital.......you will have to completely cover yourself from the waist up,no flesh showing at all because we have had complaints from some muslim women waiting in the reception area that you are inappropriatly dressed for your position,,,,she said.....stick your job up your ****............................................reading that link above has made me really angry.......what is going on with this country...great britain....its a joke....everyone is afraid to say anything in case the race card is thrown in.....if you dont like it here ****** off and go back to where you came from...no doubt this post will get locked for the same reason........freedom of speech......i am not a racicst,spent 22 years in africa....sick to death of walking on eggshells in case someone gets offended......someone needs to sort this family out if anyone on pw has contacts start making some phone calls



rant over

So brave.





Anyhow, It's obvious what happened. She was told benefits stop when you turn 20, and she'd have to re-apply for grown up version


- She forgot.

- They probably reminded her,

- She still didn't do it.

- He turns 20, the old benefits automatically stop.

- She realises she's ****** up, can't buy any Mayfair, and instead of working things out she just sells herself to the only news outlets short enough on stories to listen.


What is really, really sad about this, is if you read the article everything under the picture (like 70% of the article) explains how and where she went wrong, and it was a simple matter that she didn't bother to fill out any paperwork. If any of you moaning had even bothered to read some of the longer words you'd of realised that this is a empty story at best.




Edited by Bleeh
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I've a nephew with serious special needs, his benefits changed at 18. Now he's been in the system since he was about six months old, his parents had to start the process of taking Essex social services to court just to make them comply with their legal requirements . It could well be that the mother didn't fill in the forms but they don't make it easy for anyone, and if ATOS is involved they will put any and every obstacle in your way.

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makes me sick......bloody immigrants turning up and demanding benefits and getting them....cos we cant be seen to be being racist or upsetting anyone,,,,,,,,was sat in the park a few months ago..the lady next to me took a phone call from her boss........she worked as a receptionist at the hospital.......you will have to completely cover yourself from the waist up,no flesh showing at all because we have had complaints from some muslim women waiting in the reception area that you are inappropriatly dressed for your position,,,,she said.....stick your job up your ****............................................reading that link above has made me really angry.......what is going on with this country...great britain....its a joke....everyone is afraid to say anything in case the race card is thrown in.....if you dont like it here ****** off and go back to where you came from...no doubt this post will get locked for the same reason........freedom of speech......i am not a racicst,spent 22 years in africa....sick to death of walking on eggshells in case someone gets offended......someone needs to sort this family out if anyone on pw has contacts start making some phone calls



rant over

whats race got to do with this guy having his benefits cut, have i missed something ?

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What is really, really sad about this, is if you read the article everything under the picture (like 70% of the article) explains how and where she went wrong, and it was a simple matter that she didn't bother to fill out any paperwork. If any of you moaning had even bothered to read some of the longer words you'd of realised that this is a empty story at best.


You forgot the sadness of someone turning it around into a I`m not a racist rant.

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why shouldn't she have her mayfair ? ok, she may have forgotten to fill the poxy forms in..ile hold my hands too , and say i did the same thing when dealing with my mums affairs as well as my sisters,

full time work can get in the way sometimes, and don't think for one minute that looking after a lad like that is not a full time job...


that lass deserves her packet of cigs....


I don't think she was right to complain to the paper...... but maybe if the forms made sense (trust me on that one) or the department actually got off their ***** and paid a vist to some of these people, life would be a lot simpler .


and before anyone shouts and say they could not visit...they do it for other groups of people

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makes me sick......bloody immigrants turning up and demanding benefits and getting them....cos we cant be seen to be being racist or upsetting anyone,,,,,,,,was sat in the park a few months ago..the lady next to me took a phone call from her boss........she worked as a receptionist at the hospital.......you will have to completely cover yourself from the waist up,no flesh showing at all because we have had complaints from some muslim women waiting in the reception area that you are inappropriatly dressed for your position,,,,she said.....stick your job up your ****............................................reading that link above has made me really angry.......what is going on with this country...great britain....its a joke....everyone is afraid to say anything in case the race card is thrown in.....if you dont like it here ****** off and go back to where you came from...no doubt this post will get locked for the same reason........freedom of speech......i am not a racicst,spent 22 years in africa....sick to death of walking on eggshells in case someone gets offended......someone needs to sort this family out if anyone on pw has contacts start making some phone calls



rant over



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Exactly. If she's been looking after him since he was 4 months then unless she's a complete moron she should at least have some grasp of how the benefits system works by now, she will have been notified about his child benefit/child tax credits ending when he turned 20 (usually 18). More than likely she's not been bothered to fill in the forms or ask the CAB etc. for help.


Before having a go at me for criticising her I'm in the same position as she is, I'm a disabled adult and sole carer for an Autistic 23yr old who can't fill in DWP forms or deal with Social Care Direct etc. himself. It took 2-1/2 years and a formal complaint to get ANY help off Social Care Direct and after a further year of waiting he now gets 2Hrs a week learning to cook and we have to pay for it ourselves. My carers assessment took 9 months to start and was never finished, a year later I'm still waiting for it. BUT I damn well make sure that I do everything I can to look after him including battling with the DWP, ATOS, Social Care Direct, his care coordinator psychiatrist and anyone else that needs doing. It's not easy but it's not exactly rocket science either, you don't need to be a genius to know that if you don't do what you need to there are consequences like having benefits stopped.

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i have a teenage daughter with severe learning difficulties and over the years have had many obsticles to get over with various departments etc and it is not easy ,to add to this the physical and mental stress of caring for someone 24 hours a day ,every day for years on end is a real struggle as there are no days off or phoning in sick , if a few ciggies is what that woman needs to get through another day just to do it all again tomorrow the so what . Perhaps she is not the most orginised or clued up person and maybe she did make a mistake , but if you had to do what she does every day how do think you would fare , we cant all be strong and on top of stuff ,she is doing her best ,what more can you ask. She is also saving the tax payer and absolute fortune , if she said tomorrow ok thats me ive had enough you will have to take my child into care you are talking serious amounts of money for 24hr year round care ,it would be i imagine 100k ,so come on cut her some slack .

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Seems to me that passing the age of 20 means he will get managed by a different agency. It's understandable that they need to be made aware of his circumstances but mummy hasn't done it - quite possibly because she herself needs help. The proof has to be put forwards these days because of the amount of scum pretending they have issues they don't really have.


I'm sure once the right people talk to the right people this sensationalist bit of journalism reporting will be sorted out.


+1 most sensible reply.


I bet she still manages to buy her Mayfair !

I was thinking that.

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