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It would be nice to see a 50k strong demonstration from Muslims across London in condemnation of this... I won't hold my breath.


How many times are fundamentalist morons going to behead a kaffur, murder a journalist or shoot a young girl on a school bus before the millions of followers of mainstream Islam stand alongside us non-believers to wipe this scum off the earth?

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Satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo has found that free speech comes at quite a heavy price!


Given the global level of terrorist violence and the magazine’s controversial prominence, why were they not better prepared for such a highly predicable possible event??


It will become the norm all over Europe before too long, “If we don’t like what you say we will make you pay, ‘In blood”! :/

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It would be nice to see a 50k strong demonstration from Muslims across London in condemnation of this... I won't hold my breath.


How many times are fundamentalist morons going to behead a kaffur, murder a journalist or shoot a young girl on a school bus before the millions of followers of mainstream Islam stand alongside us non-believers to wipe this scum off the earth?

You mean like the thousands who took to the streets when the Christian Serbs raped and shot dozens of young children, or do you mean all the protests when Christian Irish killed family friends, army comrades and family members.

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Satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo has found that free speech comes at quite a heavy price!


Given the global level of terrorist violence and the magazine’s controversial prominence, why were they not better prepared for such a highly predicable possible event??


It will become the norm all over Europe before too long, “If we don’t like what you say we will make you pay, ‘In blood”! :/

Free speech is no longer allowed when reality and the truth are involved,they will simply say this is just a part of our war against terror and they are criminals, when its not a war against terror and they are not just criminals, its a war against ----oops sorry I cant say the truth? we will wake up one day but by then it may be too late.



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Free speech is no longer allowed when reality and the truth are involved,they will simply say this is just a part of our war against terror and they are criminals, when its not a war against terror and they are not just criminals, its a war against ----oops sorry I cant say the truth? we will wake up one day but by then it may be too late.



+1 Then again plently of people have died in the world because they have spoken freely about a subject. It is funny how people parrot the mantra of free speech this, free speech that but you realise it's not really free. 2 world wars were thought so we could have some semblance of free speech and now we just take it for granted.

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Not sure if this breaches house rules (dont think so) please remove if it does,but a new novel out by Michel Houellebecq called soumission (submission to us) might make you think a little.its worth a search



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Free speech stopped when the race relations bills were passed. As a law abiding citizen I cannot say what I am thinking. I assume that I am still allowed to think what I want.


Only a radical solution will prevent things like this happening through enough pressure from peaceful citizens.

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You mean like the thousands who took to the streets when the Christian Serbs raped and shot dozens of young children, or do you mean all the protests when Christian Irish killed family friends, army comrades and family members.


I'm a little too young to recall whether there were demonstrations following the events you mention so I am left wondering whether you really mean;


1. Christians came out in objection to what other Christians had done in Bosnia and Ireland / Northern Ireland so why won't Muslims speak-out now?




2. Christians did NOT speak out against the crimes of other Christians in Bosnia and Ireland / Northern Ireland so why should Muslims speak-out now?


Which is it?

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I'm a little too young to recall whether there were demonstrations following the events you mention so I am left wondering whether you really mean;


1. Christians came out in objection to what other Christians had done in Bosnia and Ireland / Northern Ireland so why won't Muslims speak-out now?




2. Christians did NOT speak out against the crimes of other Christians in Bosnia and Ireland / Northern Ireland so why should Muslims speak-out now?


Which is it?

Option 2

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I'm a little too young to recall whether there were demonstrations following the events you mention so I am left wondering whether you really mean;


1. Christians came out in objection to what other Christians had done in Bosnia and Ireland / Northern Ireland so why won't Muslims speak-out now?




2. Christians did NOT speak out against the crimes of other Christians in Bosnia and Ireland / Northern Ireland so why should Muslims speak-out now?


Which is it?

I think the key difference here is that to my knowledge the atrocities mentioned weren't specifically carried out in the name of Jesus and weren't prompted by something as seemingly innocuous as a few cartoons.


They really aren't directly comparable.

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so what stopped it please?



Apathy, most people just don't care. They'll moan and whinge about stuff but in the end most just don't care.

A good example is fox hunting, I know several people who wouldn't sign petitions or make donations against the ban. But they still sit and moan about loss of freedoms.

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Option 2

Ah, I see, thanks for confirming!


As I said earlier, I don't really remember even the latter stages of the Troubles but certainly what I do recall is everyone and his dog condemning the violence exhibited on both sides by Catholics and Protestants.


If I was a Muslim I would be embarrassed and repulsed by what my fellow believers were doing.


I wouldn't like to think you feel I'm guilty of double-standards here so I should explain that if I was a Christian I would be equally appalled at the handling of child abuse by the Catholic Church or indeed the Crusades.


If I were Muslim I would be speaking to my religious leader and saying, "Organise a march, get everyone involved, we have to show the world we are not all like these evil retards who keep murdering people in the name of our god".


I'm Agnostic.

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I think the key difference here is that to my knowledge the atrocities mentioned weren't specifically carried out in the name of Jesus and weren't prompted by something as seemingly innocuous as a few cartoons.


They really aren't directly comparable.

The Serbs carried out atrocities to teach the Muslims a lesson. But I get what you're saying it can only be an atrocity worth condemning when the perpetrators are Muslim.

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Apathy, most people just don't care. They'll moan and whinge about stuff but in the end most just don't care.

A good example is fox hunting, I know several people who wouldn't sign petitions or make donations against the ban. But they still sit and moan about loss of freedoms.

I asked what stopped it, apathy didn't :no: in fact it was anything but, the difference was is that it was stopped by those who wanted it stopped, here those who could wont?




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