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Primary School Sex Lessons


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I think you're wrong there, no one is born gay there's no gay gene. You learn everything from birth, circumstances in how you are raised and interact with others determine the way you behave, and the person you are. Don't get me wrong being gay isn't a choice it's how your brain has programmed you. Look at feral children that have been raised with packs of animals, they don't talk or walk upright, they behave exactly like the animals that have raised them.


I'm neither for against homosexuals, as long as they don't fluant it in front of me I'm happy to get on with their lives as normally as everyone else and I'll raise my son hopefully with the same views as me. Would I be gutted if he turned out gay?, yes but I'd love him the same.


A lifestyle choice then after imbibing the homosexual metaphorical ‘Zen juice’ until you become hopelessly addicted to it. “Please”! To me as an outsider the gay road to romantic bliss seems to be so fraught with difficulty, coupled with entrenched historical public condemnation and persecution that if you had a choice you would choose the “natural” heterosexual path at almost any cost to avoid all the problems I would have thought.



Edited by STOTTO
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So here we have an article claiming that "gay conversion" therapies are not always bound to failure as, and I quote directly, "if you make someone feel disgusted enough by their desires, you can change their desires."


Swiftly followed by the statement that, following several years of studying "feminist politics" she was "drawn to queerness for various political and emotional reasons" and that subsequently she has decided "I believe it to be one of the best desires I ever cultivated."


That must be one of the most boorish, offensive and pig-ignorant articles I have ever had the displeasure of reading. If this is the sort of tripe that constitutes "learning" in modern sociology then we as a species are in a damn sight worse state than I thought...

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That must be one of the most boorish, offensive and pig-ignorant articles I have ever had the displeasure of reading. If this is the sort of tripe that constitutes "learning" in modern sociology then we as a species are in a damn sight worse state than I thought...


I have to agree wholeheartedly with the above opinion of that "article".

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To be honest I skimmed through it, I was looking quickly for something on the lines my brother was on about. What he told me made sense. I'm not educated enough to say if it's correct, on the other hand I've no problem what so ever with someone's sexual orientation. If I can get I touch with him I'll ask him to send me a link to something that corresponds with what he to.d me.



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Perhaps looking at sex as being in the same vein as beheading and cancer is the real problem?


The point I was trying to make is why burden children with loads of unnecessary stuff and let them have their innocent childhood.

Edited by fern01
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I worry about this - a good friend, an excellent teacher, is getting close to leaving the profession as she is fed up with uncontrollable kids, kids who have not even been potty trained and parents who will not accept responsibility for their little dear's bad behaviour. Basically she is expected to do the jobs poor parenting has left for the school before they start to teach. Adding in sex education would be another distraction. Thought sex education was taught behind the bike shed!

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This seems like a nature vs nurture debate. I haven't heard of any proof either way on that one, so why argue it?


There is no proof either way, but current scientific thinking is as I described above i.e. exposure to different hormones in the womb sets a preference.


That said, it's mosty likely a spectrum and there are plenty of homosexual men who have had satisfying heterosexual experiences and vice versa.


Just because chilli sauce is your favourite doesn't mean the blue cheese sauce isn't a nice change once in a while.


Oh, and to the chap whose brother is a socialist socialite sociologist, I suspect this is a clear case of confirmation bias. See the pattern:

  • the biologists think homosexuality is down to hormones
  • the clerics think it's down to demonic possession
  • the sociologists think it's down to upbringing / nurture
  • the eugenicists think it's because homosexuals are an inferior sub-species
  • the politicians probably think it's because they don't have enough focus groups to work with already.

Everybody tends to reason that the world operates according to their own particular skills and from their own particular point of view. Separating this from what is actually going on is extremely difficult.

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There is no proof either way, but current scientific thinking is as I described above i.e. exposure to different hormones in the womb sets a preference.


That said, it's mosty likely a spectrum and there are plenty of homosexual men who have had satisfying heterosexual experiences and vice versa.


Just because chilli sauce is your favourite doesn't mean the blue cheese sauce isn't a nice change once in a while.


Oh, and to the chap whose brother is a socialist socialite sociologist, I suspect this is a clear case of confirmation bias. See the pattern:

  • the biologists think homosexuality is down to hormones
  • the clerics think it's down to demonic possession
  • the sociologists think it's down to upbringing / nurture
  • the eugenicists think it's because homosexuals are an inferior sub-species
  • the politicians probably think it's because they don't have enough focus groups to work with already.

Everybody tends to reason that the world operates according to their own particular skills and from their own particular point of view. Separating this from what is actually going on is extremely difficult.


Good post.


There is also the theory that the deep seated fear that anyone who feels a violent revulsion to gayness has is really a subconscious worry that, deep down, you know, they just might be...a bit....gay.... ;)

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Good post.


There is also the theory that the deep seated fear that anyone who feels a violent revulsion to gayness has is really a subconscious worry that, deep down, you know, they just might be...a bit....gay.... ;)


So if you are attracted to people of the same sex you're gay and if you aren't and can't comprehend it, you're a bit gay. :hmm::lol:

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There is no proof either way, but current scientific thinking is as I described above i.e. exposure to different hormones in the womb sets a preference. That said, it's mosty likely a spectrum and there are plenty of homosexual men who have had satisfying heterosexual experiences and vice versa. Just because chilli sauce is your favourite doesn't mean the blue cheese sauce isn't a nice change once in a while. Oh, and to the chap whose brother is a socialist socialite sociologist, I suspect this is a clear case of confirmation bias. See the pattern:

  • the biologists think homosexuality is down to hormones
  • the clerics think it's down to demonic possession
  • the sociologists think it's down to upbringing / nurture
  • the eugenicists think it's because homosexuals are an inferior sub-species
  • the politicians probably think it's because they don't have enough focus groups to work with already.
Everybody tends to reason that the world operates according to their own particular skills and from their own particular point of view. Separating this from what is actually going on is extremely difficult.

Like I said it was my brothers take on it from doing sociology, I'm not saying he's right all I'm saying is the way he told me made sense especially when he went on about feral children and how they take on the characteristics of who they were raised with.But thanks for showing some different views.



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So if you are attracted to people of the same sex you're gay and if you aren't and can't comprehend it, you're a bit gay. :hmm::lol:


That's not what I said.


What I said was there is a theory which states that if people feel a violent revulsion to gays it's perhaps because they have a deep-seated fear that they might actually be one themselves. I didn't claim it was my theory.


Perhaps our deepest fears and our darkest most secret desires are two sides of the same coin...who knows?


But like I said, it's just a theory. I mean, don't let it worry you...or anything ;)

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That's not what I said.


What I said was there is a theory which states that if people feel a violent revulsion to gays it's perhaps because they have a deep-seated fear that they might actually be one themselves. I didn't claim it was my theory.


Perhaps our deepest fears and our darkest most secret desires are two sides of the same coin...who knows?


But like I said, it's just a theory. I mean, don't let it worry you...or anything ;)



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