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Oh Joy


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there will also be a stiffening of attitude towards those who are transphobic (look it up :) )

what like this for 3 year olds!!!



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How has it come to this?

Quite simple we have allowed ourselves to be controlled by self serving bigoted unelected minority pressure groups, aided and abetted by PC freaks who truly believe words are louder than actions.



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One way street again, toughen up the laws against Islamophobia but do ****** all about hatred coming the other way, is Christian-phobia even in Millepede's vocabulary ??


I know it should be covered by the all embracing "on the grounds of race, religion gender" etc but has anyone ever heard of a prosecution or even a police caution against an ordinary middle easterner on the grounds of racism against blue eyed Europeans. (Don't mean old hookie type radicals)

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He would do better by exploring why folk feel hostility to certain muslims but strangely not any other race or religion.


It's a cyclical thing, a few decades ago Jews were demonised, before the Wall came down the US had no need to invent new enemies as it had its fun and games with the evil Commie's remember ? :rolleyes:;)


They could invade Vietnam and play proxy wars with Russia who of course had to be stopped from making Afghanistan into a Communist state. The whole North/South Korea thing also came about from the US fighting the commie ******** who had to be stopped or they'd take over America.


Eventually it'll blow over and we'll be looking for the next bad guy, could be the Chinese, could be back to Russia although my guess is since they can fight back it might take rather different routes.

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When I first read that article, I thought, "what kind of person would come up with such nonsense?" Then I saw this picture of the head teacher responsible, and everything became clear...



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