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That's it then, gotta vote "in"


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Now Cameron's posted the facts it means I'd be foolish to vote out, and everyone know's Cameron's honest and trustworthy. :rolleyes:


Can any of the "In" voters confirm this to be the honest truth, I think it is as it closely resembles everything else they've said :lol: :lol: :lol:


Edited by rodp
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Ask me, i live in holland and have some eu experience.........


Run, get out, go !


al it brought us is misery, if we only could turn back time ......


We have, oh we have!


When will Holland be holding a referendum then Mark?

I don't think that the Dutch government will allow one to be held, in fact it would not surprise me if the EU banned referendum in EU countries about remaining EU members!

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I don't think that the Dutch government will allow one to be held, in fact it would not surprise me if the EU banned referendum in EU countries about remaining EU members!



I did wonder if that might become a problem, but as WE are on our way out of the EU mess, I will watch and see.

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