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The system is bent then. So is this how a democracy works?

With a"first past the post" voting system, yes it is. Unfortunately, as the system most benefits the large parties who get to form governments, they have the least incentive to move towards something fairer, like STV.

It also means that a few thousand swing votes in marginal constituencies will effectively decide the election.

So a couple of votes for ukip in a marginal might just allow the Ed-squared fiasco into Downing Street :(


See the quote:

"Democracy is the worst possible system of government, apart from all the others."

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With a"first past the post" voting system, yes it is. Unfortunately, as the system most benefits the large parties who get to form governments, they have the least incentive to move towards something fairer, like STV.

It also means that a few thousand swing votes in marginal constituencies will effectively decide the election.

So a couple of votes for ukip in a marginal might just allow the Ed-squared fiasco into Downing Street :(

See the quote:

"Democracy is the worst possible system of government, apart from all the others."

Traditionally our first past the post system has delivered stable governments representing the largest share of the vote. However, this is becoming less and less likely.


I don't care what system is used as long as The Consevatives win. They are the only party I trust to run the country. Others may have a different opinion (but you are wrong ) :)

Edited by AVB
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I'm voting for what I feel is right regardless of the outcome. Labour did their best to bankrupt the country, Conservatives did their best to make working people poorer and the rich richer. We've had years of lies and deceit from the main parties, time to give someone else a chance. If enough people have the guts to take a chance then we could force a change. We're seeing posts saying UKIP will bankrupt the country, well excuse me, we're in a great financial position now are we? How much has our deficit increased in the last 2 years? Employment increasing? Marvellous! Tell that to the poor ******* on zero hours contracts. Tories were going to be hard on immigration. Guess what, it's gone up again! Lies, lies and more lies from mainstream parties and still they have followers that bimble along like blind sheep.

If you want change then vote for it.

UKIP for me.

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As much as I would like to see more of the UKIPS values, I wouldnt trust old Nige to run a bath, the same with Labour.


I will be voting Tory 100% and desperately hope they win out right with no coalition.

How ever I do want them to take note of the publics feeling thats grown the popularity of UKIP and hopefully the Tories can start coming down harder on imigration and our very own home grown lazy scroungers and crims !

Vote UKIP - get Labour.



Fully agree, any vote IMO for anyone other than Tories is a vote for Red Ed !

Then the tree hugging loones will be running / ruining our country !

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I'm flabbergasted that anyone could even consider Labour as a an option bearing in mind what they did last time they were in and the moron they have in charge now. Nigel all the way for this household. :yes:

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Vote UKIP - get Labour.

this is sadly true...........vote UKIP get Millipede......end of recovery/debt spirals up/interest rates up/gun licences up........a general election,like it or not is a choice between Cameron or Milliband and the latter with Balls in tow is a disaster......if you shoot/breathe/work/save do anything to keep Milliband in one of his 3 kitchens

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Here's the Cotswold contingent voting :yes:


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Looks like the shepherd comes from Afghanistan, start worrying when you see a sheep in a burkha.

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Here's the Cotswold contingent voting :yes:


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Got it in one thousands of conservative sheep in that field....you UKKKIP ers must have noticed they are all white too. :good:

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