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FAC/SGC no good as proof of ID?


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I needed clearance for working in a nuclear site, I showed my sgc they said it was possibly the best I'd you could have.

I once turned up at the trident war head site my old place of work sent me all I had was the address, wen I got there sniffer dogs armed police round my van , I'd left some Carts in the glove box, I had a right performance explaining them

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When HM Government name SGC/FAC as one of the 10 acceptable proofs of identity for individuals....https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/proof-of-identity-checklist/proof-of-identity-checklist


It beggars belief that silly little twerps in banks and the like refuse to accept them when performing money laundering regulations checks as laid out by HMG (The Money Laundering Regulations 2007 require appropriate identity (ID) evidence to be provided when certain transactions take place), when the very department that drew up those very regulations stipulate a SGC/FAC is one of the 10 acceptable forms.

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Sorry, but I wouldn't be using either my SGC or a FAC if I had one for ID :no:


What are you thinking?


Hi My name is ****** and I have guns in my house?


Call me a cynic, but is that not a bit silly???


You dont know the person your showing it to has no past, nor current connection to gangs, or criminal rings etc :no:


Have you ever thought how many people might know you have guns? Anyone you buy anything gun related from online for a start A courier who delivers an item marked from "so and so firearms"? Anyone seeing you walking into your house with a gun? The postman seeing post from you local FET?The dustman seeing an empty cartridge box in the recycling? The list is big and I suspect a lot of them might be a bit more shady than someone who works in the bank. And this is all assuming anyone really gives a damn.


I don't use my SGC or FAC as ID purely because I rarely carry them with me, but I would have no qualms about using them if I did.

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Could the problem be a lack of awareness as to what a sgc/Fac actually looks like.

I've just asked my friends sister if she knew what a sgc/Fac looks like and she said no (she's a bank cashier).


But surely bank staff can read.


As my bank, Lloyds, clearly state that SGC's & FAC's are acceptable I would expect a bank employee to check the list of acceptable documents and then read what the document I provided was called.


This is what Lloyds state:

Which documents are required? If you are a UK citizen living in the UK, you can identify yourself by taking one of the following documents to your local branch: • A current passport. • A current full UK photo driving licence containing your present address. • A current UK firearms certificate. • A current UK shotgun certificate. • A current Northern Ireland voters card

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I would agree, and as mentioned earlier in this thread, the police generally advise against it.

Have you a link to that police advice. ? :hmm:





Treasury Solicitor’s Department is now calledGovernment Legal Department
The Treasury Solicitor’s Department (TSol) was a non-ministerial government department that provided legal services to the majority of central government departments and often represented government departments and other publicly funded bodies in England and Wales. Original birth certificate (UK birth certificate issued within 12 months of the date of birth in full form including those issued by UK authorities overseas such as Embassies High Commissions and HM Forces) Local authority council tax bill for the current council tax year EEA member state identity card (which can also be used as evidence of address if it carries this) Current UK driving licence (but only if not used for the name evidence) Current UK or EEA photocard driving licence Bank, Building Society or Credit Union statement or passbook Full old-style driving licence Original mortgage statement from a recognised lender issued for the last full year Photographic registration cards for self-employed individuals in the construction industry -CIS4 Solicitors letter confirming recent house purchase or land registry confirmation of address Benefit book or original notification letter from Benefits Agency Council or housing association rent card or tenancy agreement for the current year Firearms or shotgun certificate Benefit book or original notification letter from Benefits Agency (but not if used as proof of name) Residence permit issued by the Home Office to EEA nationals on sight of own country passport Inland Revenue self-assessment or tax demand National identity card bearing a photograph of the applicant Electoral Register entry NHS Medical card
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Have you a link to that police advice. ? :hmm:



The met Web site advises against it.And if the cynic in me was to comment I am sure there is a little bit of trying to impress the little girl at the bank or wherever that look I have guns.I have seen threads in here where under no circumstances do some carry their certs when shooting in case they get lost.So why carry them to town when a driving licence will do.

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The met Web site advises against it.


Have you a link, if so why do government agencies advice that an FAC is acceptable form of ID.


.gov.uk/government/...of-identity.../proof-of-identity-checkli.Group 1 and group 2 valid identity documents Group 1 Passport EU National Identity card Identity Card for Foreign Nationals (ICFN) / Biometric residence permit Driving licence (full or provisional) UK/Isle of Man /Channel Islands/EU; photocard Birth certificate (UK and Channel Islands) - issued within 12 months of date of birth – full or short form acceptable including those issued by UK authorities overseas, such as Embassies, High Commissions and HM Forces HM forces ID Card (UK) Firearms licence (UK) Adoption certificate (UK and Channel Islands)


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The met Web site advises against it.And if the cynic in me was to comment I am sure there is a little bit of trying to impress the little girl at the bank or wherever that look I have guns.I have seen threads in here where under no circumstances do some carry their certs when shooting in case they get lost.So why carry them to town when a driving licence will do.

:yes: And there it is! It took a while but I knew it would come. There's always a little 'dig' eventually with your comments eh Mick; you just can't resist it can you? You claim something and someone posts evidence to the contrary, but instead of simply accepting it you try a little put down with a snide comment. I doubt very much the 'little girl at the bank' was impressed; for a start she was middle aged and told me my passport would have been better. Some young thing may be impressed with a shotgun license in the big cities, but I can't see anyone being impressed by a shotgun license around here.

The Met Police advise against it but certain Government dept's policy state it is quite acceptable. It's advice, take it or leave it.

I have a full driving license somewhere in the house, I also have a passport somewhere in the house, but my FAC/SGC go with me whenever I use my vehicle because they live in a jacket which I take with me each time I use my vehicle.

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:yes: And there it is! It took a while but I knew it would come. There's always a little 'dig' eventually with your comments eh Mick; you just can't resist it can you? You claim something and someone posts evidence to the contrary, but instead of simply accepting it you try a little put down with a snide comment. I doubt very much the 'little girl at the bank' was impressed; for a start she was middle aged and told me my passport would have been better. Some young thing may be impressed with a shotgun license in the big cities, but I can't see anyone being impressed by a shotgun license around here.

The Met Police advise against it but certain Government dept's policy state it is quite acceptable. It's advice, take it or leave it.

I have a full driving license somewhere in the house, I also have a passport somewhere in the house, but my FAC/SGC go with me whenever I use my vehicle because they live in a jacket which I take with me each time I use my vehicle.

I actually claimed nothing other than and I say it again so there is no confusion.some forces Advise against.And as yet nobody has proved otherwise.Also my quip about impressing the girlie was not aimed at you or any other single individual.Perhaps you jumped a little to soon

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I actually claimed nothing other than and I say it again so there is no confusion.some forces Advise against.And as yet nobody has proved otherwise.Also my quip about impressing the girlie was not aimed at you or any other single individual.Perhaps you jumped a little to soon

Fair enough Mick. I can see from re-reading my post I've given the impression I was implying you were proved wrong; my apologies, that is not what I meant.

What I meant is that I think it was more a matter of you accepting that government policy states it is an acceptable form of ID, despite what some forces may advise. You also perhaps missed the part in which I told the cashier that she couldn't copy the certificate as you claim some do.

I don't think I jumped too soon; your comment was obviously aimed at someone.

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Am I the only one who finds it hilarious that in todays paperless society, when I like many others, no longer receive bank statements, utility bills and such like by post and not being in receipt of any benefits and with my passport being away for renewal the only permissible documents I have are my driving license and FAC.


So, bearing this in mind, I'm off to a bank tomorrow to open an account and impress a pretty girl at the till when I flash my FAC !!

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