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Water bowl problem , any ideas ?


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My new pup has settled in well but I have a issue with his water.


It started by him tipping his bowl over , I solved this by building a frame the bowl sits in .


The problem is that now he scrats all the water out of the bowl and takes it out of the frame , this I solve by putting a heavy rock in the bowl and then filling with water .


But he still scrats all the water out within minutes of me putting it in !


Thats fine while I am their but I dont like the thought of leaving him for a few hours with no water , especially in hot conditions .


Any ideas how to solve this ?

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One of these fenboy.


I have solved the tipping the bowl over problem , but he still pulls all his water out so I would have the same issue with one of those .

Would it help to try and raise the bowl off the floor by about 8-10 inches? Might be harder for him to get his paws in but on the other hand he might knock the whole thing over unless you make it really sturdy. I guess he thinks it's a bit of a game but I agree, in the hot weather you could do with a solution


This is what I am currently trying I have filled a bucket up with rocks and sat the bowl in the top and put another rock in the bowl itself .

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You might need to fashion up a clamp of some sort to hold the bowl in if he starts knocking it about.


Was actually talking about this at the weekend, some dogs get obsessed with it and continue doing it their whole lives regardless of the size or shape of the water bowl so try and stop it now.

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You might need to fashion up a clamp of some sort to hold the bowl in if he starts knocking it about.


Was actually talking about this at the weekend, some dogs get obsessed with it and continue doing it their whole lives regardless of the size or shape of the water bowl so try and stop it now.


There was a picture on Facebook of a dog with one of those type clamps stuck in it's gob, god knows how it had done it.

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I've built insulated timber boxes round my dogs drinking bowls, more for insulation to stop them freezing but bowls also sit in a hole cut in timber/insulation so can't move and with the lid dunno if a dog would play with it the same?

Also keeps the sun of the water so keeps it fresher for the dogs.


Think i would be trying to train/reward the dog for not doing it and possibly a growl/Oi when it does it, like WGD says wot starts of as a few mins fun could become addictive and lifelong.

Mibee giving the dog some bones to chew on or more toys to play with might help? If a boredum thing

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Making the bowl unmoveable is not the issue , the dog is unable to move the bowl , he just scrats all the water out with his paws , I tried raising it up but he is still getting into it

I just brought a non spill bowl to try as I thought it will be more difficult to empty , 10 mins in and the lids been pulled off !


I have now fixed the top on with screws so will see if that helps, I don't want to be telling a young pup off just yet if I can help it .

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What are you feeding him on? If dry food, feed it very wet so he gets water that way and take the water bowl away, offering it to him for a few minutes at a time and removing it when he starts messing around with it.

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What are you feeding him on? If dry food, feed it very wet so he gets water that way and take the water bowl away, offering it to him for a few minutes at a time and removing it when he starts messing around with it.

He is mainly being fed on raw meat but with some wetted skinners puppy , he was on a raw diet when I got him and is gradually being weaned onto complete.

Touch wood the latest effort seems to be working!

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Have u tried a travel bowl? The dearer 1's from pets at home are excellent ad a couple for years in my van.

They have a plastic lid like a spaniel bowl but also have a fake floor that rises and falls with the water level so only ever a tiny bit above the fake floor. The lids are pretty secure, infact usually a pain to take apart to clean


A mother will soon tell a pup if it does something wrong, a growl/Oi/No in a low voice followed by praise in a high voice plus a treat as soon as stops. If this habit becomes self rewarding and the pup enjoys it it may carry on throu life, if u can nip it in the bud now before it develops into a problem.

Not sure how old ur pup is, and while ur not training them u are trying to condition them as soon as u get them (sitting for food/sitting on whistle for feed and blowing the recall whistle for feed) ur trying to encourage good habits while trying to discourage bad


I'd also be looking at if there is any caises? Could be boredum so put some toys/chews or meaty bones to chew

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Are you using a Plastic or steel bowl? My 10 week old Lab was tipping his metal bowl, Swapped it for a plastic one and he stopped? I think he could see a reflection in the bottom? Maybe i was just lucky with a easy fix? Plus Lab's love water? Im sure mine is part fish!

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I managed to sort the issue a week or so ago , tried the bowl with a weight in and raising it to no avail.

The solution was a anti spill bowl with the top screwed on , bowl screwed to a board and a heavy block from a old storage heater fixed under the board !

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