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Forums (Pros and Cons)

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Now that almost everyone uses forums to chat share tips and talk in general about there beloved field sport, from the first tread to the very last everyone as spoken about just how fantastic pigeon shooting is, the good work we have all done on our permissions keeping the pigeons numbers down ( all at our own expense ), controlling the Rabbits keeping the foxes at bay if your looking after there Pheasant shoot etc etc etc ……..



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ETC thousands of good and bad above is just to mention a few


Pasting on ALL our experiences's to anyone who asks because we want to share ( Human Nature ) we all do it.

Everything and anything you care and think about is written on these forums making the field sports world smaller and smaller.


All good and Dany



I'm going to let you guys fill in is section , this is going to be the interesting bit









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The good is there are lots of experts that really know a great deal and are happy to share.


The bad is there are loads of experts who do not know what they are talking about that are happy to share .


Over the internet it is difficult to know which is which.

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The good is there are lots of experts that really know a great deal and are happy to share.


The bad is there are loads of experts who do not know what they are talking about that are happy to share .


Over the internet it is difficult to know which is which.




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If you follow the adage that "advice is free and worth what you pay" you will not go far wrong.


I love the forums and reading what people think. Some people need to think before they type as they can come across rather critical but normally this is because they care. Some need to think before they post as what they are about to submit may not be a good idea or has been raised just a few days ago.


We could do with a review of some of the subject.... add section for OPTICS as there is always something new to discus about optics and night vision.


One of the best sites on the tinternet.

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The good is there are lots of experts that really know a great deal and are happy to share.


The bad is there are loads of experts who do not know what they are talking about that are happy to share .


Over the internet it is difficult to know which is which.


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The good is there are lots of experts that really know a great deal and are happy to share.


The bad is there are loads of experts who do not know what they are talking about that are happy to share .


Over the internet it is difficult to know which is which.


A very good assessment, it took me a while to work out how to spot the fakes but it's actually pretty simple, just ask to see the money, the chancers always run. Just to give you an example start a thread about cartridges and inside 10 minutes there will be experts who will 'ave you know fast shells blow patterns and that light loads throw superior :rolleyes: patterns but none will be tempted to take an easy grand off your hands in a show down.

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I have been shooting and owned shotguns for almost 50 years. I have enjoyed many types of shotgun shooting and have read many books and learned things from others as I went along. I have been a member of this forum for only a few months. I wouldn't go no where near as far as to say I have learnt more in the last few months than the previous 50 years, but proportionately I have learnt far more. I learn something new every day and have already worked out who I can believe and who just likes to have an opinion. (Nothing wrong with that) but there are some very knowledgeable people in this forum and I thank them for helping to educate me.

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pro,s,,,,,great site with some fantastic,helpfull and really nice genuine people always willing to help,,,so much so I,ve now got another 3 trustworthy,safe,shooting buddies off here


cons,,,,, too many judgemental non shooting clowns who post just for argumentative reasons,,,shame really,, also to many people asking which bloody pellet to use :lol::lol: :lol:


atb Evo

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Pro's, lots of good info and decent topics..


Cons, it's the Internet so people dream up stories or life styles they don't have, the best I saw recently was a guy putting on here his FAC just landed on his doorstep then on Facebook he's asking how to get his FAC the same day..

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Pro's ... had the pleasure to meet a few members in person, each and every, top blokes ...


lv'e had lots of PM's from members that have freely given loads of advice and help... they're what makes PW as great a site' that it is!


Con's .... Serial argumentative cliques, alway see the same usernames arguing. They are insignificant to the point they take nothing away from PW being a really good site ... :)

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If you are easily upset or are unable to take the ambiguity out and read then don't post and don't respond. It's easy to tap away and post your thoughts, at the end of the day the most knowledgeable person on one thing knows ******* all about something else. But like that bloke down the pub we all know, he has a loud opinion about everything from Afghanistan to what cartridges to use in a Southerly with the sun out shooting pidgeons !!!

That'll be the beer then!!!!!!!

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A wise man once told me, "Son it is much better to keep your mouth shut and let them think that you are an idiot than open it and let them know that you are one”! I try very hard to keep this in mind before posting.



  • This is a great site
  • A lot of collective knowledge here
  • Gain a new perspective on your original view
  • Learn news that you would not otherwise be aware of
  • Give your own view on topics
  • Help others from your experience/knowledge base
  • Be helped from theirs
  • Should make friends through the various forums



  • Potential to misinform, be misinformed,
  • Not all information, although well intentioned is useful
  • The enemies of our chosen sport will also be reading what is posted
  • Try not to make enemies
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