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Adnams, Adnams, Adnams - again **** management can spoil it. Best on the Suffolk coast and even better when no tourists about.

Agree, Adnams when kept well takes some beating, especially Broadside, taken in moderation.


Although have to be loyal to my local brewery Shepherd Neame and recommend Late Red when available.


Anyone had Betty Stogs lately - she gets around a bit !

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Thunderbird I would recommend a trip to the Blue Anchor in Helston and take a tanker with you! Spingo is wonderful stuff!




now theres a man who knows his stuff!


ive spent many a helston flora day sat drinking spingo on the kerbside at 7.30 in the morning. wonderful stuff! :lol:

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I used to really enjoy a pint or 2 (or 3 or 4) of Doombar but find myself opting for something different now, i find it needs to be kept perfectly to make it drinkable, one slightly dodgy pint gives me guts ache. From down that neck of the woods I prefer a pint of St Austells Tribute.

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if you can get it, betty stogs by skinners is cracking stuff.in fact, I'm off on a brewery tour there tomorrow evening... :)


as much as you can drink and a pasty for £16. bargain! :good:


Had a pint of the Betty Stogs in a pub in Kent a few weeks ago and it wasn't good at all .


In it's defence the pub was pretty quiet, so I can only assume that the beer had been stood in the pump for some time. I'm going down to Bude in August , so I will give it another try when I'm down there.

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Little stays the same.


I remember getting legless on Newquay Steam Lager, when we were on holiday in St Ives - late 1980s. I was arm wrestling - pathetic really - with a power lifter from Nottingham, who suggested trying some. Is it still being brewed?

They made a bitter as well that was lovely but short lived

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I had a Betty the weekend before last fin a wonderful little pub called the 'The Compasses' in Littley Green just north of Chelmsford. Owned and run by the original Ridley brewing family. It also happen to be our shoots local too.


A proper old country pub with proper beer.




Agree, Adnams when kept well takes some beating, especially Broadside, taken in moderation.

Although have to be loyal to my local brewery Shepherd Neame and recommend Late Red when available.

Anyone had Betty Stogs lately - she gets around a bit !

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When I worked in Falmouth 20 years ago (God was it that long ago?) the Quayside Inn was a 'proper' real ale pub (it certainly ain't now) and the downstairs bar always had about eight ales on. It did cracking food too and was brilliant. In the upstairs bar they also used to have an amazing array of single malts too.

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I used to really enjoy a pint or 2 (or 3 or 4) of Doombar but find myself opting for something different now, i find it needs to be kept perfectly to make it drinkable, one slightly dodgy pint gives me guts ache. From down that neck of the woods I prefer a pint of St Austells Tribute.

Nah, Proper Job!


If on a suicidal bent then the Walter Hick's Navy Rum is milk of amnesia (72.5% abv).

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In recent years I have found that some small local brewers here in Wales have produced some lovely beers, and until yesterday I thought Doombar fell into that category of a locally brewed beer which had found a wider audience. Disappointed to here otherwise. Well my experience of the stuff has always been good so I will continue to drink it when I see it for sale.



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A great pint!



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Proper job is a nice pint and I prefer it to tribute but I will always go for a Skinners or most other Cornish beers above a St Awfull beer.

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I'm lucky as we have a good local firm in Lewes called Harvey's Brewery. They make proper beer the propose way, and plenty of varieties. If you are ever in Sussex you should give Harvey's Armada a try, it's much better than their Best and a very good pint it is.

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I'm lucky as we have a good local firm in Lewes called Harvey's Brewery. They make proper beer the propose way, and plenty of varieties. If you are ever in Sussex you should give Harvey's Armada a try, it's much better than their Best and a very good pint it is.

Coincidently, we've just this minute come back from the Shipwright's Arms cracking little old pub at the head of Oare and Faversham creeks where I had a lovely pint of Harvey's - smashing pint. Don't think it was Armada but beautiful all the same.

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