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Court Rules Against Government: Article 50


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Depending on the outcome of an appeal, it seems proper process may need to be followed...

What is proper process - telling your opponent what you'll accept before you start to negotiate and delay the start by petty fogging in parliament by those with a vested interest to stay in. In other words MPs want to ignore the electorate (again) and feather there their own nests -particularly the unelectable like comrades Corbyn and Abbot and what is left of the limp damps.

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What is proper process - telling your opponent what you'll accept before you start to negotiate and delay the start by petty fogging in parliament by those with a vested interest to stay in. In other words MPs want to ignore the electorate (again) and feather there their own nests -particularly the unelectable like comrades Corbyn and Abbot and what is left of the limp damps.

Proper process is parliamentary sovereignty, which is the bedrock of this country.

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I am in a bit of a dilemma with this as in many ways I do not think that it should all be down to one person Ie the PM we are supposed to a democratic country so it should be parliament that decides these things but on the other hand I just do not trust them as for the most part they do not represent the real thoughts of us even though we voted for them.

Edited by four-wheel-drive
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I am in a bit of a dilemma with this as in many ways I do not think that it should all be down to one person Ie the PM we are supposed to a democratic country so it should be parliament that decides these things but on the other hand I just do not trust them as for the most part they do not represent the real thoughts of us even though we voted for them.


Did you though ?

If you voted in the election,was the MP you voted for elected?

If not ,then you are not really represented are you?

Thats why the referendum was a popular vote by the people,everyone who bothered to vote got counted.

And thats why trying to disrupt that vote is so wrong.

Hopefully common sense will prevail.

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Did you though ?

If you voted in the election,was the MP you voted for elected?

If not ,then you are not really represented are you?

Thats why the referendum was a popular vote by the people,everyone who bothered to vote got counted.

And thats why trying to disrupt that vote is so wrong.

Hopefully common sense will prevail.


I hope so too, but unfortunately it is no longer common.

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That's Democracy :yes:


It is indeed ,and reading the article through ,it would seem that the various parties on both sides of the argument want nothing more than to be involved more in the process.

Even Labour have stated they will not hinder triggering article 50.

To try to overturn the result is political suicide,and well they know it.

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The referendum was democracy, this is an attempt to hijack the process. Whatever your views on in or out, you cannot describe this as anything other than a hijack

Bit paranoid aren't we... :whistling: you must be afraid, very afraid.. :lol: Surely you are not naïve enough to realise that the leaving process will take as long If not longer than the joining process ?..in fact may of us will be dead before it takes effect...if it ever does..


Like I said that's statute, passed by government by the democratic process , by Parliamentarians elected democratically by brexiters and bremainers alike.


We wont ever really leave :no: the European community.......Not in a million years.

I hope Parlaiment go with the majority vote of the people who they gave the vote to,its the only just way.

Yes they will ....democracy will prevail

It would be quite impossible for the Labour party to commit suicide as it is already dead.


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Our PMs have taken us into pointless wars many times killing lots of our solders and innocent people and mostly without asking parliament and when they did they got a bloody nose as the people do not want to get involved in all of these pointless wars.


The problem with this is our MPs are sent to parliament not to do what we want but to represent us and that can be two different things altogether.

Edited by four-wheel-drive
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UKIP must be laughing their socks off. From the shambles of a leadership election process, a few Bremainers have resurrected the party.


Democracy - they couldn't spell it.


As for all those who claim their motives were to get it debated in parliament, not stop or hinder it - I would need to see a polygraph strapped to their arm. I don't believe them.

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Bit paranoid aren't we... :whistling: you must be afraid, very afraid.. :lol: Surely you are not naïve enough to realise that the leaving process will take as long If not longer than the joining process ?..in fact may of us will be dead before it takes effect...if it ever does..


Like I said that's statute, passed by government by the democratic process , by Parliamentarians elected democratically by brexiters and bremainers alike.


We wont ever really leave :no: the European community.......Not in a million years.

Yes they will ....democracy will prevail



Wishful thinking ,from a man who most certainly does not do politics :lol:

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