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Tried my hardest...

aga man

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Headed out at 9.30am today full of enthusiasm as yesterday i had watched a wheat stubble with the most pigeons i had seen recently. I have shot this farm for many years and all of the known flightlines were busy heading to the field.

I got set up at 10 am and was some what deflated, around 20 birds left the field and the clear blue sky was empty. Never two days the same in this sport, i can only imagine the pigeons had found another diner,more than likely a bean field somewhere.

The first hour was very poor i shot 6 birds and they were very twitchy veering off at any sign of movement.

Most folk would have moved on but after seeing what i saw yesterday i was hopeful things would kick off.

At approx 12.45 a flightline started and although it was fairly weak the birds decoyed well to my 12 dead birds on cradles.

After arond 40 birds the line dried up, by now i had around 30 dead birds out and sport was slow but passing birds decoyed confidently providing some relatively simple shooting.

Today was one of those day's were everything felt like hard work, feral pigeons and rock dove's were a nusiance and distracted me at times,but sometimes helped bring the woodies in.

Although i am happy with my bag[and also the farmer was] i was sure it would be doubled.

I did however shoot well and used 96 cartridges for 73 woodies and a carrion crow.


Almost forgot to mention, the wife needed the landrover today, so i took my trusty work van which meant sadly i couldn't take my dog and i got stuck! Thankfully i got it out before the embarrasement of asking the farmer to pull me out.

But this just added to the hard work which today was. Feeling very achy and tired now.



Edited by aga man
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Great effort, you stuck by your instincts and it paid off , plagued by feral and rock doves is always a problem. It was a good bag at the end of the day as you can only shoot what comes nothing else. Vans aren't built for off road , well done for getting it out before you had to call out the Famer.

Edited by pigeon controller
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Lovely down to earth report "Aga Man" my sort of day , I have only got a two wheel drive motor and its a wonder I am not stuck more times than I am but with old age already here a 4 x 4 might be on the cards soon. P C said you ( stuck by your instincts ) but I don't think your instincts was getting stuck. :yes:

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Down south, we have more days like that than any other, with less than a handful of birds to show for it :yes: Getting stuck would just be the icing on the cake! Its our enthusiasm for the sport that keeps it all going and makes you think, today will be the day :lol: You did well Agaman :good::good:

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