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Goose gun from the past


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It won't be seen on the foreshore very often if folk keep them locked in the house will it now?

Has I said this gun was returned to its antique status and retired which now are only reminincence, also the tubes sealed the touch hole and the shield on the hammer nose prevented the tubes from blown out of the touch hole.


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Maybe this image will help


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Has I said this gun was returned to its antique status and retired which now are only reminiscence, also the tubes sealed the touch hole and the shield on the hammer nose prevented the tubes from blown out of the touch hole.


What was in the tube as the igniter? Were these tubes sort of home made and filled with fine black or were they bought? I've never seen one. Was the reason that it was retired because of general condition or was it because the tubes weren't available. I wonder what stories the old gun could tell. Imagine the original owner taking delivery of it and taking out onto the marsh. Magic from a bygone era and workmanship that has passed by. being out in the wind and the drizzle on the wind at twilight. Magic

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What was in the tube as the igniter? Were these tubes sort of home made and filled with fine black or were they bought? I've never seen one. Was the reason that it was retired because of general condition or was it because the tubes weren't available. I wonder what stories the old gun could tell. Imagine the original owner taking delivery of it and taking out onto the marsh. Magic from a bygone era and workmanship that has passed by. being out in the wind and the drizzle on the wind at twilight. Magic

These tubes in the image are home made the original ones had a butterfly on the end for easy handling .The homemade ones were primed with fultimate just the same compound has the percussion cap ,the person from who I bought the gun gave me all his loaded tubes and when all used I then returned the gun to its antique status which was 30 years ago.I then changed to a s/b 4 bore percussion gun




4 bore percussion Fowler


Edited by Feltwad
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