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Allow North of England to join Scotland


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norfolk dumpling

Posted 31 minutes ago

I've just read that Sir Digby Jones (CBI top dog) says Tories should give Ginger Midget full fiscal autonomy and let her bankrupt Scotland. This was mooted during Scots Referendum debates - can't recall who but article today in the Press reminded me. Scotland is a bit of a basket case (very high unemployment, obesity, poor health, alcoholism etc with 75% living in social housing) hence why Barnett formula gives them £2-300 per person more than English councils get. She (GM) may be a good talker but has she thought it through if Scots have to collect taxes etc and pay the bills. The article in the Express also detailed some of the 'cracks' in SNP's strategy. Watch this space!

Well there you go then eh. If its in the express then it must be true. Put it down the toilet with all the other brown stuff.

:) Pushkin

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Scotland is a bit of a basket case (very high unemployment, obesity, poor health, alcoholism etc with 75% living in social housing) hence why Barnett formula gives them £2-300 per person more than English councils get.


75% social housing? Reference?



Scotland's economy (without oil) is only very slightly behind the r-UK, with oil it's ahead.


But, the country is geographicaly massive, and services like education, hospitals and policing are relatively more expensive to provice. This is why we get more per head under Barnett (and N Ireland more per head still).

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Scotland is a bit of a basket case (very high unemployment, obesity, poor health, alcoholism etc with 75% living in social housing)


bit harsh that, mind you I did think this looked odd was a park in Dalkeith, must have been watching the kids on the swings.




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bit harsh that, mind you I did think this looked odd was a park in Dalkeith, must have been watching the kids on the swings.



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:lol: whats wrong with a spot of light lunch but you can see what the problem was some fool removed the back of the chair

Edited by islandgun
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bit harsh that, mind you I did think this looked odd was a park in Dalkeith, must have been watching the kids on the swings.



That's NOT a park in Dalkeith


They're a couple of MidLothain Council SNP advisers on a lunch break

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That's NOT a park in Dalkeith


They're a couple of MidLothain Council SNP advisers on a lunch break




In other local council news...


We had council elections at the same time as the General Election. A few days prior to them I had an envelope delivered, addressed to me, sent out by a group called Mexborough First. I opened it up and had a quick skim of the contents. Their message was


"We are Mexborough First, a political group formed with the sole intention of putting the people of Mexborough, FIRST.

Throughout the year we will be lending our support to many campaigns in Mexborough to make sure its residents get the best possible service provided to them."


Now my seat is so traditionally Labour that a chimpanzee with a red ribbon round it`s neck would still win it. I expected much the same in the council elections. However as MF were the only group that bothered to send me any literature I thought what the hell and voted for them.


Well surprise, surprise MF didn`t just win the council election, they absolutely annihilated the Labour party candidates, winning all 3 seats by a large majority. Of course Doncaster council is still mostly Labour but at least the town will now have a voice. And who knows, with the success of MF maybe other towns will follow suit and start to vote in local groups who actually care about the area that they live in and represent.

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The vote in the GE was nothing to do with independence, it was a vote for a socialist ideology and a vote against Westminster establishment.

The big conspiracy theory, believed by a surprising number of people, is that the referendum vote was rigged by Westminster when they realised they were going to lose it. After the no vote returning officers the length and breadth of Caledonia have been seen ordering new cars, booking expensive holidays etc. (allegedly)


This sort of stuff (and worse) is doing the rounds daily on the various blogs and websites. Oh and stuff about whisky as well, what they don't realise is the makers of most of the whiskey in Scotland are foreign owned companies, not even British.


Im not even going to mention the oil, how they think that oilfields way out in the North sea, geographically closer to Iceland and Norway than they are to Scotland belong to them just shows a complete ignorance of the facts and the history.


The SNP supporters know how to wind up the a good story when they have a mind to. If you think the GE vote wasn't a rerun of the referendum in all but name we will have to agree to differ

Edited by Vince Green
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The big conspiracy theory, believed by a surprising number of people, is that the referendum vote was rigged by Westminster when they realised they were going to lose it. After the no vote returning officers the length and breadth of Caledonia have been seen ordering new cars, booking expensive holidays etc. (allegedly)


This sort of stuff (and worse) is doing the rounds daily on the various blogs and websites. Oh and stuff about whisky as well, what they don't realise is the makers of most of the whiskey in Scotland are foreign owned companies, not even British.


Im not even going to mention the oil, how they think that oilfields way out in the North sea, geographically closer to Iceland and Norway than they are to Scotland belong to them just shows a complete ignorance of the facts and the history.


The SNP supporters know how to wind up the a good story when they have a mind to. If you think the GE vote wasn't a rerun of the referendum in all but name we will have to agree to differ

I see and read an awful lot of the conspiracy rubbish too and quite frankly it is laughable. It is really quite scary that there is a genuine belief that some of these theories are true.


So far as the nationalist zealots are concerned then everything to do with the SNP is a vote for independence, I am in full agreement with you there, but the GE vote was absolutely not a re-run of the referendum for everyone who voted SNP.


Scotland has a very curious approach to political ideology and it is heavily weighted in socialism, at least it has been for around 40 years or so and will likely be for another 10 or maybe 20, but the pendulum will come back.


This vote was a reaction to the referendum, but not purely around dissatisfaction of the result, but at the behaviour of Labour in particular. There is very strong anti Tory sentiment here as you know and when Labour shared the No platform with the Tories and under a Tory leg government there was a very real sense of being let down by the Labour vote, it is a reaction of sentiment and not nationalism.


Nicola Sturgeon has been seen as the voice of socialism in Scotland and she is an impressive politician. She argued that Labour were simply 'Tory Lite' furthering the feelings of animosity and she benefited from it hugely. The big challenge from the SNP is retaining that vote and converting it into desire for independence, that is a much harder job.


It is too easy to look at the result and listen to the SNP supporters rhetoric that this result is somehow a mandate for independence, Salmond was very much off message when he hinted at that on the morning of the GE results. Sturgeon has been at pains to stress this isn't about independence, it is about the socialist message, as she doesn't want to alienate the new voter support, she sees it for what it is. The acceptance speech of every SNP MP had the same content, this is about a stronger Scottish voice in the UK, it is about anti austerity, etc.


That is why there was vocal support from traditional Labour areas and voters in England too, as we saw nationally there is lots of dissatisfaction at Labour and here is this conviction politician from Scotland saying what so many people think. She plays to her stereotype very well, she is the wee woman done good from a very ordinary background, she is seen to speak honestly, she doesn't appear to assume superiority, she is not afraid to pull her punches. She resonates with a lot of traditional Labour voters. In fact I bet that Labour wish they had a Nicola Sturgeon in their ranks to be their new leader.


They played to the audience and got the result. Hugely impressive campaigning it was too. They had at least ten times the amount of canvassers out on the doorsteps as the other parties combined, they won people over by their commitment to the cause that the people wanted to see championed, which was anti Tory.


Sure that is only possible because of the grass roots support and desire for independence by a significant amount of people who mobilised themselves for the SNP campaign, there is also a highly charged sense of political engagement in Scotland just now too, but don't conflate the GE result with a desire for independence.

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So if the north of England wanted to, or was allowed to join Scotland (by a vote) where would the line be drawn, where exactly does the north of England start and the south begin, I bet you wont be able to agree on that one. :lol:


Was, quote "Vote for SNP to keep the Conservatives out" not meant to work the other way.


Anyway just to clear up a little, not all the PW members from Scotland voted for SNP same as around 49% of the population of Scotland who took the time to vote, some of us did not fall into a trap. We, the Scots, Welsh, Northern Irish and English have what we have at Westminster for the next 5 years. Who knows what will happen next year in the SCC (Scottish County Council) elections. Maybe Jim Murphy and Gordon Brown will try for a Scottish seat in Edinburgh ?

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As Grr says, Sturgeon explicitly stated that this was _NOT_ a vote for independence.


I don't believe her, she's playing the long game, but in the short term they can't claim this as a mandate as they explicity said it wouldn't be.


I think there's a fair bit of dis-satisfaction UK wide that the government is too London centric, in my eyes a large part of the SNP

support was an 'anti-establishment' message.



During the independence referendum we were told that we could have a new country set up in 18 months. Now they're

saying FFA could take many years to implement, only because they know what the impact would be. One of their

senior SNP MSP's recently said that FFA would be 'economic suicide', they knew this 6 months ago.


I don't trust them as far as I could throw them.

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BBL, the map that I have seen is a line drawn from the river Dee in North Wales to the Humber, going around the south of Manchester and Sheffield.


I still absolutely believe the majority don't want independence, if there was another vote just now I suspect that it would get pretty much the same result.


Nial, I agree whole heartedly, I don't trust them either. I don't believe they will call for another referendum until they were confident they have around 60% of the vote share.

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Almost Danelaw.


BBL, the map that I have seen is a line drawn from the river Dee in North Wales to the Humber, going around the south of Manchester and Sheffield.


I still absolutely believe the majority don't want independence, if there was another vote just now I suspect that it would get pretty much the same result.


Nial, I agree whole heartedly, I don't trust them either. I don't believe they will call for another referendum until they were confident they have around 60% of the vote share.

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There is no way on this earth i want anything to do with Mrs Kranky and her party they are all lunatics but not quite as bad as the bigger Loonies who swallow their lies and vote for them Scotland are very welcome to the lot of them!!!!

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Almost Danelaw.

I had to look that up. I wish I were more knowledgeable on British history.



I dont get this talk of another referendum, It is simply not possible to have a referendum every year until you get the result you want, people are not stupid. Im pretty sure the SNP are very happy the way things are just now


I think it is all really social media driven by those who wish the result had gone the other way. I suspect the SNP are rather happy just now too.

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IMO it's where the north/south divide that's often spoken of derives.


I had to look that up. I wish I were more knowledgeable on British history.




I think it is all really social media driven by those who wish the result had gone the other way. I suspect the SNP are rather happy just now too.

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