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1 walking gun on a driven shoot


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Hello all,


I said from the beginning that I would put back into the PW pot as I have dipped my hand in once or twice and had nothing to return. I now have something to return.


Thanks to everyone that has given me advice and especially those that have taken me out shooting, I really appreciate it.


Here is a free walking gun for a pheasant shoot this Saturday in Chorley. A full gun on the shoot is usually around the £1500 mark, so its a nice offer.


We have shot around 33% of 1700 pheasants so far so hopefully there is still a reasonable amount around.


I have a criteria that you must meet.


Valid SGC to bring on the day

Valid shooting insurance to provide on the day

A working dog that will pick up.

Preferably a 4x4 vehicle to help transport other guns.

Minimum of 500 posts on this forum OR an reference from an established member.


Thanks all. It is not first to PM gets the ticket.


Please PM me your interest.

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Now where can I borrow a dog, a 4 x 4 and how fast can I write another 400 posts on here, ****** !!!!!! nice one though, perhaps next year. :no::no:


The 500 minimum posts my seem a little anal although I want to minimise the risk of being let down as the offer is a really great one for a PW member.

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