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Jamie Olivers Capri


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The olive oiler is sporting a cracking MK1 Capri in his new food show, cream coloured with a matt black bonnet., trouble is you dont get a proper look at the badges to see what it is. not even good shot of the back, at least then I could see the exhaust/s.


Any classic car chaps on here tell me what it is? GXL, XL, Sport?


I'd flog all me guns tomorrow to buy that peice of history if it came up for sale. Almost bought a MK5 Cortina 2.3s the other week it was in mint condition. Still kicking myself for not buying it.

Edited by fatchap
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Not seen the show or the car but MK1 capri with twin headlights only ones i knew about were the RS 3.1 Essex bassed V6 engine or in europe the RS 2.3-2.6 and 2.8s cologne engined examples.

Of course he could have fitted the headlights from an RS 3.1 to anything, the other capri mk 1s had smaller square headlights and bit bigger facelift square lights the last few years of the mk 1.

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The original 3 litre had the same headlights as the others models and two spots. I had one in purple and silver with a vinyl roof.

Later Mk 1s had twin headlamps on the 3 litre only. I had one of these with the standard oblong lights (as in smaller engine models) and a stage one motor so a bit of a Q-car.

My taste has improved since then.

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The original 3 litre had the same headlights as the others models and two spots. I had one in purple and silver with a vinyl roof.

Later Mk 1s had twin headlamps on the 3 litre only. I had one of these with the standard oblong lights (as in smaller engine models) and a stage one motor so a bit of a Q-car.

My taste has improved since then.

I did not know this thought they would just have been the standard facelift bigger lights, My Wife as a young lass has a 1970 3 litre mk 1 it had the small square lights. was a bit of a beast for back then, remermber her once suprising me how close she stayed with me on my Suzuki GS1000 around some back lanes one night. Quite a torquey motor the old V6.

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If thats olivers car, its a 1969-1970 pre facelift 3 litre, the bulge on the bonet gives it away. Smaller 1.3s 1.6s and even the 2 litre V4 essex had the flat bonnet with no bulge.

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Oh those were the days, when you could actually see what was what under the bonnet, no stupid computer technology and central locking to go wrong. You could always tell a drinker by the scratches around the key hole. :yes:. In my early learning days with Allard turbochargers we used to do a single and double turbocharger conversion for the 2.8injection, along with a zakspeed square arch kit it was the business and would pull fifth gear as the standard motor did in third. Once took a mate out on a test drive, he was a firefighter so should have been made of tough stuff, half an hour on the M50 had him wretching on the hard shoulder. Now I lift the bonnet on the wifes Zafira and I'm lost ( though I have got to know the egr valve rather intimately.) Remember the sierra 4x4 ?

Edited by Redgum
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If thats olivers car, its a 1969-1970 pre facelift 3 litre, the bulge on the bonet gives it away. Smaller 1.3s 1.6s and even the 2 litre V4 essex had the flat bonnet with no bulge.

Fraid not ,I'll see if I can scan some photos of my v4 2.0gtxlr in later with the mat black power bulge bonnet , one owner stock car when i got it

Eta I believe it was the letter "r" on the order sheet that denoted the Matt black bonnet

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Don't think the bulged bonnet was standard on 2 ltr, only 3 ltr. Lots were fitted to "lesser" models though just to make them look like a 3 ltr. I had two, a 3ltr GT and a 3ltr GTXLR. Several mates had them to, but I've never, ever seen a bulge on anything but 3ltr as standard.

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