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Shotgun Certificate Application/Girlfriend on Anti-Depressants


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Hi Everyone,


Im very new to shooting and am currently having shooting lessons at my local range.


I haven't applied for my shotgun certificate yet but I intend to. What I wanted to know is would the fact my girlfriend is on anti-depressants affect the chances of me getting a certificate. The reason she is on them is due to previous work stress and is on a low dose. There are no suicidal tendencies and the worst it normally gets is that she just does not want to go out anywhere.


Does anyone know if this would be a factor or not and should I mention it at the police visit?


Thanks for any help or advice you are able to provide.


Kind regards,




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Hi Everyone,


Im very new to shooting and am currently having shooting lessons at my local range.


I haven't applied for my shotgun certificate yet but I intend to. What I wanted to know is would the fact my girlfriend is on anti-depressants affect the chances of me getting a certificate. The reason she is on them is due to previous work stress and is on a low dose. There are no suicidal tendencies and the worst it normally gets is that she just does not want to go out anywhere.


Does anyone know if this would be a factor or not and should I mention it at the police visit?


Thanks for any help or advice you are able to provide.


Kind regards,




Your application should have nothing to do with your other half, it's not declared on the application, nor should you mention it at interview.


Get on, get your SGC and enjoy yourself

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Why would it be? She is not applying for a certificate is she?

As far as I am aware it is not a requirement when applying for a certificate that you disclose anyones but your own history!

In compliance to the terms of grant.......no one else should be able to get access to your gun........so why would anything to do with her health be relevant? And why would you mention it?

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As said.


Do be aware, if you live together (and are recorded as such, electoral roll,etc) that it's entirely possible that the FEO may want to speak to her about your application. This is done due to the Raoul Moat (and other) cases, where domestic violence was an issue, but there were no convictions. If this does happen, then also be aware that the FEO may well want to speak to her without you being present, to ensure no undue pressure is being used for the 'right' answers to be given.

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My buddy has just had his SGC refused on the grounds of his mental health history. He's been told that if he doesn't have an episode in th next 2 years that he can reapply and most likely be successful. You can't blame his FEO, but I do feel for him.


Anyhoo, getting to the point, his dad has shotguns which are kept in the house and my buddy lives in that same house. So no, just because there's someone at your address with mental health issues, it's not a show stopper for you.

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As said.


Do be aware, if you live together (and are recorded as such, electoral roll,etc) that it's entirely possible that the FEO may want to speak to her about your application. This is done due to the Raoul Moat (and other) cases, where domestic violence was an issue, but there were no convictions. If this does happen, then also be aware that the FEO may well want to speak to her without you being present, to ensure no undue pressure is being used for the 'right' answers to be given.

very well said, she lives with you and she should be able to have her say on this matter. taking anti depressants is just the same as someone taking meds for underactive thyroid or diabetes or any other think the body is not making . its a chemical inbalance in the brain , and the meds are there to balance things out. got for your SGC and she may even enjoy having a go herself . i wish you both well , and good luck

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My ex was on them while we were together and I had my sgc . I was placed on them when she left and kept my sgc and even applied for my fac a year later after I'd come off them .

It's the people not on them that's the problem :(

My friend took his life with his shotgun and I've got his face stuck in my memory with the saying " you've got to laugh at life " while laughing. No one was aware of his problem

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The only reference to third parties I know of is the following extract from the Firearms Procedural Good Practice Guide 2002 which is also refered to in the Firearms Guidance.

On a personal note, unless you or your girlfriend volunteer the information I don't see how they would know.


• Consider character and third parties (family, friends, associates, other residents) and where appropriate conduct PNC/CRO and criminal intelligence checks. Considerable care must be taken when conducting these checks as there is likely to be an infringement of Article 8 of the ECHR. The Family, Friends and Associates of the individual applying have a right to respect for their privacy and family life and Firearms legislation makes no provision for this right in respect of these persons to be interfered with. Any such interference must be shown to be necessary in the interests of public safety, for the prevention of disorder or crime, or the protection of the rights and freedoms of others.

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I've just been through the process of renewing my tickets and the only thing that was asked about the other half Was, Was she the only one that lived in the house? There was no other questions about her or the kids at all. Surely they must know that although other people should have no access to the guns that in reality other parties do know where the keys are kept and as such do have access to a weapon and ammunition. None of the many feos that have been have ever asked questions about the wife or kids or even spoken to any of them other than to say hello as they passed by in the house. None of the feos have asked anything about did the wife like me having guns in the house or whether any of the kids had mates that had been in trouble or anything. The only thing that has been spoken about on the last two applications is that I should keep some sort of record of the amount of ammunition that I am reloading. No one knows what anyone will do but there are usually signs that an individual is a nutter who needs help and looking at but generally no one realises what they are going to do until it is too late and a serious and fatal situation has occurred. Who thought that the young German pilot would fly that plane of innocent passengers into a mountain and distroy everyone. If your girlfriend has no access to the guns then there is no problem anymore than Fred over the road being on tablets.

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Surely they must know that although other people should have no access to the guns that in reality other parties do know where the keys are kept and as such do have access to a weapon and ammunition.


I don't know how it works in your house, but here only myself and my wife (both SGC holders) have any knowledge of where the keys are to the shotgun cabinet.

I am the only FAC holder, and only I know where the Rifle cabinet keys are.


Anything else is a breach of the conditions of your licence. You risk revocation for not keeping your guns secure, and the other person probably risks prison through having unlawful access to firearms !

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I don't know how it works in your house, but here only myself and my wife (both SGC holders) have any knowledge of where the keys are to the shotgun cabinet.

I am the only FAC holder, and only I know where the Rifle cabinet keys are.


Anything else is a breach of the conditions of your licence. You risk revocation for not keeping your guns secure, and the other person probably risks prison through having unlawful access to firearms !

Since I posted I have asked five other scg and fac holders that I know about this and all of them have said that their wives either know or would have a pretty good idea of where the keys are should the need arise. Now we all know that this isn't right and third parties are not to have knowledge and therefore access to weapons that they are not holders of but there you go. I have an ammo safe and the keys are in there and the key to that is in another place known to me, so I think that I have all bases covered. I still bet that in most places the wife knows how and where. i've never heard of a partner helping themselves to a weapon and strafing up the locality though.

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