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Brexit debate in Parliament today


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I have watched quite a bit today and what is blatatantly obvious is that the majority of MP's wish to quash it in all but name and keep the single market and immigration. Their contempt for the electorate and the vote we made is staggering. I have e mailed my MP to express my disgust at their contempt and arrogance, if you care I suggest you do the same. I would move a dozen or so out and send the rest up in smoke a la Guy Fawkes. Most wouldn't know a real job or life if it ran them over.

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Just a thought but if they trigger the 51 thing or whatever it is and after two years of negotiating the stay people want to have another referendum on it do they think that the EU are going to say ok you can stay in on the old terms I do not think so some how.


I have always thought that we should ether be in or out if in then we should do it properly join the euro and not have all of the opt outs you would not join a football club and expect them to change the rules just for you would you. That is why I voted out as I see it we never was committed to it so we should not have be in in the first place.

Edited by four-wheel-drive
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my biggest worry still is Mrs May..................i never liked her...but of recent i have warmed to her...and as i have said before ..she is good at talking the talk but rubbish at walking the walk.....if she can control her parliament...then she will do good.....if she cant we will be no further forward in 2 years than we are now.......

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It often seems as if Mark Carney is determined to make all his and George Osbornes predictions of disaster come true. Everytime he makes a public pronouncement things go downhill. Time we had a new Governor.



Edited by Kalahari
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Why don't we simply stop paying the daily £ umpteen million tomorrow?


I think Brussles/Strasbourg might notice then.


What's the worst they can do, throw us out?


The rest of the world's calling, it's time to go. NOW.

Been saying this since day one. What would the actually do, wluld we be breaking any law bu doing it? They may make one up so we cant???

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It often seems as if Mark Carney is determined to make all his and George Osbornes predictions of disaster come true. Everytime he makes a public pronouncement things go downhill. Time we had a new Governor.



Must admit, this thought occurs to me now and then also. I feel some are trying to talk us into another recession.
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It often seems as if Mark Carney is determined to make all his and George Osbornes predictions of disaster come true. Everytime he makes a public pronouncement things go downhill. Time we had a new Governor.




Part of my e mail to my MP if you want a successful Brexit then you need rid of Carney and Hammond, you are right Carney is doing everything he can to trash the economy. I would call him a traitor but he is simply a Mercenary still on Osbornes team.

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I have sent two today, copy below :


----Original Message----
Date: 12/10/2016 13:14
To: <andrew.stephenson.mp@parliament.uk>
Subj: Re: Brexit

Watching the news this am I see the tough stance spouted on Monday by David Davies lasted a day!! Whats the game good cop bad cop then blame Parliament when we have a total fudge. Wait for the riots to start if that is the stance, totally unbelievable the arrogance of both Houses of Parliament.
----Original Message----
Date: 12/10/2016 08:35
To: <andrew.stephenson.mp@parliament.uk>
Subj: Re: Brexit


I watched David Davies address the Commons on Monday and I must say I very much support his and Theressa May's stance on trying to deliver the democratic will of the people, I have been suprised by her firm stance under much pressure from people who still can't accept the referendum result. What I find absolutely appalling is the stance of the likes of Milliband, Clegg and Clarke who to my mind are commiting treason in their blatant attempts to undermine democracy, I sincerely hope they are totally wiped out of Politics come the next election. We voted to leave the EU it was a simple question that means cutting all their control over us and we were made fully aware of the potential consequences by the doom brigade. Leave therefore must mean no membership of the Single Market, total control over immigration, no EU jurastiction over our courts and an end to payments. The markets love volatilty and do all they can to create it but things will settle down, it is very early days and what is obvious is that they didn't originally believe we would actually leave fully. My last point and what I find very perplexing is what is James Carney still doing in a job, he has done nothing but try and make his doom laden prophesies come true since we voted out and Phillip Hammond is not far behing him, the leak of Osbornes totally biased report by the Treasury yesterday that was originally issued in April does nothing to settle things and if I was Theressa May and she really is serious about delivering a successful Brexit he needs to follow Carney out of the door.



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It sort of feels like the same old, same old thing is happening. The mp's are saying that they should have the say as to what happens but surely the people voted to leave and each vote was a simple one person one vote and the majority was out. Isnt this symtematic of the fact that the British people dont trust their politicians because they dont conect with the public and think of cushy jobs elsewhere. I dont see Boris standing up much now and what happened to UKIP. They should all be up for it combating all of the has been politicians in the house trying to drag their feet. still this next year there are elections in Europe and I'm sure that some will be issued their p45s. the Brexit negotiations might be in a completely different climate dependant on elections in other countries.

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I Have just had a look at the web site of my mp and it is months out of date. goodness only knows what he is up to or what he thinks. all of the info on his website is just political marshmallow. such as X declared his suport for local business or X supports health clinics.

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Carney (Canadian) is an embarrassment to himself, the BoE & UK in general.


He should never have stuck his nose in before the event and should have the decency to resign and disappear having been proved wrong.



Oh, sorry, he's another with his feet well and truly in the trough.

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