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The vote for Scottish Independence has left a very very bad taste. It very nearly broke up the Union, something a lot of Scots don't value at all.


There is a lot of militant, disrespectful , anti English sentiments made by the Jocks and they don't like it when it's returned with knobs on.


Who's being ignorant?


To be fair Scotland is divided down the middle,and it is a couple of percent that swings the vote,you can't blame all of Scotland for the views of a few,even Nicola is emphasising this morning that she has no wish to force another in/ out referendum.the way the boundaries are drawn in Scotland is down to labour trying to redraw them under blair to give them the advantage,but it has come back to bite them with a vengeance.

Remember it is only politics,I love to go to Scotland and have yet to be treated in anything but a pleasent and friendly way.

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To be fair Scotland is divided down the middle,and it is a couple of percent that swings the vote,you can't blame all of Scotland for the views of a few,even Nicola is emphasising this morning that she has no wish to force another in/ out referendum.the way the boundaries are drawn in Scotland is down to labour trying to redraw them under blair to give them the advantage,but it has come back to bite them with a vengeance.

Remember it is only politics,I love to go to Scotland and have yet to be treated in anything but a pleasent and friendly way.


You're right it's only politics.


I too used to have many happy days in Scotland fishing some lovely rivers and Lochs with some great people. I'm no different to many English people who were happy to be there pumping much needed money in to impoverished communities.


Such is the bad taste that now resides, we go to Ireland instead.

Edited by Whitebridges
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The vote for Scottish Independence has left a very very bad taste. It very nearly broke up the Union, something a lot of Scots don't value at all.


There is a lot of militant, disrespectful , anti English sentiments made by the Jocks and they don't like it when it's returned with knobs on.


Who's being ignorant?

My mum's family came from Scotland though as somebody pointed out to me recently, they came from the Borders, thats not really Scotland. There you have it in a nutshell! Nationalism is divisive. Much of what the SNP activists were saying to people on the doorsteps was not true in my opinion and much of what they were promising will never be possible.


Its hard to know what people think they are going to get from the SNP. The only thing I can predict is most of it is waffle and hot air

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I hardly think getting 12% of the votes is being humiliated. Saying you "don't have to get out of bed to get 40%" like miliband did is really humiliating.


Glad to see the back of Clegg too. He seemed to forget he was only there to make up the numbers and not because anyone voted for him. :bye2:

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Bye bye Nigel :)

although 18% swing to UKIP is very impressive!


I feel sorry for everyone that voted UKIP, i don't agree with their policies but with such a huge share of the vote and nothing to show for it, it shows something is seriously wrong with the voting system.

Edited by Mr-Sheen
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I'm sure we had a referendum to change from FPTP to PR back in 2011 or 2012 didn't we? The majority voted in favour of keeping FPTP, although my memory for these sorts of things can sometimes be a bit wobbly.

Edited by mick miller
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Well the biggest change I would like to see is to make Scotland totally responsible for its own finances. Raise your own taxes and spend your own money on your own services.

Then see how SNP gets on in the next election. One report says you would be 7.8 billion pounds short.

Full fiscal devolution may well happen and from the perspective of someone who is completely against the SNP economic stance I would like to see that happen as it would very quickly prove the failings of their approach.


Much of Scotland needs to learn a hard lesson and you're right, it would deal the SNP a harsh blow and a very welcome one so far as I am concerned.

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Personally I think UKIP have very much proved their credibility - 12% of vote compared with Labour's 30% and Tories 36%. I think they may well be a force in 2020

Edited by MrM
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While a lot are moaning about UKIP getting 12% and only 1 MP, it's just the wayit goes surely the Lib dems have been in that position for decades always the bridesmaid and never the bride.

Same in scotland until this election most elections scotland often votes 20% tory yet usually has 40 odd labour MP's and 1 or 2 tories


Think the way things are tories are on something like 34% and thats enough to get the majority, so u will always have 66% of people who did vote but not for them


While comparisoins between UKIP/SNP are going to be made SNP polled 5% (almost 50% in scotland) nationally from only 59 candidates, UKIP would have 590+ to poll there 12%


If scotland has a pop of 5ish mill compared to UK's 50ish= 10% so 59 MP's out of 650 is actually slightly under 10%


In Scotland it does make some sense for a protest vote to vote SNP, no matter wot u think of their policies, people are sick of 40+ labour MP's towing the line and voting with the party.


The big problem is going to be so many experienced and decent MP's of all parties now sacked, massive ammount of knowledge and experience lost,

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“Humiliated” I don’t think so!


Much ‘Blood on the Carpet’


Well I do hope that the ‘Mother of all Parliaments’ is ready to welcome the, ‘Tartan army’s’ duly elected representatives the “Ladies from Hell”. ‘Interesting Times’ will be anticipated by all within the chamber, read, ‘Pit of Vipers’.


As for UKIP with 12.7% of the vote that is indeed something to build upon for those that have the stomach for it, only one seat but the third largest share of the vote from a 'Came from Nowhere’ party is pretty awesome by any standards!


HMS Great Britain, God bless all who sail in her.

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You're right it's only politics.


I too used to have many happy days in Scotland fishing some lovely rivers and Lochs with some great people. I'm no different to many English people who were happy to be there pumping much needed money in to impoverished communities.


Such is the bad taste that now resides, we go to Ireland instead.



That's a shame u dinae want to come back to scotland.


Not wanting to insult the irish or urself, but u do know they are no longer part of the UK for quite some time and it was quite a bloody independence, and even more recent history have set quite a few bombs in the mainland trying to get a united Ireland.


Just seems slightly hypocritical not to travel to scotland as they had the audacity to have a peaceful vote (which they voted to stay in the union) yet u will happily travel to a country that was possibly sympathetic to ur country/armed forces being bombed and killed



Must admit it is a shame when folk feel like u do Whitebridges but i must admit all this negative feeling on both sides i feel the same and have done for years, i very rarely travel to Eng despite living so close to it, in the last 10+ years my only travel down to work my dogs on the grouse.

Doubt i'm going to look on any more semipolitical threads in the future, just not worth reading some of the comments.

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first to put my hands up and say I got the result wrong, still find it hard to take in but we have a con majority who would have thought based on the polls eh! but hats off to them lets hope we are not regretting it later, as for UKIP being trashed nothing further from the truth, the proportion of vote would have given them about a 100 seats under PR system but we have 1st past the post, so lets build on it how many second places were achieved ? mainly in labour strongholds. ( what happened to a vote for UKIP is a vote for labour?)


Sad to see Farage fall on his sword perhaps he will become chair backing Carswell? good points seeing cable Balls and Alexander disappear oh and not to forget perhaps the end of that traitorous cretin Galloway.and the inevitable break away of Scotland in the not to distant future.


so to end tip of the hat to you con men you won and quite decisively at that.




Edited by kdubya
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first to put my hands up and say I got the result wrong, still find it hard to take in but we have a con majority who would have thought based on the polls eh! but hats off to them lets hope we are not regretting it later, as for UKIP being trashed nothing further from the truth, the proportion of vote would have given them about a 100 seats under PR system but we have 1st past the post, so lets build on it how many second places were achieved ? mainly in labour strongholds. ( what happened to a vote for UKIP is a vote for labour?)


Sad to see Farage fall on his sword perhaps he will become chair backing Carswell? good points seeing cable Balls and Alexander disappear oh and not to forget perhaps the end of that traitorous cretin Galloway.and the inevitable break away of Scotland in the not to distant future.


so to end tip of the hat to you con men you won and quite decisively at that.




and hats of to you to :good:

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first to put my hands up and say I got the result wrong, still find it hard to take in but we have a con majority who would have thought based on the polls eh! but hats off to them lets hope we are not regretting it later, as for UKIP being trashed nothing further from the truth, the proportion of vote would have given them about a 100 seats under PR system but we have 1st past the post, so lets build on it how many second places were achieved ? mainly in labour strongholds. ( what happened to a vote for UKIP is a vote for labour?)


Sad to see Farage fall on his sword perhaps he will become chair backing Carswell? good points seeing cable Balls and Alexander disappear oh and not to forget perhaps the end of that traitorous cretin Galloway.and the inevitable break away of Scotland in the not to distant future.


so to end tip of the hat to you con men you won and quite decisively at that.




Farage said that he may choose to put himself forward for leader again so adds an interesting twist.


I don't believe today's result is a portent of Scottish secession, I expect that the Scottish election next year will see a much harder outcome for SNP.


Remember that they got 50% of the vote and a huge amount of that was a protest at Westminster and Labour in particular. Given that the last referendum was lost they will not call for another one until they have 60%+ share of any given vote because if they call something again soon and lose then it destroys their credibility.


One thing Sturgeon isn't is naive, she knows the result of today is not a mandate for anything independence.

Edited by grrclark
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first to put my hands up and say I got the result wrong, still find it hard to take in but we have a con majority who would have thought based on the polls eh! but hats off to them lets hope we are not regretting it later, as for UKIP being trashed nothing further from the truth, the proportion of vote would have given them about a 100 seats under PR system but we have 1st past the post, so lets build on it how many second places were achieved ? mainly in labour strongholds. ( what happened to a vote for UKIP is a vote for labour?)


Sad to see Farage fall on his sword perhaps he will become chair backing Carswell? good points seeing cable Balls and Alexander disappear oh and not to forget perhaps the end of that traitorous cretin Galloway.and the inevitable break away of Scotland in the not to distant future.


so to end tip of the hat to you con men you won and quite decisively at that.




Huge respect to you KW :good: We both think the same of old smug Balls too

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Huge respect to you KW :good: We both think the same of old smug Balls too

Yep fair do. I was going to rip the p out of you KW but after your post I would feel guilty doing that. Damn.

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Yep fair do. I was going to rip the p out of you KW but after your post I would feel guilty doing that. Damn.

carry on its justified, how bloody wrong can you be? still hate the smug get (plum gob) mind




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That's a shame u dinae want to come back to scotland.


Not wanting to insult the irish or urself, but u do know they are no longer part of the UK for quite some time and it was quite a bloody independence, and even more recent history have set quite a few bombs in the mainland trying to get a united Ireland.


Just seems slightly hypocritical not to travel to scotland as they had the audacity to have a peaceful vote (which they voted to stay in the union) yet u will happily travel to a country that was possibly sympathetic to ur country/armed forces being bombed and killed



Must admit it is a shame when folk feel like u do Whitebridges but i must admit all this negative feeling on both sides i feel the same and have done for years, i very rarely travel to Eng despite living so close to it, in the last 10+ years my only travel down to work my dogs on the grouse.

Doubt i'm going to look on any more semipolitical threads in the future, just not worth reading some of the comments.

We have a week in Scotland every year, never had anything but friendliness. (Oban this year)

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