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why cant you leave this for Scottish folk to sort out.

If its a yes vote, will all the white settling English who have chosen to live in our great country go south again? every cloud and all that.................


For one thing it's not only Scots who get to vote, and yes I suspect a whole lot of 'white' :ermm: English 'settlers' will move south if there's a yes vote.

I guess you'll be keeping the brown/black English then? :huh:

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So far have largely abstained from this rather sad thread but as a serious question.


Will PW be setting up a separate Scotland page for those PW members who obviously dislike the English members so much ?

Honestly. Where do you get this anti-English sentiment from as I'm not seeing it up here.


My Northern Irish wife has just suggested the English are a bunch of "namby pamby lily livered pansies who are not the first nation you'd want to choose as an ally in a war".


You are a self centred lot.

Edited by Laird Lugton
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For one thing it's not only Scots who get to vote, and yes I suspect a whole lot of 'white' :ermm: English 'settlers' will move south if there's a yes vote.

I guess you'll be keeping the brown/black English then? :huh:


we can ship them all north of the boarder along with all the idle & benefit scroungers, this Yes campaign is all about creating some Scotish left wing society, giving the less off or should i say (lazy) more of the pie or should that be deep fried Mars bar

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we can ship them all north of the boarder along with all the idle & benefit scroungers, this Yes campaign is all about creating some Scotish left wing society, giving the less off or should i say (lazy) more of the pie or should that be deep fried Mars bar


Speak to 5 yes supporters and they all have 5 different visions of the future.


Ergo if it's a yes they will all be disappointed.

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Honestly. Where do you get this anti-English sentiment from as I'm not seeing it up here.


My Northern Irish wife has just suggested the English are a bunch of "namby pamby lily livered pansies who are not the first nation you'd want to choose as an ally in a war".


You are a self centred lot.

Haha nice try. I have certainly read some anti english posts on here (also some anti scottish). Self centred, moi. Not at all.


I couldnt give a fig if the scots stay or go, as long as go = a totally clean break (but it wont). For what its worth I feel no affinity with Westminster either


Oh and for what its worth, for a lily livered nation we dont have a bad track rcord when it comes to wars, although I feel its not something we should boast about

Edited by spanj
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Financial instabilty is a small consideration? How very noble. Im sure anyone who has any worth and has worked hard for it may have a different view. If you have nothing to lose going into the great unknown, which is what will come with a yes, it may well be worth the gamble! I for one do not think it is!

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It ain't an English pound exclusively! Never has been. English contacts- you mean British contacts etc - they have all been built up with Irish, Welsh, Scots and yourselves. A lot of the posts make some of you guys sound extremely egocentric. Stop taking things personally people. Independence has nothing to do with hatred or distrust. Some people and there are more than you think, feel a fresh start is required. Who knows this might start you guys thinking how to change Westminster for your own good!


It ain't an English pound exclusively! Never has been. English contacts- you mean British contacts etc - they have all been built up with Irish, Welsh, Scots and yourselves. A lot of the posts make some of you guys sound extremely egocentric. Stop taking things personally people. Independence has nothing to do with hatred or distrust. Some people and there are more than you think, feel a fresh start is required. Who knows this might start you guys thinking how to change Westminster for your own good!

the point is in the end it is the uk government that backs the pound and that is you and me as with the Euro in the end it is the Germans that foot the bill for other countries overspending do we want to risk being stuck with Scotlands bills.

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why cant you leave this for Scottish folk to sort out.

If its a yes vote, will all the white settling English who have chosen to live in our great country go south again? every cloud and all that.................


Ha ha - and will all the great and good Scots who love Scotland (and never let us forget it) but live elsewhere move back to their heart of hearts?


Stop blaming the English for all your woes please and get on with it. As an avid reader of history methinks that most Scottish woes were caused by the landed gentry of Scotland.


But history is bunk (as someone said) and a prop for losers and so-called patriots everywhere.


And just in case you think otherwise I do believe that the Scots should determine their future - but please have a hard think of where you are going rather than rely on emotional bunkum.

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Ha ha - and will all the great and good Scots who love Scotland (and never let us forget it) but live elsewhere move back to their heart of hearts?


Stop blaming the English for all your woes please and get on with it. As an avid reader of history methinks that most Scottish woes were caused by the landed gentry of Scotland.


But history is bunk (as someone said) and a prop for losers and so-called patriots everywhere.


And just in case you think otherwise I do believe that the Scots should determine their future - but please have a hard think of where you are going rather than rely on emotional bunkum.

Well said, I for one have had enough of this thread and the bile from a few people on both sides so wont be looking again, (no loss there then some might say)

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This was a pretty good thread for a while although i guess there was always the high potential for it to go downhill.


Regrettably we don't suffer from a shortage of numpties on either side of our border :(

How true!

I would like to put forward a proposal that in the event of a yes vote we ban the Scots from speaking or writing English too, they can go back to Gaelic. We'll put a heavy export duty on mars bars and Buckfast tonic wine as well.

Joking aside, has anyone explained just how far separation would go? Is it going to be passports and visas? What about Scots working in England and English working in Scotland? Dual nationality for children/spouses?

My life insurance is with a Scottish based firm, will that be allowed?

RBS is owned by UK taxpayers, will that be split? What about the national debt?

There are so many problems ahead that haven't been addressed or explained that in my mind having the vote is dangerous, the outcome will be based on fervour, patriotism and a woolly minded idea without any real sense of what the problems will be.

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Referendum should never have been called and when they did call for a referendum it should of been done and over with within 2 months of the announcing it not 2 years. Alex Salmond has divided Scotland friend against friend and families arguing whats best.


For a number of reasons I will be voting no. The numbers for independence dont add up and if its a yes vote I will be moving back down south as the hard working will get taxed more so more free loaders can get more free services. I also think a lot up here dont realise how much better off we have it here compared to England and think that we are being oppressed.


Chip on shoulders and all that.

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Well said, I for one have had enough of this thread and the bile from a few people on both sides so wont be looking again, (no loss there then some might say)

Regretfully i agree with you, i thought we had done pretty well without having the thread descending to the same level of spouting bigoted drivel that we have been hearing for 2 years in this campaign.

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Life's too short to get involved with a thread like this But i wil try to publise this website.




It was set up by Sir Tom Hunter a scottish multi millionaire, as in his words "this is far to important to trust politicains to put out all the info"


Basically he has paid a oad of top academics in there field to look at al the Yes/No info as well as other info and sort the fact out from the lies and BS (which there is plenty on both sides) and lay it out with no political slant/agenda and let foolk make there own minds up, based on fact


Must admit has really helped me althou stil ploughing my way throu it.


Dunno why s many are gettin upset no matter thr result, life will go on

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All that I can say is if so many of them want to leave then perhaps it would be better if they do go from what a lot of them are saying they seem to think that we are holding them back it seems sad to me that they should think that way but one thing for shore we do not need them we can do ok without them and there constant winging about how wonderful Scotland is my only question about that is if it is so good then why is it that most of them seem to live in England America Ausralia it would seem anywhere but Scotland. :whistling:

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Dunno why s many are gettin upset no matter thr result, life will go on


As I said earlier in the thread I'll lose my main (95% of the time) contract. As a contractor this is par for the course but there's work that needs done and it's

galling that it'll be lost due to a decision that I suspect half Scotland cutting its nose off to spite its face.


_Nothing_ will get better and we may well be set back many years.

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I'll say it again in a different way - financial instability is of small consideration for those in favour of independence - they wish to build an independent country, which inevitably comes with years of financial instability.



I'm afraid I can't reply to this as I would like because I'd be banned.


How is it a 'small consideration' if your business goes down the pan and you can't pay your mortgage any more?


Of your mortgage is in a foreign currency, the 'groat' deflates' and your payments double?


Or you have trouble putting food on the table?


Or your economy goes through a massive depression causing your standard of living to be dragged back 20 years.


"Westminster has consistently governed Scotland as a province, undervaluing and underfunding at the polar opposite of the political scale."


What do you do for a living? This sounds like the sort of (incorrect) trype an 6th form politics student would come out with. You do know that the

Scots get more spent per head than the rest of the UK because of the Barnett formula?

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I just found this today, it's an analysis of the Scottish energy market after independence....




This is the end of the sumary, page 13

As part of the UK, the costs of energy will be lower for Scottish consumers and businesses
as they will continue to benefit from sharing the costs across GB of network investment,
low carbon incentives and protection for remote communities. In the event of independence
this would inevitably change. At present Scotland benefits from considerable support which
is spread over all GB consumers. This includes up to £6 billion (for 2013-21) for electricity
transmission projects (almost 30 per cent of total GB upgrades); some £560 million of support
for the renewables sector (28 per cent of the total) in 2012-13; and support to 690,000 North
of Scotland domestic electricity consumers to protect them from the high costs of distributing
electricity over remote and sparsely populated areas.
The analysis in this paper shows that Scottish consumers would end up paying more, possibly
considerably more, for energy infrastructure in an independent Scottish state than they do as
part of the UK.
That's going to be good for Scottish manufacturing and exports then. :mad:
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