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Exercise for the over 50's advice required


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Sunday morning I got up at 01.30 prepared and drove 2 hours across to the marsh to go wildfowling.


I did the usual half hour walk, jumped in and out of creeks, fell over a few times in the "ankle snappers" kneeled, crouched etc just usual stuff really.


Off the marsh at about 09.00 so not a long session at all.


Today I ache all over, I dont do manual work I only do about an hours walk with the dog with the dog per day the only real excercise I get is lifting a can of stella. :good:


I suppose if I did manual work then it would not affect me but what excersice do you do if you are over 50, not the young uns as it doesnt bother them, it wouldnt have bothered me when I was younger as I used to walk miles down the pit then crawl up and down 300 metre coal faces and it was physical work.


Humerous and serious responses gratefuly received.






Do I need to do yoga?? :blush:


ps Thing is though since I went on the marsh yesterday my frozen shoulder seems to be a lot better whether its because I have been using it more or its the sea air I dont know, or I cant feel it because the rest of my body aches I will make a note to myself "Go wildfowling more often" :lol::lol:


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Hardcore sex. And loads of it.


Tell the ol woman to watch shed loads of porn, learn it then re inact it all with you. Smash her around the room for hours and get a proper sweat on.


That's what I would do if she let me,


O and remember pics / vids on here for all us pervs to make sure you did it properly

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Hardcore sex. And loads of it.


Tell the ol woman to watch shed loads of porn, learn it then re inact it all with you. Smash her around the room for hours and get a proper sweat on.


That's what I would do if she let me,


O and remember pics / vids on here for all us pervs to make sure you did it properly


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Don't do manual work??

Get a proper job ya skiver :lol::lol::lol:


I would say something a bit more physical than yoga Harry, Judo, Tug of war, etc etc, or as Ossie said get the bike out and do some push ups etc.

Best idea is go Fowling 4 times a week :good: 3 days a week beating :) soon get fit that way :lol:



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I'm 6 months off 50 and though I've been very fit in the past, I had become a bit of a pieabetic in the last few years. I wasn't a total bloater, but the weight had started to creep up on me very gradually since my mid thirties. I'd also started to find excuses not to do phys. With the big five-oh looming, I decided last November to get a grip. Since then I've lost just shy of two stone and now have the same waist measurement I had in my mid twenties. I'm doing a half Marathon in a fortnight and expect to do it in sub 1.40. What worked for me was the 5:2 'diet', stopping drinking midweek, running and circuits. Dieting has never worked for me before, but the 5:2 is different, because its just something I do now, not a diet which will eventually stop resulting in weight gain. I honestly feel as fit now as I've ever done. I sleep better, have more energy and just feel better generally. I haven't had a hint of a cold or other illness for yonks. I'm going to try very hard not to fall off this wagon, I'm enjoying the ride too much!

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I took up Tang Soo Do just over a year ago at the age of 61. In April I took part in a national championships and won two third place trophies.


I now do 30 pushups and 30 situps every day and I can do 50 of each. I can kick head-height and almost touch my head to my knee.


I don't struggle anywhere near as much lugging my Pigeon shooting gear over fields or beach fishing gear over the shingle.


It's a combination of general fitness, agility and self-defence. I'd recommend it to anyone. One of our members started at 64 and he's training now for his black belt at 68.


One irony is that I've just been diagnosed with Osteo Arthritis but I'm able to adapt and carry on.


An added bonus is that, as suggested by daz2202, I can smash my wife all over the bedroom for hours on end, or at least until the neighbours in the flat downstairs start banging on the ceiling for us to stop screaming and moaning. Actually, that bit might just be my imagination but the rest is true. :blush:

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Swimming - and mix it up - do 1 length with exaggerated strokes and get a full stretch on (ooerr) and then blast the next one back.


I find all solo sport pretty boring, so I got some Sony underwater MP3 headphones off ebay for £30 and listen to hardcore dubstep and the odd audiobook. Indeed, audiobooks are great for the car (via the iphone) and are only a couple of quid a go.


It's all about making it enjoyable if not just less painful. I always treat myself to a decent cook up in the sauna afterwards - great for the skin and very relaxing.

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I used to do loads of sport but sciatica put paid to that,and would like to cycle but it brays hell out of the nerve.I do quite a bit of manual work including site work so am in pretty good shape and find swimming boring so do a lot of walking with my dog.

Mate drives for a living and finds some of the hills during the season hard going,but has taken up cycling so we'll see how he fares this season.Around here you're either going up a hill or down one;flat ground is quite rare in these parts!

We have a local former olympic and commonwealth marathon runner here who must now be nearer 60 than 50,who is often seen power walking around the country lanes.

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I find all solo sport pretty boring, so I got some Sony underwater MP3 headphones off ebay for £30 and listen to hardcore dubstep and the odd audiobook. Indeed, audiobooks are great for the car (via the iphone) and are only a couple of quid a go.

Do you use the headphones in the pool?

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Don't do manual work??

Get a proper job ya skiver :lol::lol::lol:


I would say something a bit more physical than yoga Harry, Judo, Tug of war, etc etc, or as Ossie said get the bike out and do some push ups etc.

Best idea is go Fowling 4 times a week :good: 3 days a week beating :) soon get fit that way :lol:



I would love to go 4 times a week Brian but that would cost 1 trip = £35 diesel so 4 trips per week = £140 its a nice idea though :lol:


Think I will have to get the bike out and go swimming as when I mentioned the other ideas to my wife (chasing around the bedroom) they went down like a lead baloon :lol::lol:





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Do you use the headphones in the pool?


Yes and they go fully underwater. It's the shizzle.




Here you go:




I got mine off the ebay Argos store for about £30.



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Yes and they go fully underwater. It's the shizzle.




Here you go:




I got mine off the ebay Argos store for about £30.



Oh brilliant. That answered my next question of; what do you attach it to! I had visions of waterproof earphones but me jumping in with my iPhone attached!

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I'm 6 months off 50 and though I've been very fit in the past, I had become a bit of a pieabetic in the last few years. I wasn't a total bloater, but the weight had started to creep up on me very gradually since my mid thirties. I'd also started to find excuses not to do phys. With the big five-oh looming, I decided last November to get a grip. Since then I've lost just shy of two stone and now have the same waist measurement I had in my mid twenties. I'm doing a half Marathon in a fortnight and expect to do it in sub 1.40. What worked for me was the 5:2 'diet', stopping drinking midweek, running and circuits. Dieting has never worked for me before, but the 5:2 is different, because its just something I do now, not a diet which will eventually stop resulting in weight gain. I honestly feel as fit now as I've ever done. I sleep better, have more energy and just feel better generally. I haven't had a hint of a cold or other illness for yonks. I'm going to try very hard not to fall off this wagon, I'm enjoying the ride too much!



I presume you mean a "Mosley" intermittent fasting ?

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Some of my favourite fishing spots are a very long walk. What i find really helps is to stretch all relevant muscles before i get into my fishing gear. People may laugh but i've gone past the age of caring....However how many ex rugby, football hockey players, athletes etc who are 40+ during their playing days would not of dreamt of going on the pitch without stretching, the principle is exactly the same.



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I am 60 and have got 45 days beating /picking up booked for the season + as many fowling trips on the estuary as I can fit in if I am not dead by the end I should be fit.Have all ready done 6 days + 1 fowling trip yesterday with temp in the 20s not good in neoporene chest waders :no: and I feel good :yahoo:

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I am 60 and have got 45 days beating /picking up booked for the season + as many fowling trips on the estuary as I can fit in if I am not dead by the end I should be fit.Have all ready done 6 days + 1 fowling trip yesterday with temp in the 20s not good in neoporene chest waders :no: and I feel good :yahoo:


Good attitude. I bet that you have never watched 'Countdown'.

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